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*Allison's P.O.V*

I stare at Annabelle as she slowly lulls me into littlespace. Her rubbing my back, cooing at me, and putting my paci in my mouth makes sure I am not going to be big again for a while.

She gently pulls my skirt off, making me whine at the coldness that hit my legs. She shushs me as she makes quick work of changing me from panties to a nice, thick diaper. Her words of description, not mine. Yeah, definitely not mine.

I was happy with her taking her time to make sure the diaper was on right since she has given me baby powder to play with while I wait. She slips my skirt back on, making me smile as I sit up, kicking my legs out slightly.

"Feels good?" She asks, making me nod. "How old are you?" She questions me and I hold up two fingers before lowering one down slightly. "Ah alright," she hums as she sits down, me crawling over and leaning against her side.

"Mommy," I murmur, making her look down at me.

"What do you need angel?" She asks as she gently pulls me onto her lap.

"Milky?" I ask with a small smile. She rolls her eyes as she undoes the back of her dress and slides it down, unbuckling her bra and letting it slide off to the bed.

"I swear you only want me for my milk," she says as she allows me to latch on, laying back and using the pillows to prop herself up.

"And prettiness and niceness," I say as I nurse while playing with her fingers. Her nails were so pretty, I wonder how she keeps them so nice and long. "Want that," I murmur, making her look down.

"What was that baby?" she asks as she smiles at me. I put our hands together and point to her nails making her nod in understanding. "We can get you some fake ones that look like mine," she says, making me nod my head excitedly. We sit in silence for a while, her hand gently running through my hair as I occasionally latch on and nurse.

"Annabelle," Maxon says as he enters the room. "You're late," he says, making Mommy tilt her head. I giggle slightly as I reach up to touch her face.

"For what darling?" she asks as pats my back, making me sigh contently.

"Dinner," he says, her eyes widening at his words.

"Damn it, I thought we had more time," she swears as she tries to get up, my whines making her look down as she fixes her top since I have unlatched from the shock of being moved. "Sweetheart you need to be big right now, just for dinner then you can be little," she says as she sits me up.

"You swore," I murmur as I pouted at her.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have sworn but you need to be big, can you try for mommy?" she asks, making me nod as I triy to think about being big which doesn't work. Mommy...I mean Annabelle, stands me up and that kind of helps me slip out of littlespace.

"What about the diaper?" I ask as I stand up, making Maxon's eyes widen in surprise at my question.

"Keep it on, it's a waste to just take it off because we're going to dinner. Besides you can slip as soon as we're done with dinner," Annabelle promises as she kisses my forehead so I just nod.

"Alcohol?" I ask, making her roll her eyes as she leads me out of the room, her hand tightly gripping mine. I find walking without a little bit of a waddle is impossible so with a small blush on my cheeks I try to keep up.

"If you're lucky I'll give you a sip of champagne," she says. I nod before remembering that she isn't looking at me so I quietly agree.

"Just so you know, once I go to bed as soon as I wake up the hangover from the whiskey is gonna hit," I say as I follow behind her with a small smile.

"Good to know," Annabelle huffs as she enters the dining hall, having me sit beside her across from the people that were my family.

"You're late," Elena says casually as she takes a sip from a wine glass.

"We're never late, you're just always early," I retort, earning a wry chuckle from the woman.

"She has your spitfire attitude Alexendria," Elena says, making the one who I'd seen before in the throne room upset with Caspian nod. I assumed that she was my mother's mother seeing as Caspian had called her mother and had called my mother sister. Wait, I was related to Caspian? Ew.

I glance at the woman who I am told is my mother. She seems to be looking at me too and smiles softly when she sees looking at her.

"I believe we should introduce ourselves," the woman wearing a crown says. She has blonde hair and orange tinted eyes. "I'm your aunt, your mother's sister Jasmine and this is my husband Edward," she says, making me nod as she gestures to the black haired green eyed man sitting beside her.

"I'm Alexendria," the woman that Elena had spoken to speaks next. "I'm your mother's mother," she states.

"I'm Jacob, your mother's father," the man sitting beside her says. He has grayish hair with small spots of white and he has the same eyes as my aunt.

"I'm May, your father's mother," the woman sitting beside my father states. She has brown hair and purple tinted eyes that almost seem entrancing.

"I'm Draco, your father's father," the man beside her says. His eyes hold a yellow tone to them and he has blue hair which is kind of surprising but I assume he just dyes it.

"I'm Maddison, your mother," the woman who has been watching me says. "And this is Victor, your father," she gestures to the man who is holding one of her hands. He nods and smiles softly.

"I'm probably going to forget your names because I'm terrible with names," I state, making my mother smile. "But I'm Allison and you will all soon find that I'm annoying or a total brat," I say, making May, I think that was her name, laugh as she sips her drink with a grin.

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