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*Annabelle's P.O.V*
While I had expected and hoped to breastfeed Allison, I had never thought it would be this soon. Her being little and sick, as much as I hate to say it, was sort of a blessing. It allows me to finally get the chance to be close to her completely.

I lean back against the pillows, detaching her for a moment so I can slip my bra off. It doesn't please Allison at all, in fact it makes her start crying until I allow her to latch back on.

"Wow, what did I walk in on?" Maxon says as he walks into the room, shutting the door behind him.

"A sick baby who needed her milk right at the moment she said she needed it," I reply while looking at him. Allison whines making me look down, only for her to stop when she has my eyes on her.

"Interesting," Maxon says sitting down beside me. "I heard court went pretty bad with you know who being there. What happened?" he says as he reaches over and ruffles Allison's hair, making her giggle.

"Yeah, it was annoying. He tried to insult what we were doing with Allison and called me a crazy, psychotic bitch," I say, making Maxon's eyes narrow.

"I'm the only one who can call you that. And I only call you that in my head. Besides I never call you all of those at once," Maxon states and I raise an eyebrow.

"Excuse you?" I ask as I glare at him.

"Well sometimes you're crazy, sometimes you are psychotic, and sometimes you're a bitch," Maxon says.

"You're lucky I'm holding Allison or I'd smack you," I say which earns a chuckle from him.

"I love you," Maxon says as he kisses my cheek. I roll my eyes with a small smile as I kiss his lips gently. Allison whines, making me look down.

"Someone's jealous about daddy getting attention," I coo as I lean down and kiss her forehead, gaining a smile from her.

"Anyways you stay here with the sick baby and I'll go commit murder," Maxon informs me as he gets up.

"That's illegal," I frown as I roll my eyes.

"Only illegal if you get caught," Maxon says. "Besides they'll never catch me if they can't find the body," he smirks.

"Maxon you can not commit a murder because someone insulted me," I scoff as I rock Allison, kissing her forehead as she smiles. She stops nursing and cuddles up against me, resting her head on my breast.

"Fine," Maxon sighs. "I'll commit murder because he pissed me off by insulting you," he says as he changes his shoes into some boots. "Tell the tailor I'll need them when I get back," he sighs.

"That man needs some Jesus in his life," I sigh while laying down, letting Allison lay on top of me. "Sweet girl, so sleepy already," I say while scratching her back, trying to use my freehand to fix my dress.

"No," Allison fusses as she pulls my dress top back down. "Milky stays out," she says, pushing my hand away.

"Please let mommy fix her dress," I beg softly only to receive a whine of unhappiness. "Alli, I love you but I also love not having my breasts out," I say while trying to do my top up again.

"Stay out," Allison grabs my hand and pulls it away again. I sigh as I give up and let my hand rest on her back. "Good," she smiles while nuzzling her face in between my breasts and getting comfortable.

"Yeah, good for you," I sigh as I pull a blanket over us.

"Very good for me," Allison says as she curls against me, trying to fit her entire body on my stomach it seems. It doesn't bother me though because she isn't that heavy.

"What was with you being a whiny baby earlier?" I ask as I pat her bottom. "Jealous of daddy?" I tease as I smile softly.

"My attention," Allison says as she lifts her head up and meets my gaze. "Not his, is mine," she states sternly.

"Oh really? So I can't give daddy my attention for even a minute?" I ask. I knew it was just her being sick and in headspace that made her say that, but I would gladly give her any and all attention she desired.

"No," Allison says as she frowns. "Understan'? My attention, not his," she says as she stares me in the eyes before resting her head back on my breast.

"Okay monkey, I understand," I chuckle as I bounce her slightly, making her whine and lift her head up again.

"Stop it missy," she huffs as she sticks her tongue out. "Being mean," she murmurs while crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, I'm not," I say, tapping her nose with my finger.

"Yes you is," she says while pushing my hand away rather roughly. "Now hush," she orders while laying her head down.

"Do not tell me what to do," I say as my eyes narrow slightly. I tickle her sides, earning a soft giggle and squeal of protest. "That's what happens when you tell mommy what to do," I say as I stop to allow her to breathe.

"Mean," she mutters as she kisses my cheek, making me roll my eyes and kiss her forehead.

"Now shush," I say as I cover us both with a blanket and pat her bottom. She sighs happily while resting her head right above my breasts.

"Heart goes bump, bump, bump," she murmurs while tapping the rhythm out on my chest.

"How interesting. I've never heard my heartbeat," I chuckle while rubbing her back.

"Is pretty. I like listenen to it," she stumbles over her words slightly, making me smile.

"Well then I suppose you'll be cuddling with mommy now that you like her heartbeat and her milky," I coo, making her nod.

"An' attention," she makes sure to tell me as she closes her eyes, humming to herself.

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