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{ M a s o n }
Song: Nikki ~ Forever The Sickest Kids (Acoustic)

Me: Haydennn! It's getting late! I'll meet you by the entrance, I'm there.
"Turn around." He says. I turn to see my brother there. "I'm there too!"
"I'm there three!" Justin shouts over the crowd. I blush and cover my face with my hair.
"What are you doing?" I ask, stifling a small laugh.
"Can I not walk around? This is a free country, is it not?"
"Alright, I guess it is. But it's a criminal offence to stalk."
Lili and Nat stand with Hayden and Finn to the side, looking confused.
"That's the only reason why I'm picking you up, I'm gonna stalk you."
"Obviously. Justin Hills, Bassist and Stalker. Sounds good."
"Of course it does. Is seven for dinner still okay?" I nod, smiling like crazy. "Dress nice, remember?" I nod again. "See you later then, properly this time, Mason."
"Bye Justin." I laugh and turn to my friends, leading them towards the exit.
"WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME YOU WERE GOING TO DINNER WITH JUSTIN HILLS?!" Nat shrieks as soon as we dropped Finn home.
"It didn't come up, we only arranged it a while ago anyway. He's not the Justin Hills to me, he's just Justin, I'm not a fan, I'm not gonna use him for money or anything."
"It's still Justin Hills." Nat shrugs, I turn left in my car. Luckily, she doesn't live too far from Finn. I don't have to deal with her constant nagging about it. "Out." I laugh. "Say thanks to your brother." She gets out and skips to her front door.
"There's that problem gone." Lili laughs. "To my house my trusty steed!"
"Lili, it's a car. You know that right?"
"Leave her to her imagination." Hayden teases from the backseat.
"Mom!" I shout. "We're home!"
"Hey sweetie, how was the concert?"
"It was amazing!"
"She's going on a date tonight." Hayden says, running up the stairs. Smart move kid, I would've killed you otherwise. "With a band member!" He shouts.
"His name is Justin, and we are just going for dinner. He's picking me up at 7. We met him at the beach yesterday and I ran into him at the concert."
"I'm fine with it! I've been waiting for you to get a proper boyfriend, not that Evan kid. Go get ready, knock Justin out of the water."
I smile and run upstairs.
Unknown: Hey it's Justin, just checking you didn't give me a fake number!
Me: Uhm whooo? Kidding! If you mean Mason, then yes I'm Mason.
I save his number.
Justin: So what's your address?
Me: Creep, but here.
I send him my address and charge my phone while I'm getting dressed.
It's 5:30 now. I'll be ready in no time!
I pick out a nice black dress and slip into it. My hair has stayed decent enough, so I brush it and leave it as it is. I apply my favourite deep red lipstick and eyeliner. I look decent enough. "Shoes." I mumble to myself. "Converse." I say to myself again, looking for my black converse high tops. I put my white socks on, with a small lace part on the top and slip into my converse. The sock comes just above the top of my shoes and it looks cute. I grab my phone.
"Mason! Justin's here!" I run downstairs, tucking my hair behind my ear. "I figured you were looking for that." She points to the jacket hanging up on the bannister and opens the door.
"Oh, hello, is Mason here?" I hear him ask.
"Yes, come in. I'm her mother, Mrs Staplynn, you can call me Diane." Justin walks into the house just as I put my jacket on.
"Hey Mason," He looks me up and down in a good way.
"I dressed up, this is as good as it gets for a nineteen year old." I laugh.
"No, you look amazing."
"Thanks." I blush again and tuck my hair behind my ear.
"Ready to go?" I nod.
"See you later, Mama. You don't have to wait up for me, the spare key is under the mat." I smile and kiss her on the cheek.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her Mrs Staplynn." I take the chance to sneakily look at him, and he looks good. In a crisp white shirt and black jeans, it looks casual but cool. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Justin laughs as we get into the car.
"Can you tell me where we are going?"
"For dinner."
"You don't say." I laugh, rolling my eyes.
"It's a nice place, I looked it up online, so it better be good." I think he trusts the internet too much.
We talk for the rest of the way, it just flowed, no awkwardness. We mainly talked about music and his career, it was interesting.
He parks and runs to open the door for me. "Miss Staplynn."
"Thanks Mr Hills." I laugh. I know this place, I've only been here like twice, it's so nice here! But expensive. That's the down side. "Justin, this is expensive."
"I don't care. Money to burn." He laughs and leads me inside. I love this place, it's on the coast, downstairs is a bar area and upstairs is the restaurant area, both with balcony. I remember eating under the stars with mom, Hayden... and dad. Well, when dad was still alive.
"Uhm, a table for two please. Under the name 'Hills'."
"Yes, this way." The waitress smiles and leads us upstairs. Wow. He got us a balcony table, overlooking the beach. The waves are crashing in the background. It's awesome. We sit down and order drinks.
"This is amazing, Justin."
"Yeah, it's nice."
"Okay, for someone like me, this is luxury."
"I guess it is, tell me about you anyway. I'm a full of myself rockstar, that's what you think."
"Uhm, my name is Mason Giovanna Staplynn, I'm 19 years old and I'm in my last year of school. I take extra classes for dance and art. I suck at calculus. I don't mind English. Everything else sucks. For the record, I don't yet think you're a full of yourself rockstar. I love my music, I really love Of Mice & Men and All Time Low. I only live with my mom and brother, you don't have to worry about a protective father. I'm sure he would be..."
"What do you mean, Mason?" He asks, looking me straight in the eye with interest.
"My.. Well, my dad died. He was a soldier, a brave man."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. He was brave, valiant." I tear up.
"Aw, Mason. Shh." He lays his hand over mine which is lay on the table.
"I'm fine." I pick up the menu to distract myself and he smiles, doing the same.
The waitress hands me my pasta dish and I take a sip of water. "This is a great-" I think. "What is this?"
"I'd like to think of it as a date." Justin smirks.
"Yeah, like you'd want to be wasting your time with me."
"I'm not wasting my time. I wouldn't have asked you out otherwise."
I shake my head and laugh a little, starting to eat. My phone starts to go off, it's probably Lili and Nat again. I quickly turn it off and slip it back into my pocket, before shrugging off the jacket itself. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Justin staring a little. I bite my lip and run my hand through my hair, starting at the top and pulling all the strands out of my face.
"When do you leave again?" I ask and push my almost empty plate away from me.
"I actually have a week to do whatever I want, then we carry on touring east for a week, then I go back home to Florida."
"Ohh. Is Florida a nice place? I've never been anywhere outside of Cali." I cringe.
"What?! That's insane."
"We've never had the money." I shrug.
"I don't care, but you'll have to come to Florida with me, you don't even need a passport."
"Sounds good to me." I smile and blush.
Justin pulls into my driveway and I sigh, pulling my jacket tighter to me. We get out of the car and he walks me to my door.
"You know what? I had fun. Thanks Justin." I smile.
"I'm glad you did. So you don't think I'm a stuck up rock star?"
"No!" I shake my head, laughing. "I couldn't care who you are, how much money you had or anything. I had a great time with someone that I like." He cracks a smile.
"Can we do something tomorrow?"
"Like what exactly?"
"Something less expensive.." He laughs. "I'm only kidding. But a walk along the beach sounds good. I've always wanted to do that in Cali."
"What happened to money to burn?" I laugh too. "Pick me up at 11 then." I smile.
"Sounds great Mason."
"Of course it does! You'll be with me!" I wink. He leans down and kisses me. I smile against his lips and kiss back. "Now go, you'll be missed by the band."
"They couldn't give a shit." He laughs.
"Fine." He presses one last kiss to my lips and runs back to his car.
I don't care if we are 'moving too fast', I feel like I really like Justin. Tonight was perfect, it was what he deserved.
"And in just four minutes they knew each other for life."

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