My baby

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*Annabelle's P.O.V*

I stare at the seamstress with a frown. "I do not care how absurd my outfit requests are, you will have them done or I will find someone who can," I state as calmly as I can. I watch as she numbly nods her head. Perhaps I had been a bit rude but I was not in the best of moods at the moment. I would send her a fruit basket to make up for it.

I turn and leave the room. I had been in that room for what felt like forever, especially away from Allison. I smile at the thought of the sweet girl. 'My sweet girl,' I add as an afterthought.

"If that stupid seamstress had not held me up for so long I could have been back to her a long time ago," I sigh.

I made my way through the hallways, surprised to see my mother talking, and I use the word talking very loosely, to Caspian.

"What's going on?" I ask as I approach them, noticing Caspian's look of relief.

"Ask him," my mother says, her voice low and wavering from anger. I had hardly ever seen her look this angry in my life. I look at Caspian with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay so my guards might have pushed Allison yesterday, she's okay though. Michelle looked her over," Caspian states. My eye twitches as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Okay? You call her sore chin and brusied knees fucking okay?!" My mother says as her eyes narrow, making my anger be replaced with surprise for a brief second. She had never sworn before, ever.

"Mother, calm down," I say softly as I rest my hand on her shoulder.

"Do not tell me to calm down," she states as she turns to glare at me.

"Mother, it's in your best interest to calm down. It's not good for your health," I say as I meet her glare unwaveringly.

"I want those guards' names," she states she turns her attention back to Caspian. "And don't tell me to calm down again Annabelle," she informs me, giving me a stern look.

"I order you to calm down. It's in your best interest," I say, making Caspian's eyes widen as he looks between me and her before leaving rather quickly.

"You...order me?" She questions as she turns to face me, her hands resting on her hips.

"Yes, yes I do," I say, making her eyes narrow.

"Little girl do not forget who you are speaking to. I am your mother," She states as she glares at me.

"And I am the queen," I point out with a smirk.

"Queen or not I'll blister your behind if you don't apologize. You are never too old for me to correct your attitude. I corrected Michelle's attitude just last week," She says, raising an eyebrow, challenging me to continue. It was a challenge that I would normally meet but today I don't feel like it. I just want to get back to Allison.

"Look I'm sorry, I just worry about you," I sigh as I rub the bridge of my nose in exasperation.

"I know you do but I will not accept my child ordering me around," she says firmly as she hugs me. "Next time you will not receive a warning," she murmurs.

"Fair enough," I say as I smile softly while hugging back. "What'd Michelle do to get your wrath last week?" I ask, making her chuckle.

"I'll never tell you my dear," She states with a small smirk.

"How rude," I shake my head. "Anyways how was Allison? Did she behave?" I ask.

"Oh yes, she was wonderful. Such a sweet girl," My mother smiles. "I loved having a little one around again. Elena did too even if she will not admit it," she informs me.

"Good, I'm so glad," I smile as we walk back to the lounging room. "Maybe she can convince you and Elena to leave that room every once in a while," I smirk slightly.

"We leave that room plenty enough," my mother defends herself.

"Sure you do you old hermit," I avoid the smack to the back of my head I knew was coming by speeding up and pushing open the lounging room door. I smile at the sight of my mother-in-law and my baby cuddling together on the couch. Allison seems to be nodding in and out of sleep, a toy clutched in her hand.

"How cute," I smile as I go over to them, Elena moving so that I can sit down beside Allison. Allison whines when Elena moves but her head falls against my arm and she settles back down.

"So how do you plan on getting her to slip?" Elena asks me.

"The same way I'd get any other little one to slip. Slowly and with patience," I smile as I look down at Allison.

Her dirty blonde hair has curled slightly as it dries and her nose was scrunched up as she moves to cuddle up against me. She was absolutely adorable and deserved nothing but the best.

"Well I hope it happens soon, she'd be so adorable running around and being a little mischief maker," my mother states as she sits down.

"Yeah, I know Michelle would love to babysit once she slips," I smile as I run my fingers through Allison's hair, soothing her slightly as she seems to settle down into a nap.

"Well as your mother I have the first chance to babysit," my mother claims.

"As the former queen I believe I should get first chance," Elena smiles, knowing it would rile my mother up. After all, they were best friends and best friends knew how to do that the best.

"You wish," my mother rolls her eyes with a small frown. "I called for it first so shove it Elena," she says, making Elena laugh out loud.

"It doesn't matter what either of you say," I smirk as I kiss Allison's forehead. "She's my baby."

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