Chapter 12: School sucks

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Peter could be in college. Why didn't he accept Tony's offer to put him in M.I.T? Why didn't he? He would much rather be in advanced physics then in this boring history lesson about king Henry the eight. He already knew about Henry the eight and his rain of terror. He was so done with learning things he already knew. He also, however, knew that he was definitely not taking his dad's offer. He wanted at least a semi normal life. That means highschool. That means boring English classes. That means being a nerd that's bullied. That means not fighting back with you super strength, even though you have it. Still, this sucked. At least he had his best friends, Ned and MJ. He would be lost without them. The bell rang, meaning that lunch time was here. Peter three his bag on and rushed out with the rest of the class. They all went straight to the cafeteria, while Peter took a left to find his friends waiting by the water fountain like usual. It was sort of a ritual. Peter and friends are late, they get to talk more, Flash torments them less, it all comes together. After chatting for a minute or so, they left and headed to the cafeteria. When they entered, the last people in line were getting food. They joined the back of the line, talked some more, and got food. They then went outside to eat, and sat by the fence. The talked.
"So Peter, how's life treating you?" MJ asked.
"Oh, um, good? I have a new Stark Phone, so that's good I guess. Press conference in a few months! That's good." Peter said uncertainly.
"Oh yeah!" Ned said. "Be sure to mention me!"
"Ha! I will." Peter smiled. Oh yeah, he would definitely would be lost without his friends.
"Okay, mention me to, loser." MJ said.
"I will, I will." Peter nodded. The two friends looked at each other.
"And mention Shuri!" They said at the same time. Peter groaned and put his head in his hands. He was definitely blushing.
"I don't- I don't like Shuri!" Peter stuttered. MJ raised an eyebrow. "Okay yes I do!" He squealed. MJ smiled.
"I knew it, loser." She smiled
"She's coming into town this weekend. I'm nervous." Peter explained. "I've known her for years."
"Have you asked her out?" Ned asked.
"Technically, yes." Peter said.
"How so?" MJ asked.
"We're getting ice cream and sandwiches with twenty dollars I won off of her." Peter said meekly. Ned rolled his eyes.
"Really dude?" Ned asked. "Oof."
"I know, I know." Peter sighed. "It's just friendly Amway. I don't think she likes me back."
"Don't think like that. It's not good." MJ declared. Peter laughed, nodding.
"Fair. Well, lunch is almost over. Let's go." Peter said, getting up with the rest of the group. They laughed for the rest of the day.

____________line breaker me__________

Peter was walking out of school. He knew Flash was coming, but whatever. He was right.
"Yo Penis! How's your internship going!? Oh right, you don't have one!" Flash jeered. His goons laughed along. Peter just shrugged.
"Believe me or don't." Peter said simply.
"Yeah. We'll see if your there at the conference when SI announces the heir. Apparently they being along the interns!" Flash shouted at Peter as he dashed out. Peter made it to Happy's car.
"Hi Happy! I'm here!" Peter said. He started telling Happy all about his day. So yeah. School sucked. But it also didn't.

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