Chapter 30

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"I've prepared some snacks for you in the kitchen but Frank knows where everything is", Linda waved off and smiled at the four boys in the living room, all four of them smiling back up at her. "Have fun and don't burn the house down!", she called out before she closed the front door behind herself. She didn't have to work today but she wanted to meet up with a few friends so Frank could celebrate his birthday better.

"So, what have you planned Frankie?", Ray asked, grinning as he looked up at him. Gerard looked at him as well, a soft smile on his face as Frank started to smirk.

"Well, I've already picked out some movies for later", he said and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his legs.

"How scary?", Mikey asked, crossing his legs under himself.

"Hopefully scary enough to beat the sequel to Donny Darko", the other shrugged and stood up, letting his hand graze Gerards shoulder, who blushed slightly at the contact, as he walked past him and towards the shelf with all their movies on display.

"Mikey?", Gerard said and his brother looked at him, the smile still on his face. "Can I talk to you?", he asked and the younger nodded, standing up as Gerard got up to his feet as well. He indicated Mikey to wait a second before he walked over to Frank, taking his hand in his own gently to get his attention. "I talk to Mikey real quick, okay?", Gerard asked, leaning a little closer to him as he talked.

"Okay. Do you want to talk to him alone?", Frank asked softly, squeezing his hand gently. Gerard nodded. "Okay", Frank send him a reassuring smile. "Take your time, Ray and I can wait", he promised and Gerard smiled at him, leaning down slightly and kissing his cheek softly, letting his lips linger before he pulled away, sliding his hand out of Franks and walking towards Mikey, who was waiting for him in the doorway.

"What is it you want to talk about?", he asked, following Gerard up the stairs and into Franks room. Gerard closed the door behind them and sat down on Franks bed, his brother sitting down next to him.

"Y-You know about all the bruises, right?", Gerard asked timidly and looked down at his lap, fiddling around with his hands a little.

"Yeah", Mikey breathed out, pulling his sleeves down so they covered his hands and Gerard had to smile inwardly at this gesture. "I mean, you have some bruises on your face right now too and they haven't been there before", Mikey trailed off. Gerard closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath, opening them again and looking at his little brother.

"They're from Bert", Gerard confessed, keeping his eyes on Mikey as he watched him go from shock, to anger, to sadness in less than two seconds.

"I'm so sorry, Gee", he said and Gerard saw tears well up in his eyes. "Fuck I'm so sorry", Mikey apologized and reached out, carefully hugging his brother and crying into his shoulder.

"Mikey", Gerard sighed and held him closer to him. "Why are you apologizing? You have nothing to do with it", he explained, gently stroking over his back in order to calm him down.

"I should have prevented it somehow", Mikey sobbed and looked up at him, big tears sliding down his cheeks, which Gerard wiped away. "I don't want you to get hurt".

"I don't want you to get hurt as well Mikey", the older sighed and cupped his brothers cheek, smiling a sad smile. "I didn't tell you anything because I was scared he would hurt you too and that is just something I couldn't allow to happen". Mikey didn't reply and just hugged his brother again, accidentally making him whimper as his arm pressed into one of the cuts on his back.

"Fuck I'm sorry", the younger apologized and quickly removed his arms, leaning back from his brother a little.

"Don't be, please", Gerard said and held him closer again, squeezing Mikeys smaller frame against his own and ignoring the pain that came with it. Mikey eventually hugged him back, a lot more careful than before, and rested his cheek against his chest, listening to his brothers heartbeat.

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