Chapter 18

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Gerard knocked on Berts door gently, waiting for him to open it up and looking around nervously. He actually knew that neither Mikey, nor Frank, could know where he was right now, but still. It was still fairly early on this Saturday morning and Mikey had been asleep as he had left. Gerard had walked here in the chilly September air, so his car wouldn't be missing from his driveway. Thinking about that now, that had actually been stupid. His car was home, but he himself wasn't. He started to bite on his lip gently as he thought about it more.

Maybe he should have left a note that he was okay. Next month was his one year anniversary and it had almost exactly been like this a year ago. His guilt and regret got the better of him and he quickly pulled his phone out, sending Mikey a text, saying that everything was okay, that he was with Bert right now and that he didn't have to worry about him. Okay, that was better. He also felt a lot better right now, despite still feeling guilty about last night.

He had actually moaned Franks name as he came instead of Berts.

Gerard knew that he couldn't tell Bert this. He couldn't tell Frank as well. Fuck, he couldn't tell anyone. He couldn't even explain to himself as to why he had moaned his best friends name, instead of his boyfriends. His mind had wandered off to the events of Thursday, so maybe it really just happened because Frank had plopped into his mind. Not because Frank had taken care of him so sweetly and had been there for him when he had needed him.

"Gee?", Berts tired voice said and Gerard looked up, seeing a shirtless and tired looking Bert standing in the doorway of his house. "What the fuck happened to your face?", he asked, stepping outside and gently cupping the youngers cheek.

"I got in a fight on Thursday", Gerard mumbled, leaning into Berts hand gently. "Can I come in?", he asked softly, shifting his feet a little and stepping inside after Bert had nodded. They walked into the olders room and Gerard took his jacket off, gently putting it down on Berts spinning chair.

"No offense, Baby", Bert started, closing the door behind them and sitting down on his bed, looking up at the younger. "But why are you here?". Gerard bit his lip again, looking down at his feet and fiddling with his fingers.

"I wanted to tell you in person that really nothing has happened between Frank and me yesterday and that you're the one I love. And the only one I love. I promise", Gerard said, looking up at Bert with what he hoped was kind of a cute look.

"I already forgave you Baby", Bert chuckled and got up to his feet, stepping close to Gerard and cupping his chin gently. "I know that you love me. You're mine. I won't share you with anyone", he grinned, kissing Gerard sweetly. "And I love you too". Gerard blushed a dark shade of red.

"I'm yours", he whispered and pulled his lip into his mouth gently before hooking his thumbs into Berts boxers. Bert send him a kind of confused look, but with a smile still on his lips. "I want to prove you that I'm yours completely and that Frank means n-nothing to me", Gerard stuttered nervously.

"What do you mean?", Bert asked, his voice sounding husky with lust suddenly. Gerard had thought about it all night and if he really wanted to do that. He felt the need to sort of... Apologize, to Bert by moaning Franks name but in a way that Bert wouldn't realize it. So he just pecked Berts lips quickly before getting down onto his knees, sliding Berts boxers down in the process and taking his dick in his hand, pumping him slowly. "You sure about this?", he asked, his hand already sliding into Gerards hair though and pulling him closer towards his dick, making the tip press against his lips.

Gerard only looked up at him, not breaking eye contact as he opened his mouth and began to lick at the tip, softly sucking on it. Bert let out a moan and closed his eyes. Gerard took the tip in his mouth completely and slid his tongue around it slowly. Apparently not fast enough for Bert, because he gripped a fistful of Gerards hair and forced his dick all the way into the youngers mouth, making him gag slightly. Gerard put his hands onto Berts hips softly, steadying himself as he started to bop his head up and down, Berts moans encouraging him to continue.

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