Chapter 27

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"Gee?", Frank asked and looked at the older next to him. They had moved and were now laying next to each other on Franks bed, facing the ceiling. Gerard turned on his side and looked at him, waiting for him to continue talking. "Why have you decided to tell me about Bert now? Like, I'm really glad that you did and I'm so proud of you for it, but was there a reason?", he questioned, turning on his left side to face him.

"I trust you", Gerard replied quietly and looked down at Franks hands, taking one of them in his own and playing with his fingers gently. "I know that you wouldn't judge me for all this", Frank squeezed his hand gently, "It clicked", he stated, "a-and I-, just, Bert has done things", he mumbled and bowed his head slightly.

"Can I ask what kind of things?", Frank asked carefully, moving his free hand to hold Gerards other one. The older nodded and bit his lip softly.

"He has hurt me a lot", he began and Frank shuffled a little closer. "The first time he hurt me had been an accident. At least he said it was. We had this small argument about something completely pointless, I don't even remember about what it was, and then he had grabbed my wrist and twisted it", Gerard explained and traced his finger across Franks palm slowly, absent-mindedly studying all the lines. "It didn't hurt much, but he didn't apologize for it. I tried to forget about it quickly to be honest. Then later he started to slap me, whenever I talked back to him. He punched me, kicked me, pulled my hair, pushed me into things and trapped me. Like, he would grab my wrists and push me into walls and stuff and wouldn't let go of me for a while", he sighed and carefully interlocked their fingers together, only to separate them again after a few seconds. "Today was bad...", he trailed off.

"What happened?", Frank whispered, his words sounding like he was choking on them.

"We had an argument about art. He drew something and asked for my opinion on it. It wasn't bad or anything but it also wasn't good. He's a beginner, no one can draw very well in the beginning. I told him that it was a start and he freaked out completely", Gerard bit his lip again. "Bert told me that my art is shit and that I should stop working on my comics because they're just stupid and don't make sense", he mumbled and Frank watched as a small tear slid down his cheek, yet he didn't move to wipe it away. "I defended myself and told him that he doesn't have to read it if he doesn't want to and he grabbed my throat and started choking me", Gerard whispered and Frank tensed up.

"Has he done that before?", Frank asked, his voice still gentle and nothing more than a whisper, but now there was more anger in it. Anger and frustration about just what his best friend had to go through.

"Yes", he admitted and Frank looked down a little.

"I'm so sorry".

"It's not your fault".

"Well, it's not your fault either".

"Yesterday was even worse than today", Gerard began again, ignoring Franks last statement and starting to play with the youngers fingers again.

"Why?", Frank asked softly and watched as Gerard traced the tattoos on his knuckles slowly.

"We had another argument and I kept defending myself and talking back to him. He slapped me and then he took my shirt and belt off and started to hit my back with it", Gerard whispered and Franks eyes widened. Bert had whipped him?! Gerard gently wiped his thumb over the back of Franks hand as he saw him tense up. "But it wasn't as bad compared to when he-", he stopped himself. Frank looked up at him but couldn't really see the others face, because most of his hair had fallen into it.

"What's wrong?", Frank asked softly and watched as the pillow got slightly wet, right next to Gerards face. He didn't answer him at all, he only started to cry silently. Gerard wasn't sobbing or shaking, his breathing sounded normal as well. If Frank wouldn't have been facing him, he would have never realized that Gerard was crying right now. The older started to slowly draw circles on Franks palms, sending a slight shiver down the youngers spine. He suddenly stopped playing with Franks hand and moved his head up slowly, looking at Frank with a tear stained face, but not saying anything. Frank watched him carefully and stayed quiet, waiting until the other was ready to speak again.

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