Play Date

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*Allison's P.O.V*

I spent the day cuddling up to the queen. My stomach slowly stops hurting and my fever seems to go down as well. Annabelle finally manages to fix her top up, much to my displeasure. I still want more milky but apparently if I drank too much I would 'get sick again'. I think Mommy was just trying to hoard the milky to herself and was being unfair.

Although I was happy that Mommy let me stay up until Daddy came back. He looks weird when he comes back cause his clothes were all dirty and his hair was messy too. His lip looks a little messed up too cause it seemed bigger and has blood on it.

"Maxon, you didn't really kill him did you?" Mommy asks as she frowns at him. "You're a mess," she sighs.

"No...I just pushed him around a little..with my fists," Daddy says as he rubs the back of his neck. "Well hello princess, what are you still doing up?" he asks, turning his attention to me which makes me smile.

"Mommy said I could stay up until you got back. I think that means you're in trouble," I say. I was faltering in and out of littlespace throughout my sentence. A part of me wanted to be little but a part of me wanted to be big too.

"I probably am but not from mommy. I'm probably in trouble with Granny," he chuckles as he taps my nose making me giggle. "I'm going to shower, why don't you two go to bed," he suggests. "After all it is kind of late," he said.

"I suppose you are right," Mommy says, making me pout. I am not tired and there is no way she is getting me to go to bed.

I very quickly stand corrected. I have been bested by the evil queen and tucked in so that I couldn't escape bed no matter how hard I squirmed. "You're my prisoner now," Mommy says as she wraps her arms around me so that it was even harder to escape.

"I don't agree to this. I'm pretty sure this is illegal and I deserve my freedom," I say as Mommy rolls her eyes and pats my bottom. "Do not touch me you wench, I will not be tarnished by your touch," I huff while trying to roll away, only to get more tangled up.

"Oh shush," Mommy rolls her eyes as she pulls me closer. "I deserve a quiet baby," she says as she pops a pacifier into my mouth which I accept hesitantly. She is lucky I like the pacifier or else I would have raised hell over her putting it in my mouth.

"Fight me," I say around the pacifier as I suck on it. Mommy chuckles as she turns off the light and pulls me closer.

"I'd destroy you if I fought you. Now go to bed," Mommy says with a small smile. I close my eyes and cuddle into her, making sure to lay on her in the way that would be the most annoying way possible.

"You wish, now goodnight old lady," I huff with a small smile on my face.

"At least I'm not a baby," she teases, making me whine and pout slightly. She rubs my back and hums a lullaby which makes me fall asleep pretty quickly.

The next morning she wakes me up and forces me to get up way too early, in my opinion. She does my hair up in a crown of braids that trail down my head. It kind of hurts but she does give me a bottle of fresh milky so that I can be distracted from the slight tugs and pulls.

Once she is done doing my hair, she helps me into a new outfit and pullup. Much to my embarrassment, I had wet my pullup in my sleep. Although Mommy assures me it is fine, I can't help but be embarrassed by it. She also helps me into a pretty teal dress. I was starting to see a theme of blue in the clothes she dresses me in.

"Where are we going?" I ask with a frown. I notice that Mommy hasn't made much of an attempt to get ready at all, more focusing on me.

"We aren't going anywhere. You are going with auntie and uncle to have a play date with Leah and Ollie," Mommy says as she smiles. I frown slightly before nodding. A play date did sound fun, especially with Leah and Ollie.

"Fine. You owe me cuddles later though," I say as I smile slightly.

"Deal," Mommy says as she helps me put on a pair of slip ons. "Be good for auntie and uncle," she says while kissing my cheek right as there is a knock at the door. "Looks like they're here," she says as she holds my hand and opens the door. "Caspian...where is Michelle?" she asks.

"Being held prisoner at a tea party. Now I came to fetch your child," he says as he glances at me with a small smile.

"Have luck with this one. She's a mommy's girl," Mommy says as he holds out his hand. I hesitantly take it and follow after him, glancing back at Mommy occasionally until she is out of sight.

"Hey, would you rather go and train with me and Leah or go hang out with Michelle and Ollie at a tea party?" he asks, making me tilt my head in thought.

"Tea party," I say after a moment of thinking.

"Alright," he says as he keeps walking. Once we get to a door, he opens it and leads me inside. He shuts the door as I look around. This is obviously a playroom if I am going by all the toys that are scattered on the floor. Michelle and Ollie are at a table towards the back with a teapot and tea cups, I think that's what they are called, on it. "Look who I brought to join your little torture sesh," he says as he leads me over.

"It's not torture. You just hate tea," Michelle huffs as she smiles at me. "Hello darling, sit down," she encourages, making me hesitantly sit down in a chair. "Now you can go, Caspian," she says, pushing him away. "You've served your purpose," she smiles.

"I like your dress," I tell Ollie. His dress was a light purple color and it was also pretty sparkly.

"Thank you," he smiles slightly. "Do you want some tea? Me and Momma made it," he says, glancing at Michelle.

"Yeah, I'd love some tea that you and auntie made," I agree, making him grin happily.

"Yay. Momma's got to pour it though cause she's afraid that I might spill it," he said as he tugs on Michelle's sleeve to make her move faster.

"I'm gonna pour it baby, slow down," Michelle coos as she kisses his forehead which causes him to relax slightly. She chuckles as she pours the tea into a cup, handing it to me.

"Thank you," I smile softly as I look down at the tea and take a sip. It was good tea but it was also warm which was blegh in my opinion. "It's good," I inform Ollie who bounces up and down happily.

"She likes it momma," he says with a smile. "Did you hear her?" he asks as he looks up at Michelle.

"I heard baby," Michelle coos as she smiles. She gently pulls him close and rocks back and forth.

We spend the morning drinking tea and eating some cookies that Michelle made. She makes sure that we don't eat too many cookies because we could get a 'sugar rush'. I think she made that word up but I wasn't going to tell Ollie his momma was making things up. I don't think he'd believe me anyways because he seems like a momma's boy.

After we are done having a tea party, we go and play with legos. He seems to be a better builder than I am, which I am okay with because I am probably a better drawerer than him although I don't tell him this cause it might hurt his feelings and make him sad.

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