{ 22 }

816 19 4

{ M a s o n }

We sped down the coast, it took around two hours instead because of the traffic, not that we're bothered. It meant another minute of being loud and obnoxious teenagers, singing along to music that traditional Southern American families would find 'inappropriate.'
We don't care. It's that simple.
"I told you we'd do it, we'll make it further, trust me." I tell Lili and pull up in front of the expensive hotel we booked.
"I know." She smiles, I grab my duffle bag, swinging it over my shoulder and lock the car, following Lili inside.
The lobby was big, monotone, black and white, with a small marble fountain. We approach the white marble desk and ring the bell, gaining attention from the rather bored looking brunette behind it.
"Oh, hello." She smiles, fumbling around for her pen, she secures her hair with it somehow.
"Oh hi, we have a room booked under the name of Staplynn." She looks at me, asking me how to spell it. "That's S-T-A-P-L-Y-N-N. Everyone asks for it." I laugh and flick a piece of hair out of my eyes.
"Your room is 509, fifth floor, ninth room." She smiles and stands up to get us a key card, which she hands to me. "Have a nice stay."
"Thanks." Lili says for me, we walk away from the desk and into the elevator. "God she was stuck up." I laugh and shake my head, a habit I've picked up from Justin. Damn him.
We eventually find our room and open the door, it's pretty nice. There's two double beds, a TV, a couch and a bathroom, it's decorated very nice too. No wonder it was expensive. Whoops.
I dive onto the other bed, Lili's already claimed hers, and close my eyes. "I can see why Vic wants to live here, it's a gorgeous place." I say.
"Yeah. Let's look on the balcony." She pulls me up and unlocks the sliding door to reveal the city in front of us. Wow.
The sun is setting so the sky is a pinky colour and the night is young, most of the city is bright, but there's the last third that's enjoying the sun before it goes for the night. There's still people on the beach, some even starting small campfires. It's sweet.
I pull out my phone and take pictures of the city while I can, but then Lili switches the camera around and I must end up with at least 20 new pictures of us two messing around. We laugh at some of them.
"Can we order room service?" Lili whines.
"Sure, what do you want?" I ask, knowing I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich with fries, fries and more fries.
"Whatever you're having." She shrugs, that's normally the case. Why do I bother asking anymore?
I go back inside to the telephone in between the both of our beds and dial the short code for our room.
"Room service?" A guys voice picks up the phone.
"Oh, hi. I'd like to order two grilled cheese sandwiches, and fries with that."
"What room?" He asks.
"Room 509."
"That's fine, it'll be there in no more than half an hour." He hangs up.
I'm guessing he was quite a rude and arrogant guy, I could tell by his bored sounding voice.
It was quite amusing.
To pass the time, I put on some music, singing along to We The Kings, 'Check Yes, Juliet.'
We finish our food and I yawn. "I'm so tired. Driving is hard work."
"It'll be worth it, Mas. We can go to the beach tomorrow, go scouting for hot boys." Lili winks.
"But-" I'm cut off by my phone buzzing.
Braden: I've been thinking.
Me: Same, I think we should take a break.
Braden: I wasn't going to say that! But since you feel that way, goodbye Mason.
Me: Bye Bye Sweetie! (Sarcasm.)
"Let's scout for hot boys tomorrow then, I just broke up with Braden over a text. Mentally check that off my list."
Lili laughs. "Go to sleep, Mas. You're delirious."
"Night Lili!" I grin and turn off my lamp, lying down and closing my eyes.
That was much easier than I thought it would be. Yay!
"Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na!" I sing at the top of my lungs, jumping on Lili's bed to wake her up.
"Why are you singing My Chem to me?" She asks.
"Because I can, get up Biatchos, we're going to the beach."
"Spanish now, are we?"
"Oui." I nod and get my clothes out of my duffle bag.
"Mason, that's French. I can see why you didn't take languages. Ci, is Spanish... I think." She laughs.
I go into the bathroom, put on my bathing suit and a summer dress over the top, brush my teeth and then secure my hair in a messy bun.
Lili rushes in after me and I laugh, then start to put some things in a smaller canvas bag I packed, my towel, phone, earphones, key card slid into the back of my phone case and money.
We leave around 20 minutes later, deciding to catch a bite to eat on the way there, we stop at a beach front cafe and eat quickly, then carry on walking.
"I have an idea of which beach it should be." I tell Lili.
"Okayyyy. I trust you." She laughs and I check my phone for the picture once more....
This. Is. It.
{AN// The picture Mason showed Lili in chapter 17.}
Wow. The sands are golden, the ocean is a gorgeous blue and there's so many people our age here, it's ridiculous.
We find pay for some sun beds and lie on them. No way would I lie on just the sand, it makes me cringe.
Just no.
I put my earphones in and relax, breathing in the fresh air.
San Diego, I love you. Why can't I live here? Like, seriously? Ugh. It's so nice and pretty and modern, and I now think Long Beach sucks compared to this place.
"Can we go swim?" Lili begs. I nod and stand up, taking my earphones out and putting them right at the bottom of my bag. "You can't swim in your dress."
"Watch me, mate." I joke, but then take my dress off to reveal a black lace swim suit. It's pretty. "Race you!" I yell, catching her off guard. I beat her obviously.
"I suck." She whines. I nod, agreeing with her. "You're a real great best friend Mason." I nod again, smiling proudly.
I step into the water, wading down until it's to my chest.
Lili joins me, shivering and chattering her teeth. "Come on, Lili! Your game is weak! Of course the waters gonna be cold!" I laugh.
We swim around for a bit, but we decide to get out before Lili 'dies of some cold related disease' according to her.
"I'm gonna go get some drinks, cola?" I ask, she nods, I take some money and go to a vendor. I buy them and return back, well I try to, but I'm stopped.
"Hey, I've never seen you around here before." A guy shouts from behind me.
"You can't just assume." I roll my eyes and carry on walking. There's a group of a few other guys surrounding her. I run over. "Hey, fuck off will you?" I sneer and set the drinks down. The guy from earlier joins them. "Great, a whole gang of assholes." Lili shakes her head, I just lie back, trying to ignore them.
"You're just... We normally sit here." One of them says.
"Well, that's a shame. We got here first. Or is this the optimum place to pick up chicks?" I sass them. "I said it before, fuck. Off. Am I speaking a foreign language? Me and my friend are here on a short trip and we'd like to be left alone." I say, trying to coax them into leaving by being nice.
"They're not leaving, Mas. Just let them sit with us." Lili pleads. What has she got on one of these guys? I lie back again and out in my headphones, resuming the enchanting sound of Lorde. I notice them actually daring to sit around us, one even stopping to check me out. Ugh, guys. They need to make it discrete, how do girls get through their lives without discretion? They don't, or they'd be busted so many times for looking at a guys ass or something.
Lili's been talking to these guys; I've been ignoring them.
She pulls my earphones out. "Stop being anti-social, they're not actually assholes."
"I actually don't care, they're ruining our trip, I didn't drive here all the way from Long Beach to find more assholes, Lili." I roll my eyes, she sighs, but she's not giving up yet.
"C'mon Mason, you've got nothing against us. Sure we look like jerks, but we're better than that. I'm Billy." The one who I first met says, smiling. They all introduce themselves, I don't bother with them though.
I'm enchanted by Billy. He's adorable and really kind.
We end up talking, then he asks about my life.
"My life? Now that's crossing the line. I like to be mysterious." I laugh.
"It's true, only Justin and I can work her out, it's complicated."
"My life. There's not much to it, I'm called Mason, I'm 19, I graduated less than 24 hours ago and in enjoying freedom with my best friend. Justin is my 'it's complicated' partner. Because it really is." I shrug. "That's all there is."
"No, I'm just figuring you out. You don't want to tell me the rest."
"Exactly." He shuts up, taking a hint. At least he can, so I don't have to be brutally honest.
Justin: How's San Diego?
Me: It's great! Crushing round the streets, bought a car like the one in the 'Sing' MCR video, blasting 'Na Na Na' on it ;)
Justin: Oh Mason. You make me laugh ;)
Me: Aw yisss!
Justin: Stay safe, I'll see you in Florida on Friday!
Me: I'm excited! See you then!
It was Friday yesterday, meaning 6 days until Lili and I go to Florida. That's all.
"Justin." I tell Lili. She nods. "Only 6 days!" I exclaim.
"Wow, we must pack when we get back then!" Lili laughs. "And you have a show at Laguna too."
"Okay, Miss Boss Man." I laugh too and start to plan out my set list.
Definitely 'Death Valley' by Fall Out Boy, maybe 'Na Na Na' by My Chemical Romance. I still haven't gotten over the breakup and I refuse to believe it, so I just listen to that one song religiously for some reason. I'll think later.
"Mason performs," Lili tells them. "She's amazing!"
"Alright, Lili." I blush. She's so embarrassing sometimes. I zone out again, obviously not missing much.
Finished this chapterrrr! :D
I have 1.89k on Backseat Serenade! Will you help me get 2k please?
Next is gonna be a time lapse. I'm so proud of this book, it's doing so great!

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