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*Allison's P.O.V*

I groan as I am woken up by the sound of loud footsteps as someone walks down the dungeon hallway. I lick my dry lips as my eyes open slowly. I yawn as I rub my eyes.

I roll over, yelping when I fall off the little wooden bench that served as my bed. Everything that happened yesterday came rushing back to me as I look around.

"Fuck my life," I whisper as I sit up slowly. My eyes dart around the cell, as I look for any way that I could use to escape. "'Steal from the vendors, you won't get caught,' they said," I mutter sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"Now I'm in a cell and my body aches like hell," I grumble. "Hey that rhymed," I grin slightly while stretching out, hearing my bones pop.

I stand up slowly while yawning. I notice that the plate from yesterday was gone, which I don't really mind, knowing that with my luck I would have probably rolled off the bed/bench and would have fallen onto the plate.

"If it isn't sleeping beauty?" Captain Caspian asked. I jump slightly, having not noticed that the footsteps had stopped in front of my cell.

"Jesus Christ, you scared me," I say, my hand resting on my heart.

"Sorry," Caspian shrugged his shoulders. "Anyways, I wanted to let you know that you'll be appearing before the king and queen in court at midday today," he said.

"Why do I have to appear before them? All I did was steal some damn food," I complain as I roll my eyes. A small, well actually large, part of me dreaded appearing before the king and queen. You'd have to be nuts not to.

I had every reason to fear what could happen. Queen Annabelle was a woman who was known to have a sharp tongue and quick temper. Most who spoke to her left in tears, only her husband was exempt from most of her cruel words. Even then there were rumors of her speaking just as harshly to him as anybody else.

I knew that as long as I managed to get on the queen's decent side and stay there, I'd probably make it out with only a bruised ego and hurt feelings. If I manage to upset the queen however, I'd have both the king and queen's wrath upon me.

King Maxon wasn't as mean as his wife with his words. He was blunt and quick to state his opinion but that was fine with most. The only part of him that truly scared people was when someone upset his wife. Hell would be considered paradise from what those who had lived said. Most of those people were nobles though and I know for a fact that nobles can't keep their mouths shut. Unlike them, I did know how to keep my mouth shut which I imagine would help me stay out of too much trouble.

"Because you stole and stealing is a crime no matter what you steal. They will probably be lenient on you once they find out what and why you stole," Caspian says. "And watch that mouth of yours. I know her majesty, Queen Annabelle, would not hesitate to wash your mouth out with soap if you used foul language in front of her," he warns.

I roll my eyes as I cross my arms over my chest. "Who does she think she is? My mom?" I ask sarcastically.

"No. She does know however that she is your queen and you will respect her, lest she decides to publicly wash your mouth out for all to see," Caspian says with a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

"She wouldn't do that, would she?" I ask hesitantly.

"She can and would do it. She's done it before," Caspian says. "Now stay on your best behavior and you'll probably get off pretty easy," he murmurs before leaving.

I watched him leave, my eyes narrowed. I sigh as I sit down on the 'bed' while picking at my gray shirt, pulling at a loose thread.

I sat there for what felt like hours, occasionally getting up to pace the cell before sitting back down. I had even pulled the loose thread and used it to tie my hair back out of her face.

"It's time," Caspian states as he opens the cell door. I jump slightly in surprise as I look up. I silently nod my head as I get up, putting forth no resistance when Caspian puts the handcuffs back on. "Just a procedure," he tells me before guiding me to a different staircase than the one I had been led down previously.

Caspian guides me up the staircase, keeping a steady grip on my arm. I look around curiously once the door at the top of the staircase opens. I try to observe everything as I was led to what I assume is the courtroom.

Large doors opened before me and Caspian pushes me inside, his hand tightening on my arm ever so slightly. I look around as inconspicuous as I can, noting this seemed to also be the throne room. I look straight ahead, trying to ignore the group's of whispering nobles.

My eyes widen slightly when they landed on Queen Annabelle. The rumors I had heard were true. The woman was absolutely beautiful. She had dark brown hair that was curled immaculately and deep set hazel eyes. Her face had small freckles that were hardly noticeable and she had  no makeup on. At least none that I could see.

I could see why people called her the most beautiful woman in the world. Maybe I was blind but I didn't find the queen sexy, like some had said, in any way. She had an almost motherly look to her except for the frown that pulled her lips down making her seem constantly upset and or disappointed.

My eyes looked over to King Maxon curious to see what he looked like. King Maxon had darker hair than his wife, his being jet black. His eyes were almost a gray color but had hints of blue in them. His lips also held the same frown but on him it just made him seem angry.

I look down at the floor as Caspian makes me kneel about twenty feet from their thrones. Was kneeling really necessary? I certainly didn't think so.

"What are her charges?" Queen Annabelle wasted no time in getting to business.

"Theft," a man's voice states, sounding like he was standing to the side of her.

"Of what?" Queen Annabelle asks, sounding rather annoyed. Someone was clearly in a bad mood. I wasn't sure if that was because she hated thieves or maybe she was just mean to everyone.

"Food. Specifically bread and apples," the man says.

"Come again? Theft of what?" Queen Annabelle questions. She sounds almost surprised in a way which is confusing to me.

"Food, your majesty," the man says.

"You waste my time with something as petty as theft of food," Queen Annabelle says, sounding even more annoyed. I glance up and see her waving her hand in almost dismissal to what the man was saying.

"It's not the first time she's been caught. The vendor's demand punishment for her. They want her branded as a thief," the man explains. My body tenses at that, my hands curling up slightly at the thought.

"Branded for stealing food? Do they not understand some can not afford to pay," Caspian speaks out. I'm glad someone has sense.

"Silence," King Maxon speaks for the first time and I kind of shrivel back under his gaze. "My wife will decide her punishment," he says. "No matter what others may want, it is not their decision to make," he states.

"What is your name child?" Queen Annabelle asks.

"A..Allison, your majesty," I manage to speak.

"Allison. Normally you would be simply released but since this is a repeat offense I can not give you that as an option. You will spend the next month here, working to pay back what you owe while also earning a wage to sustain yourself, am I understood?" Queen Annabelle asks sternly. It was funny how she said it but what I got from it was that I was going to have a place to stay and food. The money was just a little bit of a bonus.

"Yes ma'am, your majesty," I reply as I bow my head.

"Good, you are dismissed," Queen Annabelle waves her hand in dismissal. She seems to like doing that, like a lot.

I stand up with Caspian's help, glad I had gotten off rather lightly. Working for a month didn't sound bad, after that I'd have my freedom back. Plus I would have a roof and food for that entire month so it wasn't so bad.

Caspian guides me out of the throne room and back towards the cells. "When the queen asks for you, I will come and get you," he says as he unlocks the handcuffs.

I nod as I step into the cell, hearing it close behind me. "At least this won't be so bad. Right?" I ask out loud to myself as I stare up at the ceiling. Maybe I'm hoping for an answer or some sign that I'm right. I don't receive one though.

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