Run away

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*Allison's P.O.V*
The next few days go by just fine. Maxon seems to still be sulking over his shirts being dyed and today I was pouting while staring at the queen.

Annabelle had been trying to get me to wear another pullup but I wasn't very keen on doing that. I mean I had been just fine for the past couple days without one so I didn't understand why she was so insistent that I wear one.

I did eventually change into it, confused on why this one felt thicker than the one I had worn a few days ago. I go and flop down on the bed, groaning dramatically.

"You're so dramatic," Annabelle sighs as she sits down beside me. "Sit up," she says.

"No, go away," I mutter, scooting away from her.

"Oh my goodness," Annabelle sighs as she lays down and pulls me close. "I think it's someone's bedtime," she murmurs.

"Yeah, it's yours," I state while closing my eyes and snuggling into her.

"Mhmm, sure it is baby," Annabelle whispers as she rubs my back.

"I'm not a baby," I yawn while settling down. I soon feel myself drifting off to sleep, listening to Annabelle sing a lullaby.

I wake up hearing movement all around me. My eyes open and I slowly sit up. I stare blearily at Annabelle who is just now sitting down at her vanity while Maxon is standing next to her, putting on a suit jacket.

I crawl across the bed, hopping over the foot of the bed. I say hop but I more climb over it. I walk over to Annabelle and rest my head on her shoulder. I have to kind of slouch down to do it but I manage to do so. "Well good morning to you," she says as she pats her lap. I close my eyes and slink down into her lap, hiding my face in the crook of her neck. "Poor sleepy baby," she murmurs softly.

"Not a baby," I protest quietly.

"You're my baby," Annabelle responds.

My eyes open as I sit there, contemplating my life now at this point. I had gone from living on the streets alone to being treated like a child. That wasn't what was bothering me though. I was letting these people get too close to me. I had let myself forget that at the end of the month, this would all be over with. I would be alone again without anyone to talk to or trust. Any happy feelings I had been developing in this care, immediately vacated from my mind.

"Can we go see my home? I have a few things there," I lie while glancing up at Annabelle. I knew I had the easiest chance of escape there, not surrounded by guards. It didn't have to be a permanent thing but I have to get away for a little bit.

"Not today," Annabelle says.

"But I want to go today," I whine softly.

"Not today Allison," Annabelle repeats while looking down at me.

"I want to go today," I say, frustrated while glaring up at her.

"I said not today Allison so drop it," Annabelle warns. I fall silent with a small frown on my face. I feel like I have to get out now and she shuts down my idea. I just need to get away for a little bit.

"What are we even doing today?" I ask softly.

"We're going to go outside and teach you what places are off limits and what places are not," Annabelle explains.

"Mmm okay," I sigh while resting my head on her shoulder. She kisses my cheek while going back to doing her makeup. Once she is done with that, she gives me a romper of sorts to wear. I take it and change into it, noticing that I still have only the pullup I wore the night before to wear as underwear.

I walk out of the bathroom, flopping back onto the bed. Annabelle rolls her eyes as she helps me put on a pair of black shoes that stay on with a little buckle on each shoe.

Annabelle sits me up and rests me on her hip. She carries me out of the room, Maxon following behind us. Once we are outside she lets me down, resting her hand on my lower back.

I follow her as she explains which places were on and off limits. The stables were apparently off limits unless I had either Annabelle, Maxon or someone they appointed to go with me.

Annabelle guides me around the castle grounds, Maxon being the one to tell me where I was and wasn't allowed to go. Apparently the garden maze, the pool area, and the barracks were off limits. The play area, the flower garden, and the areas in between was where I was allowed to go.

Annabelle and Max stop to talk to Captain Caspian. I look around while they talk and notices that the gate that led to the city was open. I realize that this is my chance to leave and start to slowly inch my way towards the gate.

"Where are you going?" Annabelle asks when she seems to notice I have been out of her sight for a little bit. Her head turns to look at me, her eyes looking beyond me to see the gate.

"Home," I say softly while meeting her gaze.

"I told you not today so get your butt back over here. We'll go another day," Annabelle states. Maxon and Captain Caspian turn their attention to what is happening.

"Well I want to go today," I say, taking another step back.

"Little girl, if you take another step towards that gate, there will be consequences," Annabelle states as she takes a step towards me. I meet her gaze, staring directly into her eyes as I take another step back. "That's it," she states, walking towards me.

"No it's not," I say, turning around and taking off at a run. I had let myself get too close and I need to distance myself.

"Allison," Annabelle shouts after me. My feet pound on the pavement while I speed up, hearing Annabelle and Maxon's shouts fade.

"I'm sorry," I whisper while wiping the tears that were falling down my face. I duck into an alley, sinking down behind a garbage can.

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