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*Allison's P.O.V*

I sit up after a bit and lean into Annabelle, letting her hold me close as they set up a game of Sorry. I nuzzle into her as she picks her color, correcting her and making her pick the color blue. I turn to look up at her, smiling up at her. "Why are you smiling at me like that?" she questions.

"I don't know," I say as I kiss her cheek. She smiles and gently kisses my forehead as she turns her attention to the game and rolls the dice. I turn my attention to the game and watch as she gets to go second with her dice roll. I glance at her and turn her dice over, making my mother laugh.

"Are you working against me?" Annabelle asks as she turns her dice back to how it was.

"No, I am innocent," I reply with a smile on my lips as I turn her dice back over, making her groan and hand it to Celestria.

"Sure you are...not. You literally said kinky the other day when I said I would punish you so I think you are far from innocent," Annabelle replies.

"Let me correct you, I said kinky when you said I was in trouble when we got back to the bedroom. Was my mind not supposed to go somewhere dirty?" I ask, making her roll her eyes and scoff softly.

"Yeah even then, you are not innocent," Annabelle says as she pushes me off her lap making me gasp as I land on my padded bottom.

"I am as innocent as someone that's been in a sex dungeon can be," I say, making everyone look at me with wide eyes. "Also it's not my fault that you and Maxon are boring," I say, making Annabelle roll her eyes.

"Oh my god," my mother shakes her head. "Why were you in a sex dungeon?" she questions me, making me squirm.

"I don't ask about your private life, you don't ask about mine," I say as I get up and walk to the door. "I'm bored, I'm going to climb something because I'm bored and apparently you're all boring if you've never been to a sex dungeon. How are you all still married?" I state with a smile as I go up the stairs with a small smirk.

"Allison! You can't just say that," Annabelle calls after me, making me laugh while turning around on the steps.

"Only a person who has boring sex says that," I reply to her with a laugh as she flushes and I head up the stairs. I skip up them two at a time, making sure to stomp on them as I walk. I pushed open the door, hitting Tyler in the face. "Oops," I state as I shrug and step out.

"That fucking hurts," he hisses as he holds his face with a frown on his lips.

"Go tell your mommy, I'm sure she'll help you," I reply as I walk past him, making him roll his eyes as he slams the door shut behind him. "Now what can a person that's scared of large bodies of water climb that won't show the sea when they are on a ship?" I ask myself as I tilt my head and turn. I open the door and climbed it, using the doorknob to boost myself up. "Parkour," I say as I balance on the door.

I pull myself up onto the upper deck and almost immediately regret it when I realize that on this ship, you could see the sea if you even got up a little bit. "Ooh heights are becoming my second fear," I say as I force myself to look out over the ocean.

"What are you doing?" I hear my mother ask as I turn around. It seems like everyone has migrated up here now except Tyler, Jasmine and Edward.

"Do you all travel together now?" I ask. "Are you trying to be zebras but instead of stripes you just have money and hope the lions only manage to get the old ones?" I ask, making Elena snort and look away.

"Yes, we do travel together now. We need to keep an eye on you," Annabelle replies. "Now what are you doing?" she asks.

"I'm looking for my will to live. I haven't seen it in years and hoped being up high would help me find it," I state.

"Are you okay? Do we need to talk?" My mother asks as she stares at me wide eyed, probably questioning my sanity.

"This is how I cope with things, dark humor really helps me survive my life," I state as I do a cartwheel over to them with a smile on my lips. "And thank god for dark humor or else I may not have made it far in this life of mine," I add as I jump on Annabelle, smiling when she catches me.

"Alright. I'm not even going to question it, not from a Fional," Celestria says as she raises her hands up in surrender and walks away.

"Hey, we're not all like that," Alexendria objects as she follows after Celestria.

"No you're not but I'm pretty sure everyone in your family is crazy," Elena says as she follows both of them, shaking her head slightly.

"I want all of you to get into an argument because I want to see which one of you is the most heartless when it comes to insults," I call after the three.

"It's May, we already know that," Elena calls back, making me look at my father's mother. She hardly spoke so it surprised me that she could be heartless when she said things. She smiles softly and a shiver shoots up my spine. Normally smiles didn't bother me but hers seemed different, in fact she seemed to have a dangerous aura that radiated with the smile. I glance at Draco whose yellow eyes seem to be glowing and his blue hair seems to flicker for a second. He winks and his hair goes back to the normal stillness it usually held.

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