Chapter 3

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Gerard didn't realize that Frank was looking at him differently for the rest of the day. They sat together during lunch, and that was normally the time in which they would talk the most. Because, well, they could.

But not today. Gerard was too busy looking at his phone, texting with Bert. Frank tried not to get jealous, because he honestly didn't have a reason to. His best friend met a guy, so what? He knew that he was actually happy for Gerard. And he wanted to show him that. But he felt kind of... Betrayed, almost.

They sat together during lunch. During their lunch. This was the time they should be spending together. And yet Frank just sat across from Gerard, sipping on his Capri-Sun, because he was just that punk rock, and watched his friend staring at his phone display and not acknowledging Frank at all. Whenever Frank asked him something, Gerards replies would be kind of short:

"Have you listened to the new Green Day record yet?".


"Hey didn't you say that you were going to draw this comic? How far are you with it already?".

"Not that far".

And honestly, Frank gave up after that. He knew that Gerard wouldn't give him more of an answer for his other questions as well, and one-sided conversations are just a pain in the ass. So, he decided to stay quiet. Watching his friend and holding his Capri-Sun just a little tighter, as he saw Gerard blushing so badly, again.

"What did Bertie text you?", he asked, trying to sound genuinely interested. He knew he shouldn't be angry. Gerard deserved to be so happy and Frank, as his best friend, should be happy that Gerard was happy. And who knows? Maybe Bert will stop texting in a minute and then he and Gerard can talk and actually spend their time together.

The older looked up at Frank with a soft smile on his face. "He just told me that he likes my profile picture, the one I uploaded earlier. I didn't have one for my account yet and he said that I look adorable", Gerard giggled and Frank wanted to punch himself. He couldn't be jealous. He had to be happy for his friend. Especially, because he knew that Gerard had pretty much no one besides him to really talk to.

"What picture did you upload?", Frank asked him and leaned over the table to seem more interested. If he couldn't get Bert away for now, he should stay on Gerards good side. So, seeming interested, even though he really wasn't, should be right. And turns out it was, because Gerard grinned and immediately showed him his phone screen, with a picture of himself on it. And Frank started to blush a little, because he knew that picture already.

It was from the day Frank had gotten his car. It had been an incredibly nice day. The sun had been shining, only a few clouds were in the sky. It hadn't been warm, but it also hadn't been cold. It had been pleasant outside. He had picked Gerard up, and they just drove around for what felt like hours, blasting music and singing along kind of horribly, but yet so perfectly. Screaming like little girls at one point because Frank drove around a corner just a little too fast. Not hitting anything, but getting close enough to the corner of the street that something could have happened. After that corner they had been quiet for a few seconds, before laughing so long and loudly that Franks chest had begun to hurt and Gerard had gotten hoarse. They had stopped near the forest as the sun was about to set. They had walked deep into it and towards the small hill. It was their forest. Their spot. It had once been an old playground, the remains of an old set of swings, a slide and the old wooden crocodile were still there, covered in grass and mold. They always played there when they were still kids. The two had walked on top of that maybe 20feet high hill and sat at the very top, leaning back and just watching the sun set. And they were so pleased with each other, so free and just so happy. They just had to take a picture together.

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