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*Allison's P.O.V*
"Whose brilliant idea was it to lock us in a room together to play?" I ask as I look between Tyler and the broken mirror on the floor.

"I dunno, probably your mommy's fault," he says as he carefully maneuvers around the glass.

"It was your mommy's fault! Her and her stupid ideas," I retort as I cross my arms over my chest.

"My mommy's ideas are not stupid!" Tyler says as he frowns slightly. "Your mommy's ideas are so stupid that...that they're stupid," he huffs. I roll my eyes at his great insult.

"Nice job dummy, you can't even speak right dumb dumb," I retort while huffing softly with a frown on my lips.

"Shut up!" Tyler says as he frowns slightly. "I can speak just fine," he retorts while stomping his foot. We both freeze when someone knocks on the door.

"What's going on in there?" We hear Annabelle ask from outside the door. "I heard something break," she says as she rattles the doorknob, clearly trying to get in.

"Nothing," I respond with a small frown on my lips. 'Good thing we locked it,' I mouth to Tyler who nods his head.

"It didn't sound like nothing and why is the door locked?" Annabelle asks, making me look at Tyler worriedly.

"Because we're making a surprise," he replies before I can. "And if you came in then it wouldn't be a surprise," he adds.

"Alright," Annabelle sighs, sounding suspicious. "Well just so you know, we're docked and us grownups are going to be exploring. Well except for Draco and May since they volunteered to babysit you two," she states.

"Okay. If we're still docked here tomorrow can I go with just you and Maxon?" I ask.

"Of course darling, we would love some time with you," she replies before I hear her walking off.

"So what are we gonna do about this?" Tyler asks as he looks down at the mirror shards. "Cause I think neither of us will be going anywhere except the corner once they know we broke a mirror by not listening," he states.

"Speak for yourself. I hardly ever get the corner, I usually get spankings when I break things," I mutter while frowning. "Maybe we could glue them together and fix it?" I ask.

"That won't help, you'll still be able to see the cracks," he says, making me sigh and nod. "I think we're gonna have to tell Mrs. May and Mr. Draco. Maybe they can help," he says.

"You go get them, I'll just wait here," I tell him, making him roll his eyes and walk to the door, unlocking it before leaving. I fidget as I wait for his return, staring at the pieces of glass.

"Why do you need us down here?" I hear Draco ask right before Tyler got both him and May in the room. "Oh," he says, seeing the glass.

"What were you two doing?" May asks quietly before seeing the ball on the floor. "Were you two throwing that after being told repeatedly not to?" She asks, making me look away and nod.

"It wasn't Alli's fault, it was mine. I'm the one who convinced her to throw it after being told no," Tyler says quickly as he looks at me.

"It doesn't matter if you convinced her, she still disobeyed Annabelle," she points out, making me look down in disappointment. I knew Annabelle wasn't gonna be happy and that meant we probably weren't going to go on our day out tomorrow. I sniffle as I go to head to our bedroom, knowing that I am going to be in big trouble.

"Hey now," Draco says as he catches me before I can leave and pulls me into a hug. "There's no reason we have to tell anyone May. They're clearly sorry and they know not to do it again. Right?" He asks me and Tyler, smiling when we nod.

"Fine," May says when she sees the tears trickling down my face. "Fix it then," she tells him as she walks over and hugs me, letting me cling to her.

"I will gladly," Draco says as he walks over to the shards and presents his palms to them. He starts murmuring in some strange language and the shards start to float up. I stare in awe as they go back into the mirror and it seems to be fixed perfectly after a moment. "There," he says, turning to look at us.

I was staring at him with my mouth agape and trying to make sense of how he had done that. "How?" Tyler asks the question I was wondering.

"Magic," Draco says with a small smirk. "Now run along and go play," he says, making Tyler nod and walk out of the room with a confused look.

"Now are you hurt?" May asks. "I already checked Tyler over when he came to get us but you might be hurt," she fusses over me.

"I cut my finger a little," I admit as I show her my finger, tilting my head when she kisses it.

"There all better," she says, making me look at it. I thought she had just been saying the thing you tell all kids when they were injured and you gave it a kiss but it really is gone now.

"How?" I ask as I look at her with wide eyes, jumping when a loud crack of thunder sounds.

"Magic," she says with a smile, frowning at the thunder. "Don't worry darling, it's just a stray bolt of thunder. Zeus probably has his panties in a twist," she says jokingly which makes me giggle as I cuddle into her.

"What was that language you were speaking when you did the magic?" I ask as Draco goes to leave the room. He pauses and turns to look at me as May picks me up and lets me rest on her hip.

"Greek," is all he says before leaving.

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