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Authors note at the end!
{ M a s o n }

Nat begged me to learn a new song for tonight, it's called 'Stomach tied in knots', coincidentally by Justin's band. The song is amazing though, I'll have to perform it, I love the song itself.
I have my set list complete:
Fresh Start Fever ~ You Me At Six
Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Sleeping With Sirens
The Best Thing (That Never Happened) ~ We Are In The Crowd.
I'm pleased with it.
School was okay, no different to usual, I had basic calculus again, not basic enough for me. Everything else was great.
I'm prepared, now it's time to get ready.
I take a long shower, washing my hair thoroughly and then spending time blow drying it and making it pin straight.
Nat: The red and black dress with the lacy part
She already knows. I love my best friend so much.
Me: Don't worry, I'm already on it, black heels too! x
Nat: Good! Straight hair too! Lili and I are gonna meet you there.
Nat can read my mind. I love her and Lili so much.
"Where are you going dressed so nicely?" Mom asks, trying to sound stern, but she's failing.
"Laguna." I smile and sit down in front of my mirror to fix my makeup. I add eyeliner, with a flick at the end, a swipe of mascara and put my favourite dark red lipstick on.
"How did I get such a beautiful and talented daughter?" I hug her.
"I don't know, love you mom, I'm gonna go now, I'll be home later."
"Stay safe." She smiles. I grab my black coat and start to walk to Laguna on the beach front.
I wait outside for Lili and Nat, they can't be too long, but knowing Nat she could be only just leaving.
Lili arrives first, wearing a short black dress with a white lace scarf, her black and red hair styled to perfection.
Nat arrives around 5 minutes later, in a dark blue dress that's long at the back and short at the front, her brown hair pinned up. They both look really good.
We go inside and it's quite busy, Nat's cousin, also the manager, rushes over to me. "Got everything ready Mas?" He asks.
"I sure do."
"Right, you'll be on in half an hour, come backstage about ten minutes before." He grins, then giddily skips off behind the bar. I've always loved Rick, he's hilarious, definitely Nat's best cousin. I take off my jacket and leave it with them, before rushing off backstage.

{ J u s t i n }

This should be good, Cali's a talented area, I just keep hoping to bump into Mason again. I need to explain it to her.
"Ready bro?" Jack asks. I nod and slip into my vans, quickly checking my appearance in the mirror. Good enough.
"How'd you even find this place?"
"It's popular and I saw flyers around, it should be good!" Kellin squeals and skips a step as we turn the corner. It's on the beach front and we're not too far away. They all can get back quite safe if they drink too much
There's a lot of people inside, that's clear, I heard the chatter and loudness from down the street. I guess it's just that popular. Great, no tables.
"There." Gabe points to two girls sat at a big table, there's surely enough room for us there. "Hey can we sit with you guys, it's crowded and we can't find anywhere." Gabe asks them. Shit. They're Mason's friends, Nat and Lili, she's bound to be here.
"Ahh my-" The brunette, Nat, starts, Lili covers her mouth.
"Sure, whatever." Lili smiles, I sit across from her. "Although, I have to save one seat for my friend, ah there she is." I follow her gaze to see Mason walking on stage. There's a loud cheer, I guess she's regular and that good? She looks amazing, in heels and a gorgeous dress, she looks damn hot, not like she's never before.
"Hey, how you all doing?" There's claps and cheers. "I guess most of you know me, I'm Mason and I'm gonna be singing a few songs for you today. The first one is Fresh Start Fever by You Me At Six, off their album Cavalier Youth, check them out, they're awesome." I watch her intently.
"Oh, heart of Mine, sing a sad song, sing a sad song." She's great, I can see why she's up there. She looks so comfortable and she has everyone hooked onto her voice, it must be like fishing.
"Is that Mason? The girl you like?" Kell asks. I nod, smiling.
"Right, this one, my friend Nat begged me to learn for tonight, it's called Stomach Tied In Knots." Mason giggles and looks over to Nat. Her eyes widen. I guess she spotted us? More me than anything.

{ M a s o n }

Why is Justin in the audience? Why is his band here? And why is he sat with my best friends?!
Why am I singing his song? Ugh. I'm going to have to now, and I'm going to have to smash it, or it'll be embarrassing.
I think I did well, judging by the claps from Nat, she was the one who begged me to sing it, I enjoyed it.
"Last song now, I'm sure you're getting sick of me." I laugh nervously. "This is a bit of a jealously song, called The Best Thing (That Never Happened) by We Are In The Crowd. I know who this songs going out to." I stare at Justin as the music starts up.
For the first part of the song, I stay on stage, I know where I'm going though. As the chorus finishes, I creep down the wooden steps, careful not to fall in my heels. Justin wriggles in his seat, seeing what in trying to do. Yes, I'm trying to intimidate a 23 year old. Yes, it's working.
"Don't you get sick of only hearing your own voice?
Talk like you're so damn tough but you're just a little boy." I prod his chest and sit on the table in front of him.
"You like to think you've broke the mold but now I'm sure,
You'll crack just like the rest when I break your fucking jaw." The crowd laughs as I sing that part to him, whispering it into his ear and kissing him there, like I used to. Lili and Nat are holding in laughter, so are the rest of Justin's friends who are sat on the table with them. "You go." One of them laughs. I send a smile his way and make my way back to the stage as the song finishes.

{ J u s t i n }

"Don't you get sick of only hearing your own voice?
Talk like you're so damn tough but you're just a little boy." She prods my chest and slides onto the table in front of me.
"You like to think you've broke the mold but now I'm sure,
You'll crack just like the rest when I break your fucking jaw." She sings that part in my ear, kissing me there, like she's done before. All of the guys are laughing, I'm pretty sure Gabe got it on video, in fact 100% sure.
Who knew it? Mason Giovanna Staplynn was full of surprises, like embarrassing me in front of everyone.
I had to stop myself from just pulling her close to me, apologising and never letting go. Thing is, she knows I'm sorry, she just wants to play on it as much as she can.


Self promotion, but check out makeshift chemistry? My new crown the empire story, I deleted my old one, but I'm so confident in this one!
I'll love you even more, not possible tbh.

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