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*Allison's P.O.V*
"Why are you looking at eachother like that?" I ask with a small pout.

"Because, if we're both mean," Annabelle starts to say, "then why are you over here?" She asks as she tickles my sides so I squeal and squirm away.

"No fair," I pout as I pull away and run to Elena, hiding behind her. She chuckles, turning around and picking me up with ease.

"Well hello to you little missy," she murmurs, kissing my cheek.

"Hi grammy," I say as I smile at her. Her eyes widen for a second before she ends up covering my face with kisses. I giggle as I kiss her cheek in return when she stops.

"Oh sweet girl," she says as she rubs my back. "I am so glad that you called me that? Can you say it again?" She asks.

"What? Grammy?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"Yes," she nods her head. She has a big smile on her face as she rubs my back, scratching it gently.

"Feels good," I mumble as I rest my head on her shoulder, clutching the edge of her top. I notice that she is moving but don't say anything.

"Elena, where are you going?" Annabelle asks, her voice sounding worried.

"I am taking my grandbaby outside to sit on the swing," Elena replies.

"Elena, I do not want her going outside so soon after...what happened," Annabelle says.

"She will be fine. Besides you can not deprive her of going outside forever," Elena says as she tightens her grip on me. "Besides we will be in the play area and no little one can open the gate by themselves," she adds.

"Elena, just please keep an eye on her," Annabelle says as I glance back at her, noticing that she is frowning. I smile at her as I tilt my head, wondering why she is frowning.

"She'll be just fine. I promise to keep an eye on her. She'll be in my lap the entire time," Elena says as she bounces me slightly, making me squeal happily.

"At least take her pacifier," Annabelle said as she pulled my paci out of the pocket built into her dress. It seems all her dresses have secret pockets. I smile as I reach for it, pouting when Elena gently pulls me back.

"Grammy I want it," I whine as I look at her.

"Grammy is going to get your paci for you," she says as she walks over and grabs it. She lifts it up to my mouth which I gladly open and accept the pacifier.

"Thank you," I lisp out as I suck on it, cuddling into her as I smile contently. She kisses the top of my head, making me squirm around before getting comfortable again.

"You are very welcome," she says as she walks out of the dining room. I stare back at Annabelle and wave goodbye with a small frown on my face. I glance at the walls as Elena walks, watching the guards and such. Once we get outside, I perk up and look around.

"Pretty," I murmur softly as I stare at the flowers as we walk by them. Elena stops and grabs a flower, showing it to me. It was a pretty white flower that had little dots of yellow on it. She pulls the flower off of its stem and tucks it behind my ear.

"So beautiful," she coos as she smiles down at me.

"Thank you," I say as I smile up at her. She taps my pacifier with her finger making my eyes cross as I look at her finger in confusion.

"You are very welcome, little one," she says as she opens the gate to the play area, shutting it behind her. She walks over to a bench swing and sits down with me on her lap. I snuggle into her, giggling softly as I look at her. "What are you giggling at, silly girl?" She asks.

"Don't know," I shrug as I look up at her.

"You do not know? Do you just have the giggles?" She asks as she bounces me slightly. I nod as I squirm on her lap, laying back so I can look around as she rocks back and forth.

Her hand rubs my stomach which feels very nice. I wonder if I can convince her to do this every day and become my belly rub slave. No, I decide that won't work and that I'll just have to trick her into doing this every day. I had tricked a lot of people so it shouldn't be that hard to trick her.

"Are you getting sleepy?" She asks as she glances down at me. I shake my head as I stare up at her for a moment before letting my head fall back. I watch the world sway upside down as she sings softly to me. I really enjoy her singing and like how pretty her voice was. I lift my head up occasionally so that I don't get too dizzy.

"Little one, look who is coming," she says as she gestures to the gate. I stare in confusion for a moment before scrambling off of her lap, having to slip out from under her arms. I run to the gate and wait semi patiently for Annabelle to open it. Once she opens it and steps inside, I latch onto her side.

"Did you miss me?" She asks with a small grin as she picks me up, her hands resting below my bottom. It was a shame she wasn't giving me belly rubs right now but I could always ask her for those later too. She carries me over to the swing and sits down by Elena, waiting for my answer.

"Yeah, I missed you," I say as I take my paci out for a second to kiss her cheek before going back to sucking on my paci.

"Aww thank you for the kiss lovebug," she coos as she kisses my forehead. "I love you baby," she hums.

"Love you too mommy," I say, noticing how stiff she goes when I say that.

"What'd you say?" She asks quietly.

"Love you too mommy," I repeat, jumping when she suddenly pulls me closer and kisses my face all over. She holds me still as she smiles down at me happily.

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