The twins

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*Allison's P.O.V*
I wake up to coolness hitting my stomach. I whine as I turned away, pouting when a hand on my stomach stopped me.

"Darling, it's time to get up," Annabelle says. I shake my head as I try to hide my face in the mattress. I whine when she lifts me up, sitting me on the edge of the bed. I pout as I feel tug at the nightgown I'm wearing.

"You need to change darling," Annabelle says. I stare at her sleepily as she does so, whining softly.

"You change me," I say as I flop back, rolling onto my stomach. I can see that it surprises Annabelle when I glance back at her but she does as I say, helping me take the nightgown off. It's kind of a struggle since I'm laying on my stomach but eventually she gets me changed into a pretty green dress.

"There we go, no fuss," she smiles as she sits me up, turning me to face her. I sank back down as I rolled over.

"To early, still sleep," I murmur as I clutch the blanket close.

"No more sleeping Allison, you've slept plenty," she says as she lifts me up, pulling the blanket out of my grip. "Now c'mere, are you thirsty?" She asks as she bounces me slightly. I push at her chest which makes her stop the bouncing but she doesn't sit me back down.

"Mmm yes," I utter as I nuzzle into her neck, grabbing a strand of her long brown hair and playing with the ends of it. I groan when she sits down and cradles me, making it so that my face is no longer hidden.

"Open up," she coos as she picks up a bottle, gently pressing the tip against my lips. I opened my mouth to protest, whining when she pushed the nipple of the bottle into my mouth.

I pout as I hesitantly suckle, surprised at the vanilla flavor of the milk that was inside. I keep drinking from it, savoring the taste as I stare up at Annabelle. Her thumb strokes my cheek as she stares down at me with a small smile.

"Good girl, you drank it all," she coos as she lifts me up into a sitting position on her lap. She pulls the bottle away and sets it down on the vanity behind her.  "Are you hungry?" She asks softly.

"No," I shake my head, my tummy feeling full from the milk. I jump when the door slams open. I bury my face into Annabelle's shoulder.

"Auntie, mommy told us that you have a little girl now," a female voice says.

"We don't slam doors Leah, you know that. You've scared her already," Annabelle scolds as her hand runs down my back gently.

"Sorry. Got excited about having a new friend," the voice, Leah I correct myself, says.

"I know. Sweetheart it's okay, they didn't mean to scare you," Annabelle murmurs into my ear. I nod as I hesitantly peek out, intrigued by the fact Annabelle said they and I had only heard one voice.

Leah was the first one my eyes land on. She looks to be taller than me, though not by much, and she looks a little older. Her hair is black with the tips of it dyed purple and she has dark brown skin. She has striking gray eyes. She was wearing a purple romper that frills slightly at the bottom.

Behind her was a boy, he looks about my age and height. His hair is a light blonde color and his skin is slightly tan. His eyes were a deep set and a soft green color. He is wearing a dress that is just a shade lighter color than his eyes. He has stockings under the dress that were black.

"Hi. I'm Leah and this is my twin brother Oliver but you can call him Ollie," Leah smiles as she waves at me.

"We're matching," Oliver points out and I notice that very quickly. I grin at that.

"Hello, my name's Allison," I said softly as I smile slightly. They seem very nice.

"How old are you? Me and Ollie are both nineteen," Leah says.

"I'm nineteen too," I state as I glance up at Annabelle, earning an encouraging smile from her.

"That's cool. What's your regression age? I'm usually 4 or 5 and Ollie is 6 most of the time, sometimes a little younger," Leah states.

"Uh..." I look up at Annabelle with confusion, earning a small coo as she rubs my back.

"She's still figuring that out," Annabelle says. "Now does your mommy know that you're here?" She asks. Leah looks down with a small blush as she shakes her head.

"I'll be right back darling. Ollie you can stay here, I know Leah probably dragged you into this," Annabelle mutters as she gets up, setting me down in her chair. "You however are coming with me so you don't run off when I find Michelle," she chuckles as she walks over and grabs Leah's hand, leading her out of the room. Oliver and I make eye contact for a second before he looks down.

"I like your dress," I state as I smile lightly. He looks up with a surprised look on his face before he smiles back at me.

"Really?" Oliver asks as he smooths out his dress.

"Yeah, it compliments your eyes really well," I inform him in case he doesn't already know. I wasn't lying either; it really did compliment his eyes perfectly. "You've got to give me some tips on how to do that," I smile.

"Yeah, I can definitely do that," Oliver smiles. "And maybe you could do my makeup? That is if you want to," he murmurs shyly.

"I'd love to do your makeup. I don't know if I'd be any good but I'd love to try," I say as I clap my hands together excitedly.

"You don't have to be good. Just be better than Leah," Oliver says with a giggle. "They'll probably take a bit to get back, you want to just get to know each other until then?" He questions.

"Yeah," I nodded my head. Oliver sits down on the bed. I can't believe I am already making friends, err well a friend to be correct.

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