Chapter 22

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Ray stumbled out of his car and ran up to the front door of the Way house, not bothering to lock his car at the moment and knocking on the door. There wasn't a reply, so he tried to open the door, finding it unlocked, and stepped inside.

"Mikey?!", he called out worried, and closed the door behind him, walking towards the stairs slightly. He heard a whimper coming from the kitchen, which was quickly followed by a sob. Ray pretty much ran into it and stopped in his tracks as he saw Mikey sobbing and curled up in a fetal position on the floor, shirtless and with what looked like spilled coffee around him.

"Mikey", Ray whimpered, got down on his knees next to him and gently wrapped his arms around him. This seemed to rip Mikey out of the state he was in, because he wrapped his arms around Ray in an instant, holding onto him like his life depended on it. "It's okay, I got you", he whispered and kissed his head gently, trying to calm down the trembling boy in his arms. Ray gently took Mikeys hand in his and placed it over his heart, covering Mikeys hand again and pressing it against his chest so he would feel his heartbeat. Mikey leaned his forehead against his shoulder and looked at their hands, trying to calm his breathing down. The older started to take a few deep breaths, watching as Mikey mimicked him, his gaze not leaving their hands. "Better?", Ray asked softly and Mikey nodded.

"Yeah", he choked out and sat up a little more, while trying to stay as close to Ray as possible. Ray leaned down and kissed his forehead gently, making Mikey blush softly.

"What happened?", he asked carefully, looking at the state the kitchen was in, as well as Mikeys red chest.

"I-I", Mikey whispered and tears appeared in his eyes again, threatening to fall down at any second. Ray stopped him from talking by cupping his tear stained cheek gently, wiping the tears away with his thumb carefully.

"How about I clean up real quick and then we go up to your room and talk there, instead of here on your floor?", he suggested softly and Mikey closed his eyes and nodded, leaning into Rays hand slightly. The older leaned down and kissed his forehead again before standing up, pulling Mikey with him so he was standing as well. He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his naked chest, looking down at the floor. Ray smiled sadly and grabbed a towel, quickly wiping all the coffee away from the floor and placing it back on the counter. He then took Mikeys hand and gave it a small squeeze, making him look up at him.

They exchanged a silent look with each other before Mikey wrapped his arms around the others neck, Ray wrapping his around Mikeys waist and picking him up. Mikey rested his head against Rays shoulder as he got carried up the stairs and into his room, where Ray gently put him down on his bed before he closed the door and sat down next to him, their thighs touching. The younger was about to wrap his blanket around his slumped body to cover his chest, but Ray stopped him by taking his hoodie off and gently putting it on his body. Mikey blushed a deep shade of red and pulled the sleeves down over his hands subconsciously, the hint of a smile playing at his lips.

"Want to tell me what happened?", Ray asked softly and straightened his Metallica shirt. Mikey bit down on his lip a little and sighed.

"Gerard and Bert actually wanted to go to the theater today, but Gee came home early and he was all weird, like, he avoided my questions and only had short answers to them and he just looked so- so defeated and numb and like all the happiness got sucked out of him you know?", Mikey said and looked up at Ray, who nodded at him, placing his hand on Mikeys thigh gently.

"Because he wouldn't answer me, I thought that maybe something had happened that he didn't want to talk about to his brother, so I asked if I should call Frank and he fucking whimpered and begged me not to". Ray tensed next to him.

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