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{ J u s t i n }

"She'll be ready soon, don't worry." I tell the guys. Kellin is still quiet, he's lucky I didn't punch him. It's only for Mason's sake.
Someone walks out of her house, smiling, in a sexy black dress and she's coming towards us. She goes to the car behind us first, with Vic, Mae etc. in, then to us. I get out of the car. "Can I help you, Miss?" I ask.
"Miss? It's Mason." She laughs.
"Wow, Mas, I didn't recognise you. You look amazing." I trip over my own words and she laughs, still the same light and contagious one. "Can I get in the car, or not?" She laughs again.
"Oh, yeah." I scratch the back of my neck and open the door for her, she sits in the back, next to Kellin. Wow, that backfired. I should've let him drive.
I swear if he touches her, I won't hold back this time. I don't care of we're in the same band.
He's already looking at her. Of course she'd go for him, he's the lead singer, very rich and manages the charm the pants off any girl he meets.
And of course he'd go for her, she's practically off limits, we aren't that serious, but it makes sense. She's young, beautiful and sexy. Aren't I better off leaving them be if they do anything else?

{ M a s o n }

I get out of the car and adjust my dress, it got all twisted from sitting down. Ugh.
Justin wasn't kidding about dressing expensive, why did they choose to come here? It's outside of Cali, in the richer districts. It's a huge hotel like place, I don't doubt rich men come here to cheat on their wives.
I look at the fountain in front of me, the sign in front of me reads 'The Marigold.'
"Like it?" Justin asks from behind me and kisses my neck.
"It looks expensive, Justin. I bought enough money with me, I think."
"Are you kidding me? Mason Giovanna Staplynn, I am paying." He grabs my waist and turns me towards him, kissing my lips. I smile.
"Hey, guys? I know you're eating each other's faces off, but we'd like to eat food!" Jack yells. I laugh and push Justin towards the front of the group, I drop to the back, even behind Tony.
I just can't imagine how expensive this place is, it looks like a palace. And it's swarming with rich teenagers looking to get a drink and a booty call. That's all this place is, I swear.
I walk past a group of boys and they whistle and holler at me, I shake my head and carry on walking.
I think to myself and wander inside, adjusting my dangling earrings as I do.
I feel like I'm out of a movie and I feel like a million dollars, I'm glad I altered my look. No way would I be let in here with blue hair. I just look more grown up.
We're seated at a big table on the patio, over looking the gardens
The gardens were something else.
Full of flowers, fountains and statues. It was gorgeous.
"I always wanted a rose garden." I tell Justin and pick the petal off a red rose as I sit down. "They're always so pretty." I smile and crumble the petal in between my fingers.
"Mr Hills?" A woman smiles, she looks aged with a few wrinkles and hair thats going from a mousy brown to a grey.
"Hey, Natalia." He smiles towards her.
"Is this Mrs Hills?" She asks. I almost choke on my glass of water.
"No. No. No. No. You've got it wrong Natalia." Justin laughs. "This is Mason."
"Pleasure to meet you." Natalia smiles and comes in to hug me, I stand up to hug her and we kiss each other on the cheek in that posh and polite way. It's gonna take forever for me to get used to it. I'm not fancy at all. "You're a beautiful young lady, and that dress is exquisite." She smiles.
"Thanks you Natalia." I smile and sit back down, playing with the black material of my dress.
Kellin smiles from the other side of the table, I blush and look back down.
Unknown: Hey, it's Kellin, Justin gave me your number a while ago.
Me: Oh hey, why can't we just talk?
Kellin: I don't know, I just wanted to tell you that you looked really nice.
Me: Thanks.
I put my phone on the table and look across to Justin, who is hurriedly texting someone. "Problem?" I ask him. He shakes his head violently and tucks his phone into his back pocket. I shrug and look through the menu.
Who the hell is he texting? Why wouldn't he tell me?
I sigh and continue looking through the menu.
Everyone is laughing and talking, I just feel so out of place with all of them, and still so... Young.
Wait a second, where are Kellin and Justin?
"Mason? Mason, are you okay, doll?" Mae asks.
"Uhm, yeah. I just zoned out a bit, that's all." I smile and take a deep breath. "Can you order for me? I'll have some sort of Pasta. I just want to take a walk." Mae nods. Where is Kellin and Justin? That's what I'm going to find out, really.
I go inside first to see Justin walking away from Kellin, he's not looking too pleased.
"Justin? What's wrong?"
"Nothing." He snaps, I shrink back. "I'm sorry." He kisses me and walks back outside. Kellin scoffs.
"What is it now, Quinn?"
"He's not telling you the truth. That's all I'm saying. Your whole relationship is based off lies. He can't treat you the way I would." He shrugs and tips back the last of the alcohol in his glass.
"Kellin, no. I'm with Justin, please."
"And if you wasn't?" He raises his eyebrow. Honestly, I don't know the answer to that question. "Exactly. You look so good, Mas." He steps closer and twirls the ends of my hair between his fingers. I shiver.
"Please, Kellin. Please don't."
I didn't want to come here and do what I thought everyone would do here. Cheat. I couldn't, but right now I don't know.
"Can we go to the rose garden?" He asks.
"If you want to." I shrug and step away, following him outside and past out table, both of us trying not to be seen. He better not try anything, I don't know if I can help myself.

{ J u s t i n }

Vic's eyes widen as he looks over the grass to see two people walking towards the rose garden. "Hey? Isn't that Mason?" Jack says.
"With who?" Mae asks, looking up from her phone. "Kellin."
Where are they going? It bothers me. She wouldn't cheat?
Why do you care?
I think to myself.
You're the one who saw Steph and kissed her today.
"You should go check that out." Mae says, a warning tone in her voice. "I'll go with you."
We start walking towards the rose garden, thoughts are racing through my head.
Mae stops me from turning the corner and we listen.
"What do you plan to do when you graduate then?" Kellin asks.
"Uhm, I wanna travel with Lili for a bit, be free. Nothing major, go to Palm Springs, Mexico maybe." I peek around the corner to see her standing on a stone bench, spinning around a marble column. "I don't wanna be tied down, I wanna be able to do what I want." She leans on Kellin and jumps down, still graceful. "After that? I want to focus on a music career, Tonight Alive are a huge influence in my life, I'd love to be able to do something on that scale. I can only dream though."
"It's not stupid, don't think that. It's ambitious, you could do it, Mas." He says. She shrugs and twirls around, enjoying wearing a dress for once. "I've been writing, I haven't told anyone, but I have."
"Why are you telling me then?" She shrugs again. "Can you play it for me one day?"
"Sure." She smiles and sways her hips from side to side, so the bottom of the dress moves with her.
"Follow me down to the river, drink while the water is clean, follow me down to the river tonight, I'll be down here on my knees."
She sings.
{AN// Mason sounds like Taylor Momsen. I know it's a pretty reckless song, but pretend they don't exit. Eek! A lot of 'Mason's' songs are going to be theirs.}
Mae's eyes widen. "She's awesome." She mouths to me. I nod.
"I meant what I said, you look great. You are beautiful." Mason laughs at him.
"Shame, I have something called loyalty, Quinn. I'll see you around." She passes us, without even knowing we're there and we rush back to the table, luckily getting there before her.
"I'll be down here on my knees." She sings as she comes into ear shot and slowly sits down, being silent the whole time. I reach across the table and take her hand.
"What were you singing, babe?" I ask.
"Something." She smiles weakly. I give her a funny look. "Something I wrote. Okay?" She laughs.
"What's it called?"
"It's called Follow Me Down. It's laden with innuendos, trust me." She smirks.
"Is that so?" I tease. She rolls her eyes and starts to tap the table.

{ M a s o n }

We all finished eating a while ago, but they're all drinking now. Not me.
I still find myself tapping out a rhythm for my song.
"You keep doing that," Tony laughs. "What is it?"
"My song."
"Is that the one Justin has been going on about? He seems pretty impressed, if you can silence Justin, it must be good." He laughs again and looks over to Justin, who is flicking small bits of paper at Gabe.
He should only know one line, I sang some of the chorus to Kellin, that's four lines, how does he know the four then? Was he there?
"Hills!" I yell. He turns to face me. "Were you there when I was singing?"
"Y-" He hiccoughs. "Yup!" He exclaims.
"Have you been telling everyone?"
"Yup!" He says again. Drunk Justin is really honest and it's funny.
"Justinnnnn." I whine. "That's personal."
"That's dirty, but you still sang it to Kellin."
"Let's leave him out of this, Justin." I scold. "At least he was actually interested!"
"Interested in getting in your pants." Justin scoffs. He's overreacting so bad and everyone is watching us.
"You're a pig." I snarl and walk away, but he grabs my wrist. "Get off me." I pull my wrist back and start to walk away again.
"Oh, look, Cinderella is running again." Justin sneers.
I unzip my dress and throw it to the floor, along with my heels which create a loud bang.
"Narcissistic asshole, selfish dickhead." I mumble to myself and slip into some pyjamas. "Fucking snobby rockstar!" I yell and sweep everything off my desk, crying.
Me: Don't bother talking to me again. Smart move, prick.
I send to Justin and turn off my phone, chucking it over my shoulder, luckily it lands on my bed.
"Mason, honey, what's wrong?" Mom asks, rushing into my bedroom.
"J-Justin." I sob into her shoulder as soon as she hugs me. "He was being a pig, all because he was drunk and in front of his friends."
"Are you hurt?" She starts looking over my arms and legs for bruises.
"Nope, just a broken heart." I sob, then break down into even more tears.
"Get some sleep, sweetie. We can go shopping tomorrow, get Lili to come too?" She suggests.
"S-sounds great." I fake a smile and break down into more tears when she leaves.
I cuddle into my blanket and dig down the side of the bed for a teddy bear I had when I was a child, what? Dad gave it to me, it was the last thing he did.
"It's happened already, daddy." I whisper. "My first broken heart."
I cry myself to sleep.

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