Chapter 31

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Sunlight was shining into the living room when Gerard woke up, making him close his eyes again and bury his face into his pillow more. It must have still been early in the morning. He couldn't hear any passing cars outside of the house or other noises in general. Gerard slowly opened his eyes again and brought his hand up to them, rubbing them gently while he yawned. The blanket slid off his shoulder slightly as he propped himself up on his elbow, tugging his hair behind his ear and looking around the room.

Mikey and Ray were laying on the floor on the other side of the coffee table, his brother being held close by Ray, both of them still sound asleep. The floor around them was a mess. Crumbles of chips and candy being scattered across it, empty bottles of root beer and coke were laying around. Gerard chuckled a little and turned onto his other side, facing Frank, who was laying closely next to him.

Franks eyes were closed, the ends of his long lashes resting on his cheeks. His mouth was open the slightest bit, short and quiet snores escaping from between his pinkish lips. His hair was all messy from sleep, some of it standing up and making him look like a hedgehog. One of his hands was curled into a fist, holding a bit of their blanket close to his chin. He looked completely at peace and Gerard loved to just watch him sleep, in a not creepy way.

Gerard bit down on his lip gently before licking them quickly, shuffling a little closer to Frank and wrapping his arm around his waist gently. The younger shifted in his sleep and moved his own arm, wrapping it around Gerards waist and weakly pulling him closer. One of his legs made its way inbetween Gerards and the older moved closer, cuddling into him until they were laying chest to chest. Franks eyes were still closed, but he had stopped snoring.

Gerard licked his lips again and leaned in, pecking Franks lips as softly as possible. The younger didn't react, so Gerard kissed him again, a little longer this time but just as gentle as before. This time Frank did react, sighing softly and leaning into the older, kissing him back sleepily. Gerard giggled quietly as he pulled away, watching as Frank opened his eyes and looked at him tiredly. He opened his mouth to say something, but a yawn interrupted him, making Gerard giggle more. The older gently moved Franks fringe out of his eyes, letting his hand rest near his jaw and neck. Frank grinned at him and leaned in, kissing his lips sweetly and slowly. Gerard closed his eyes and kissed him back, feeling how Frank was waking up more and more. He slowly licked at his bottom lip, opening his mouth and allowing Gerard to enter.

They pulled apart slowly and looked at each other, both of their pupils slightly dilated and the green glowing stronger than normal. Frank grinned again and cupped Gerards cheek gently, caressing his cheek and studying his face. A huge blush was on his face, but Gerard knew that there was one on his own as well. The way Frank was caressing his cheek wasn't helping his blush to disappear, so he simply nuzzled into his palm and giggled quietly.

"You're so beautiful", Frank whispered, his voice raspy from sleep.

"Good morning to you too", Gerard smiled and blushed even more, wrapping his arms around Franks middle and cuddling into him.

"I can call you beautiful now", he heard Frank whisper and felt how the younger held him a little closer. Gerard moved away from him slightly in order to look at him properly.

"Yes, you can", he blushed and looked down at Franks chest, biting down on his lip gently.

"Are you really okay with all of this already though?", Frank asked softly and slowly moved his hand into Gerards hair, playing around with a few strands.

"Yes", the older answered, sounding sincere and honest. "It's okay because it's you. Because this just feels so right", he explained and felt himself blush even more, closing his eyes again. "I feel at home around you".

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