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{ M a s o n }

I get myself dressed first, in a black skater dress and Dr. Martens, then get Evie dressed.
"I'll see you later then, Lili." I smile, running my fingers through my hair.
"Good luck." She hugs me and kisses Evie on the forehead.
I'll need the luck, I feel sick right now, and I can't just not go.
I pull into his driveway, I still know the exact route there, it's hard to forget. Evie looks a bit confused. "Daddy." I tell her, a foreign concept obviously, and pick her up. Palms sweating, I ring the doorbell.
"Mas." Justin smiles. "Come in, you always did."
"I did, there's the difference." I say and step inside. "I'm only doing this for Evie." I clutch her closely to my side, she cuddles into me.
We go into the living room, Justin looks like he can't believe it. Nor can I, never did I think I'd be back here. I wanted him out of my life, it's obviously impossible. I sit down, placing Evie in my lap. Justin smiles.
"Hey, little miss." He coos, tapping her on the nose. She giggles. "I'm your daddy."
"You can hold her." His eyes light up as I hand him his child, my heart melting at the sight.
"Why, Mas?" He asks.
"Why what?" I don't quite understand what he's asking.
"Why did you leave it this long? I could've funded you, I've wanted to see her for so long." Tears look like they're threatening to spill out of his eyes.
"Why not, Justin? You were paranoid over me, you'd be worse over Evie. She's just a baby, she can't do anything. She doesn't understand the father concept." He rolls his eyes and studies Evie, taking in every detail of her cute little face. "She looks like me." He says. "Just with your natural blonde hair." I nod agreeing with him.
This could've been my last six months, I've missed him. I don't want to admit it but I do.
"How are all the guys?" I ask.
"They're good," he shrugs. "Well this is awkward."
"Well, excuse me for trying, Justin. Do you think it's been easy for me these past months?" I snap. Evie starts to whine. I take her back and rock her gently until she stops crying.
"Mother hood looks good on you, Mason." He smiles. I just nod my head.
"This was a bad idea." I murmur.
"Look, can we at least be friends? For Evie's sake?"
It's getting more comfortable now, we're catching up after all of these long months.
"Hey baby." A woman snakes her arms around Justin's neck. She shoots me a dirty look. Well, okay then, bitch. How dare she look at me like that! Like I was some piece of trash! What a bitch! What does he see in her?
"Hey Linds, this is Mason." He tells her. "And my baby girl, Evie." She fake smiles, it disappears as soon as Justin isn't looking.
"Uhm, Justin, can you watch Evie? I want to go make myself a coffee."
"Sure, you know where everything is." He smiles and takes Evie off me.
I stand up and walk into the kitchen, memories flooding back. I make my drink and his girlfriend comes in.
"Ha, I don't know what he ever saw in you. Just a desperate teenager, her only claim to fame is that she's had his child. Pathetic really." She sneers.
"Huh?" I look right up, I could slap the smirk off of her face. "It's not a claim to fame, we loved each other once, I'm sure of it."
"Yeah, and you won't get him back, he's mine now, bitch. I mean, look at you, you're aged now, it's that stupid kid. He wouldn't think about you if it weren't for that little monster in there."
I laugh and walk over to the drawer for a spoon, and to look through the one next to it. "Oh obviously." I say, stirring my coffee, then pick up the pictures. "That's why he keeps pictures of us together." Shrugging, I flick through them.
"Listen here, he's mine now. You're not wanted, nor is that little devil child in there. You best stay away-"
"Hey ladies." Justin smiles and questions what I'm holding.
"I stumbled across them, I can't believe you kept these." I smile and put them away.
"We had fun." He smiles. "Especially in New York," I nod, agreeing. "Definitely."


"New York for Christmas? May be the best darn idea you've ever had, Hills." I smirk and kiss him on the cheek.
"Fucking cold though." He shivers and wraps his arm around my waist. "Is Ice Skating next?"
"Yes!" I squeal, putting a spring in my step as I do so.
"Ah! I can't skate Mas, just because you can dance!" He exclaims, gripping onto the side of the rink.
"Come on, Justin! Trust me, take my hand." I hold my gloved hand out, he takes it shaking slightly, I hold my other hand out and he does the same. "Now just push your feet along the ice." I say calmly.
"O-okay." He stammers and starts to glide across the ice in staggered steps. "Oof." He falls down, dragging me with him.
"Justin!" I laugh and pull myself up, and him after many attempts.
"I'm just no good Mason!" He sulks.
"C'mon, Christmas miracles? For me, baby?" I pout as some teenage girls come skating past. "Baby?" I repeat.
"Fine." He gives in and starts to move across the ice, staying in line with me. I drop one hand and he carries on, I drop the other hand and he carries on. "I'm doing it! Look babe, I'm doing it!" He exclaims.
"I know! Keep going!" I laugh and catch him up. "Justin, watch-" Too late, he falls flat on his butt after colliding with the edge of the rink.
"Help me up?"
"If I get a kiss." He sighs and agrees, I laugh and pull him up.
Eventually, he gets back into it and we skate around, me singing 'Still Into You' by Paramore, to make it cute and to sort of annoy Justin. "I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you! And baby even on our worst nights, I'm into you!" I sing loudly, gaining looks from a few, but not caring. Justin laughs and kisses my head.
"Shall we go warm up?" He suggests.
"Where? Everywhere in NYC is freezing." I tease. "Let's go get a coffee then." I smile and skate over to the edge.
Luckily, there's a small coffee stand right next to the rink.
We hand our skate back and Justin goes to get the drinks. I sit on a picnic bench and smile at an old lady on the bench next to me. Justin comes back and hands me my coffee, along with a kiss. "A coffee for my girl." He smiles. I laugh.
"You two are cute together," She smiles. "There's something special there, Kids."
We drink up and I make Justin throw the cups away so I can talk to the old lady.
"What did you mean earlier?"
"The way he looks at you, speaks to you, the way you do too. The way you were both skating around that rink, holding hands, laughing, you singing, you have a lovely voice dear, teaching him how to skate. It was adorable." She smiles. I smile too. Was it really?
"Want to go get some dinner?" Justin asks.
"Sure," I nod. "It was nice speaking to you, have a nice Christmas." I smile to the old lady and take Justin's hand, walking onto the busy streets.

*End Of Flashback*

"Skating, singing, laughing. It was fun." I smile remembering it all. 'Linds' glares at me. That's it. "Do you have a problem with me?" I snap.
"I don't know what you mean," She smiles sweetly, putting an act on. "Are you jealous, Mason? Are you jealous of us?"
"Lindsey! Enough!" Justin cuts her off.
"But you can't tell me enough," I remind him. "You can't. You should've heard the way she was speaking to me!" Justin goes and lies the sleeping Evie down on the couch, then comes back in, allowing me to continue. "She was bad mouthing me! Her exact words were that I was a 'desperate teenager' at the time, and 'my only claim to fame was that I had your child.'"
"Mason, calm down. That doesn't sound like Lindsey at all." He says. Lindsey smiles.
"She was talking about your daughter, Justin, how about that?! Huh?! Calling her a 'monster' and 'that little devil child.' Are you gonna stand for that?!" His eyes widen. "Just because you're now 'hers.' Possessive bitch. Here, have him. Like I care, he's possessive, just like you, have fun together."

{ J u s t i n }

I can't believe either of them at the moment. This doesn't sound like Lindsey at all, but why would Mason lie about something that sounds so vivid?
"Just because you're now 'hers.' Possessive bitch. Here, have him. Like I care, he's possessive, just like you, have fun together." Mason snarls.
"I don't know what you mean." Lindsey bats her eyelids.
"I could slap that stupid smile off your face." Mason says. I wouldn't put it past her to either. "And I will of you don't stop."
"Linds! Stop it! Both of you! I don't know who to believe!" I yell.
"I wonder," Mason says slyly. This isn't gonna be good, she's gonna knock Lindsey put of the water. "The girl you were once engaged to, has your child and was dating for over a year and half, or the new key chain version of me that looks like a freaking barbie doll."
There it is folks. Out of the park, there it goes. Home run.
She's totally right.
'Key Chain' version of her? Wow, her sense of humour still hasn't changed. Not one bit. She's still snappy, sassy and offensive at the same time. No one would stand a chance debating against this girl, that's what I admire about her.
She walks over to the drawer and pulls out a box. "You kept this too? Why?"
The engagement ring.
"Let me tell you this honestly, Mas. Incase you came back."
Lindsey laughs.
I make the decision.
"Lindsey, I think you should leave."

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