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*Allison's P.O.V*
"You are in so much trouble for doing that and the swearing you did earlier," Annabelle whispers.

"Oh no what are you going to do? Put me in the corner?" I ask with a small smirk as I laugh at the shocked expression on her face.

"You'll wish that's what I had done when I'm finished with you," she practically growls into my ear making me shrug.

"You're not scary sweetheart," I say, reaching up and patting her head patronizingly.

"Ooh you are in for it," she whispers as she pushs my hand away, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your little conversation but you said that your friend's dad is him? Why would you be friends with that man's son?" Jasmine asks. I simply shrug as I sit back in my seat.

"Same reason I haven't told you where Caspian is. It benefits me," I say, making Alexendria raise an eyebrow as she stares at me. "You really thought he'd tell Maxon where he was going? He lies and I'm the only one he actually told where he was going," I say as I drink the last bit of water in my glass.

"Tell me where he is," Alexendria demands.

"And give away my alcohol supplier? You're kidding," I snort, making her raise an eyebrow.

"I'll give you a bottle of wine or champagne in return," she says, making my mother and Annabelle look at her with wide eyes.

"I want alcohol in return for selling him out, not the stuff you're talking about which is served at kid's parties," I state.

"What kind of kid's parties did you go to?" Maxon asks incredulously.

"The fun ones," I reply with a small smile at the look on his face. I reach over and take Annabelle's wine glass, pouring the rest of her champagne in my glass until she grabs it and takes it away, smacking my hand while doing so. "Ow rude," I reply as I rub my hand. "Thanks for the champagne though doll," I smile.

"I'm this close Allison, this close to punishing you right here," Annabelle whispers in my ear.

"What will you take instead of alcohol for Caspian's location?" Alexendria asks, making me shrug.

"I am partial to a good chocolate mousse," I say, making her grin.

"I'll get you as many as you want if you sell him out," she promises.

"I also want the bottle champagne," I decide after a moment.

"I thought you didn't- fine. I'll get you a bottle of champagne," she agrees with a small sigh.

"Mother," my mother says as she frowns.

"He's in the wine cellar," I say as I sip my glass with champagne in it.

"Thank you," Alexendria says as she gets up.

"I love being an extortionist," I sigh with a small smile as I sip the champagne in my glass.

"How often do you do stuff like this?" My mother asks.

"Whenever I get the chance," I say with a shrug.

"You're not drinking that champagne you made her promise you," Annabelle says.

"Oh I will," I say as I turn in my seat and rest my feet on her lap.

"You sure about that?" She asks as she glares at me, making a small shiver of fear shoot through me. Now I remember just how scary she can be.

"I mean you can have it if you want, I'm good with my chocolate mousse," I say, making her nod with a small smirk on her lips.

"Now give me your glass, you're not drinking the champagne you took from me," she says, holding her hand out. I know I should probably hand it over but I am already screwed anyway so...

"Viva la revolution," I say as I quickly down the rest of the champagne before she takes the glass from me.

"You are in so much trouble," Annabelle says as I simply shrug.

"Oh no, woe is me. I'm so scared," I say sarcastically as I stare at her with a sly grin on my face. My grin fades when I notice that she isn't smiling. "Would it help if I said I'm sorry?" I ask softly, making her shake her head.

"No it wouldn't help Allison," she whispers, making me frown.

"Well I'll still say it, I'm sorry," I say softly as I lean against her. I don't understand why my drinking bothers her so much, she hasn't given me any rules like she had given little me.

Seeing as I know I am getting punished I kind of settle down. I wonder how much trouble I am in.  I mean it can't be that bad after all. I hesitantly lean my head against her shoulder, noticing how tense she seems.

Her hand hesitantly moves back to my back, scratching gently as she eats her food with her other hand.

I can tell that she is still angry but as long as she calms down slightly I'm pretty sure I'm safe. I look at my mother who is watching me and Annabelle with a fond smile on her face.

"You really care for her don't you Annabelle?" My mother asks as she glances at me. I smile back as I curl into Annabelle as best as I can while staying sitting in my chair.

"I do," Annabelle states. "Even if she is a brat and disrespectful at times," she murmurs while moving her hand up my back to play with my hair.

"Hey, I'm a brat and disrespectful most of the time," I correct making her chuckle.

"I believe that," my mother says as she smiles. "I'm glad that you have this Allison, it makes me so happy that you're happy," she states, making me smile softly.

"Thank you," I say as I grin at Annabelle. I tug on her sleeve making her look down at me.

"Yes?" She asks, making me smile at her. I bat my eyelashes innocently.

"More champagne?" I ask, laughing when she facepalms and shakes her head. I whine when she pinches my back for a second before letting go.

"You're a brat," she states so I just shrug since it is the truth.

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