Chapter 10: A Mistake

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Peter was being Peter. He had fallen asleep a bit early, because you know, school. He had also fallen asleep on the ceiling, because Spiderman. When he woke up, his first thought was, is dinner ready? And then second, why was the TV on the ceiling? He stood up, and because he had forgotten he was on the ceiling, lost balance and fell on a very surprised Clint.
"Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry!" Peter apologized.
"What's going on?" Natasha and Wanda said at the same time.
"HE FELL ON ME!" Clint shouted. It wasn't long before Tony, Steve, Bucky, and Sam where there.
"What happened?"
"Oh no."
"Tell us what happened."
"Okay." Peter said. "I fell asleep on the ceiling, woke up, didn't know I was on the ceiling, fell on Clint." There were a lot of laughs before Bucky went back to cooking. Peter did his homework. He was ready for patrol, and swung out. It was a usual evening, a couple muggings and drug dealers, but nothing much. That was until he was stopping a mugger, and he jumped a fence. He got stuck by his pants. This was going to be a fun capture. Peter let him go, but watched closely. The minute he tries to rob someone else, he was back on the fence with a sign for the police, hands webbed. It was easy enough. It wasn't until he got back did he realize that it was a school night tommorow. He had thought it was Friday, not Thursday! He collapsed into his bed and fell asleep. Waking up the next day was hard, to say the least. He had a grand total of four hours of sleep last night. He woke up at eight and got to school at nine. Finally, at lunch, Peter could rest.
"Your tired." Ned informed him.
"Really? I didn't realize." Peter groaned. "Thought yesterday was Friday." Ned and MJ laughed.
"Ah well." MJ said, sketching in her book.
"Mean." Peter said, resting his head in the table. He had a feeling he was about to do something stupid. He was.
When he finally arrived back at the tower, he fell asleep (On his bed this time). He had forgotten that it was prank war season, and woke up in a cuboard filled with balls. Groaning, he swam to the bottom of the cuboard and fell asleep once again. Why him? This was obviously Wanda's doing. How would he get her back for this? Either way, he would need Shuri. How convenient.

(Read updated chapter 9)

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