Chapter 17: Conference Tommorow!

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It was school. Thursday at school, actually. The next evening was the conference. It was his last normal days at school.
"Yo! What's up, penis? Ready for the big announcement? Will you be there with the other interns?" Flash shouted at him. Peter groaned and heard the bell ring. That had saved him. He dashed into his classroom, slowing down just in time that he doesn't get on trouble for running in the halls.
"Peter! Just in time! Take a seat." Ms. Kim said. Ms. Kim didn't have favorites, but was just kind. Many teachers in the school would have marked him absent. Peter wasn't usually late. Peter sat down in her English class, the one he sadly didn't like, and didn't listen.
"This is rubbish." Peter whispered under his breath. It was. Near the end of the class, they were being told the starter facts about Alexander Hamilton, there next subject.
"Peter. Could you please answer this question: Who killed Alexander Hamilton?" Ms. Kim asked.
"Aaron Burr, sir." Peter said.
"Oh, a musical fan?" Ms Kim asked. Peter nodded. "Well, pay attention a bit better in the future." Peter nodded again.

Peter was hungry. Luckily, it was lunch. And Ned and MJ were sitting at there usual spot.
"Ned! MJ!" Peter called.
"Peter!" Ned shouted.
"Loser!" MJ called back. Peter sag next to them with all the pasta he could find..
"I'm hungry." He said.
"Of course you are, loser." MJ said fondly. Peter nodded.
"Ugh, I can't concentrate!" Peter said.
"Why not?" Ned asked.
"shuriiscomingoverandimbuyinghericecream!" Peter said quickly.
"What?" Ned asked. MJ burst out into laughter. "What!?"
"Shuri is coming over and I'm buying her ice cream. And sandwiches." Peter explained.
"Oh. Oh. OH." Ned said, falling if the bench. Peter blushed severely. Ned MJ were laughing there asses off because Peter couldn't concentrate because of Shuri.
"Shut up." Peter said. The bell rung. "We need to leave anyway."
__________LINE BREAK LOL___________

Shuri was worried. Why? A not so stupid reason that she would not tell her brother. She was worried for Peter. Okay, yes she liked him, but did he like her? They'd known each other for years! And finally, there were going out together. For ice cream and sandwiches. But was it a date? Ugh! She didn't know! Also, it was one of Peter's last days in a normal life! Her best friend and crush! She needed to help him.
"Are we there yet?" She asked her brother.
"Shuri. Why do you wish to go so fast? We land in five minutes." Her brother said.
"I- am excited to see Peter." Shuri said.
"Is that why your worried?" Her brother asked.
"What? I'm not worried, brother!" Shuri exclaimed.
"Yeah, its pretty obvious that you both have pretty big crushes in each other." He said.
"You really think he likes me back?" She asked.
"Oh, yeah. It's dead obvious." He said as they landed. Shuri got off a little more confident. But still just as worried for Peter.
__________line breaker Shura_________

Peter was walking to a great ice cream place with Shuri. Walking and talking.
"So." Shuri asked. "Is this a date, or?" Peter blushed a little.
"Only if you want it to be." Peter asked.
"Yeah. I'd like that." Shuri said. In secret the both turned away and whispered "Yessss!" Under there breath.
"This is the great ice cream place." Peter said, holding the door open. They got ice cream for five of the twenty dollars. They had fifteen dollars.
"Now I want sandwiches." Shuri demanded. "Let's go."
"Alright! This way!" Peter said, running along giggling like children. When they got to the sandwich place, Delmers, they got one really big sandwich for $14.99 and ate it all in two minutes.
"You must be hungry!" The cashier laughed. The two nodded and headed back to the tower. Mostly because Peter had a conference and school tomorrow.


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