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*Allison's P.O.V*
Annabelle and I spend a while building up our sandcastle. Our castle kind of looks like a much tinier and sandier version of the castle in front of us except the one we built is a lot more blocky and looks like it's falling apart. She finally coaxes me into stopping when the castle was covered in little beads which she had someone bring out to us.

"Let's go inside now baby, take a little nap," she says as she gets up, dusting her dress off.

"Okay mommy," I say as I scramble up. She chuckles as she picks me up, resting me on her hip.

"Hopefully I can rest for a while," she murmurs as she carries me inside and up to the bedroom. "Do you have to go potty first?" She asks.

"Yeah," I nod. She helps me get the romper off my shoulders so I don't have to struggle with those when getting in the bathroom. I was quick to go and do my business, washing my hands after before heading back to the bed.

"Come here baby," she says as she pulls me close and fixes the romper's straps. Her hands wraps around me as she pulls me close, holding me close. "Goodnight Alli, I love you," she murmurs.

"Goodnight mommy, even though it's not night, love you too," I whisper as I close my eyes, nuzzling into her chest. I drift off to sleep, using her chest for a pillow.

It doesn't seem like I have slept long when I wake up. I feel tired and groggy as I sit up. I turn to look at Annabelle who is sleeping.

"Mommy," I say, pouting when she doesn't respond.

"Shh let mommy sleep," I turn to look to see who said that. I smile when I see Maxon carrying a tray.

"Why?" I ask more quietly as I frown at him. Naptime was over so that meant she should be awake too.

"Because she doesn't feel well. Her head hurts and she feels nauseous," Maxon says.

"Na-na-nacious?" I ask as I tilt my head curiously.

"Nauseous. It means she feels like she's gonna throw up cause her tummy hurts," Maxon states in a whispering voice as he sits the tray down on a little stand by her side of the bed.

"What's that stuff?" I ask curiously as I get on my knees to look over Annabelle.

"It's some medicine for her headache and nausea. I also brought ice water so she'd have something to wash them down. She also has crackers in case she feels up to eating and if she wants to eat something sweet, I brought some of her favorite chocolate," Maxon explains. He leans down and kisses her forehead with a small smile before he straightens up.

"Can I make her a card to feel better?" I ask with a small smile.

"That's a wonderful idea," Maxon says as he walks around the bed and holds out his hand, which I take after a second. "Let's go make it another room so it's a surprise in case she wakes up," he states as he helps me off the bed.

"How'd you know that mommy doesn't feel good?" I ask as I follow him to the playroom.

"She told me after you went to sleep," Maxon says as he opens the playroom door. "Do you want to use crayons, markers, or paint?" he asks.

"All of them," I smile as I go and get a piece of paper from the table. He chuckles as he gets all of them, setting them on the table. He also goes and gets some water and paintbrushes.

"There we go, try not to make a mess, okay," he says.

"Okay," I nod as I get to work on making a card. I make flowers with the markers and use paint to color them in. I use the crayons to write 'Get well soon Mommy,' on it.

Once I am done making it, the king takes to rest on the window sill in the sun to dry. While he is gone I plot a plan.

"What are you thinking about?" Maxon asks when he returns, going to pick up the markers. I grab a paint brush and drag it down his arm, leaving a large purple paint mark. I giggle when he looks at me. "Oh it's on little girl," he says as he dips his fingers into yellow paint and wipes them across my face.

"Rude," I huff as I dip my fingers into the blue paint and leave blue streaks on his black shirt. I gasp when he picks up the purple paint and just flings the container, making it splatter all over my romper. I pick up the green paint and return the favor, covering his shirt and pants.

"You've started a battle you can't win," Maxon says as he chases me with the  pink paint. I run away, ducking and hiding wherever I can. When it seems like I have lost him, I peek out and throw the brown paint at his back. He turns around and starts chasing me again.

I gasp when he dumps the pink paint into my hair, using his hands to rub it in. I turnaround and push his hands away, making him hit his own chest with his now pink hands.

"Payback," I smirk as I stand on the table, dumping black paint into his hair. Unlike him, I don't try to rub it in because I don't want my hands covered in paint.

"What on earth is going on here?" Maxon and I both freeze and turn to look at a not so happy Annabelle. I look down at myself and him and then look around the room which has paint everywhere. Pink, blue, green, if you can name the color, it was on the floors and the walls.

"Heh oopsie," I say as I look at Annabelle with a small frown on my face. "We're in big trouble?" I ask Maxon quietly.

"Oh yeah, big trouble for sure," Maxon says as he helps me off the table.

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