Chapter 24: Holiday Pt. 3

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Peter was currently sliding down a waterslide. Yes, he was meant to be meeting his dad outside, but there was a waterslide. Abe was in front of him, along with Ned, and Shuri and MJ were behind him.
"Shouldn't we be meeting Mr. stark outside?" Abe shouted, worried.
"Nah, we'll be fine." Peter shouted in response.
"WEEEEEEEEEEE!" Ned shouted as they all splashed into the pool, laughing.
"Okay," Peter said, climbing out. "NOW we gotta meet my dad."
_____________tiny time skip___________

"We're have you been?" Tony asked.
"Waterslide. I know you said not to, but I did it anyway." Peter said.
"Kids." Tony laughed. They hopped in the car and talked happily as they drove to the airport.
"Okay, so here's the plan. After we drop Abe of at his house, we drop by my favorite ice cream place, (insert random name here). We eat ice cream there, (duh) and then head over to Disney's World." Peter explained.
"Disney's World?" Ned asked.
"It's the Disney world they built here in New York. It opened up to the public as something they were doing while we were in Hawaii." Peter said
"That's what we're doing?" MJ asked.
"Yep!" Shuri and Peter

__is everything meant to be spinning_

Peter and friends watched Abe go through the door of his house, and they chatted for a minute before darting of for ice cream. Of course, paparazzi seem to be everywhere, so the gang quickly had to leave. It was fun, and Shuri and Peter ended up hiding in a tree while the other two lured then away. Then they ki- got out of the tree.

They went into Disney's World.
Peter rode every rollercoaster he could with his friends, and everything was going well. A usual day. Then they stumbled across the Thompson's. All of them. At the shooting range, with bows and arrows. Peter was tempted to pick one up and put an end to his annoying enemy. Instead, he decided that shooting the targets was the best thing to do.

Peter was an excellent shot. He had trained with Hawkeye for years, and picked up skills fast. So, when this happened,
"Yo, Peter!" Flash shouted. " I challenge you to a shooting competition. For fun."
Peter had no doubt he was gonna win.
"Sure. Five minutes to prepare." Peter agreed. Flash nodded and then of ran laughing to his parents.


"Great job, son!" Mr. Thompson said.
"I've been training with a bow and arrow for six months! There's no way he'll beat me. He probably hasn't had any practice at all!" Flash bragged, grabbing his bow and arrow.


Peter overheard Flash because of his superhuman hearing, and laughed quietly. Six months!? This dude didn't stand a chance.


"Flash, you first." The station operator said. Flash nodded, took a stance, and shot at the target. He achieved the inner blue ring.
"Hahaha!" Flash laughed. Peter stepped up. He took half as much time as Flash and scored a bullseye (obviously).
"Next is blindfolded." Operator person said.


Flash completely missed. He was three feet off. Peter couldn't refrain from laughing, and laughed pretty hard.
"Let's see you do any better!" Flash shouted. Peter nodded, took a blindfold, and took his turn. Another bullseye. "How are you this good!?"
"I trained with Hawkeye. I've been doing this kinda stuff my entire life." Peter said before walking away with his friends. They laughed along behind him.

Fluff chapter.

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