Chapter 12

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Gerard ran a hand through his hair for the probably 100th time today before he sighed and dropped it by his side. It just didn't want to look good today, no matter what he did. He had styled it, hadn't liked it and then washed it, styled it again and didn't like it again. Hell, he had even brushed it. It hadn't looked good though. After he had brushed it, it got all frizzy and it made him look like a mad scientist. He let out a scoff and stripped out of his clothes to take a shower again. Gerard washed his hair quickly, getting rid of all the products he had put into it, and stepped out of the shower, drying his body and hair, and stepped infront of the mirror again.

"Okay", he said to himself and took a deep breath. "All good things come in threes", Gerard sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, got rid of most of the knots and took his towel again to get it as dry as possible.

"Gee?!", Mikey called down the basement stairs.

"Yeah?", Gerard called back and put the towel down.

"Have you seen my hair wax?".

"No, I haven't", Gerard called back and opened the small container of Mikeys hair wax. Gerard giggled as he heard Mikey grumbling, while he trudged back up the stairs. He would give it back later.

Gerard took a little amount of it, before spreading it on his palms, and started to massage it into his hair. Looking back up into the mirror, he nodded in approval. Yeah, this would work. He washed his hands quickly and grabbed his eyeliner. After he had rimmed his eyes with it, he smiled softly. At least that was something he was good with. He picked up Mikeys hair wax and walked back into his room with it.

Gerard had already put some clothes out for tonight. A tight red shirt, as well as a less tight, black, very ripped shirt, black ripped jeans and some accessories, like his red bandana, some bracelets and a few necklaces. He put the red shirt over his head and after that the black one. He jumped around a little while he put the jeans on. They're tight, okay? Leave him alone. He slipped the belt through the loops, put the necklaces and bracelets on and wrapped the red bandana around his left wrist.

"Are you sure you haven't seen it? I can't find it at all", Mikey whined and came into his brothers room as Gerard slipped into his boots. Gerard just pointed to his bed with a grin. "You bitch! You took it", he groaned and slapped Gerards arm gently before walking over into his bathroom, leaving the door open.

"It was a hair emergency", Gerard shrugged and tied his boots.

"Yeah yeah", Mikey mumbled and did his hair quickly. He applied some eyeliner as well, it was less than Gerards though, before he stepped in front of Gerard. His little brother looked pretty punk as well. A black shirt with a big, red lightning bolt on it, tight, black jeans and a chain around his neck, which he had closed with a padlock. "You look good. Like, all made up", he smirked.

"It's an important night", he shrugged but grinned.

"Wanna go then?", Mikey asked and Gerard nodded. They both put their leather jackets on, Gerard being glad that his arms were covered now, and walked up the stairs and outside to Gerards car. Mikey took a seat in the back. "I bet Frank can't stand still right now", he laughed and Gerard giggled.

"He probably already had ten beers or so to calm his nerves", he giggled more and pulled into Bert's street. He was already waiting outside and smiled as Gerard pulled up next to him.

"Hey guys", Bert greeted as he got in the passenger seat, the brothers saying a hi as a reply. The older leaned over the middle console and gave Gerard a quick kiss, making Mikey gag in the back. Gerard just shook his head and smiled as he pulled back onto the street, driving towards "The Ocean's". They stayed quiet for the rest of the drive. Gerard hummed along to the songs on the radio softly, Mikey looked out of the window and Bert kept looking down at his phone. The ride was only around 20 minutes and the silence was almost comfortable.

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