Chapter 14

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"Tell me what was up with him, okay? I'm worried about him too", Ray said softly as he turned his car off and looked over at Mikey, who was sat in the passenger seat. The younger nodded softly, gazing down to his feet and tugging at his sleeves, so they covered his hands a little. Ray didn't know if he did this knowingly or not, but it was oddly adorable either way. "It's gonna be alright Mikey", he sighed and gently put his hand on top of Mikeys, the younger immediately linking their fingers gently.

"I'm just worried", Mikey whispered, holding Rays hand a little tighter. "The last time he had an attack like that, was around the time he got-", he cut himself off, gulped and took a shaky breath. "I don't want things to repeat themselves", he whispered and finally looked up at Ray. His lips trembled a little and he had tears in his eyes, threatening to fall every second. Ray moved in his seat a little, his body facing Mikey and reached over to gently place his free hand on the youngers cheek, making him close his eyes and lean into Rays hand.

"Don't think like that, okay?", Ray kept speaking softly and leaned a little closer to Mikey. "Gerard is stronger than before and he knows how to handle attacks like that. He probably already feels a lot better now and is watching Star Wars or dancing around his room, singing along to Bowie". Mikey chuckled softly and closed his eyes, the tears in them fell down his cheeks, but Ray gently swiped them away. "And if he should get worse again, then we will be there for him. I will be there, Frank, Bert. As well as the best little brother he could wish for, and we will get him out of there". Mikey opened his eyes and met Rays gaze as he leaned forward and kissed the older gently, closing his eyes again as he relaxed. Slowly, Ray pulled away, but kept his hand on his cheek. "Now go talk to him". The other nodded and squeezed Rays hand, grabbed his bag and got out of the car.

After he closed the front door behind himself gently, he heard Rays car driving away. The fact, that Ray had waited for him to be inside the house before he left, made Mikey smile softly and made bats flutter around his stomach. Did bats flutter? Or did they flap? Mikey sighed and shook his head gently. He took his shoes and jacket off and walked up the stairs to his room, to drop his bag near his desk gently, before he walked back down the stairs and towards the basement.

The door was closed, but not locked, as Mikey knocked on the door gently. He couldn't hear any noise from down there, but he had a feeling that Gerard was still there.

"Gee?", Mikey called out gently and knocked again. No reply whatsoever. Not even the usual groan he would get sometimes. After he waited a little longer, still without a reply, he opened the door gently and peered inside. It was dark and quiet. No lights turned on, no music playing, no snoring or other signs of his brother being there. Mikey walked down the steps, turning the lights on as he did so, and walked into Gerards room. The light from the hall illuminated his room, making his action figures shadows appear huge onto the walls behind them. Mikey sat down on Gerards bed and looked around.

Gerard wasn't there. He wasn't in his bed or in the bathroom. The door to it was open and Mikey could see that no one was standing, sitting or laying in there. With a sigh he let himself fall back onto his brothers mattress. Closing his eyes, he took a few breaths, inhaling his brothers familiar scent. Where could Gerard be? He pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen. No new messages. Mikey let his phone fall onto the bed next to him and rolled over, hearing something crunch beneath him.


He quickly propped himself up onto his arms and looked down. It was probably one of Gerards sketches and he had just ruined it by crumpling it. He picked it up and smoothed out the paper, in an attempt to safe whatever was still safe able. That's when he realized that it wasn't a sketch, but a note, addressed to him.

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