Stabby stab

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*Allison's P.O.V*

I follow Amanda through the halls, staying in the shadows. She moves through the dead bodies and glass. The hallways look vastly different. Some guards faces I knew from seeing them in the hallways at points and others were plainclothes rebels.

"Caspian," Amanda says as she hurries forward. I follow her, staying silent as I take my shoes off, knowing they were made for the purpose of being comfortable and not silent. Besides, broken glass was just a small hazard and I could deal with the pain just fine.

"Amanda, I thought you were going to watch Allison," Caspian says as he limps towards her. He has a rag wrapped around his leg and blood on his pants.

"I am," Amanda says as she glances at me in the shadows. I smile and peek out slightly, making him narrow his eyes.

"No. Allison you need to go back to the safe room," Caspian shakes his head. "You can't bring her out here Amanda, she doesn't know how to fight," he states.

"Actually," Amanda rubs the back of her neck. "I kind of knew her when she was a kid, taught her how to fight ages ago," she said.

"Seriously? No matter how good she is, the royal families are going to kill you for this," Caspian states.

"She will do great and they can't get mad at her for protecting her families," Amanda states. Her words remind me of a time when I was younger, a time I was so frustrated with my lack of ability to fight.

"Amanda I'm not getting better at this," a younger version of myself says, sounding upset.

"Keep trying kid," Amanda says from where she is sitting on the couch, watching me only because Mister had left and he owed her money so she was waiting for him to turn up.

"I don't have any motivation," I sigh as I move closer to her.

"Want motivation? Imagine one day you're the only who could defend your family and because you gave up you can't. So they die and it's your fault," Amanda says bluntly, staring at me.

"I don't have a family," I reply with a frown.

"You do though, you have Tyler," Amanda says. "Now fight. Imagine what I said. Imagine I'm trying to hurt Tyler. Imagine that if you fail this, he dies," she says, making me move. She still didn't know how much of a possibility that was with Mister's temper.

We trained off and on whenever she visited, which was usually quite often until I was about 10. Mister was always owing her money, I never knew why and I never asked. But after I turned 10, she just kind of disappeared off everyone's radar. Most people had assumed that she had died.

I snap out of my thoughts as I move forward, staying in the shadows. Caspian and Amanda dion't notice. This wasn't a training scenario now. My family was in danger and no one was going to harm them, not as long as I breathed. I move towards the fight, my hand clutching the knife tightly.

The first rebels I came on to had a few Fional guards and guards from here pinned. I move silently, my feet landing on broken glass. I ignore the small pain having been through much worse.

I bring the knife up as I study the guards before making my move. I maneuver around them and bring it down deep into one of their spines, pushing harshly and making it crack as the other rebel turns toward me. Everyone never seems to understand how much force you have to use to stab someone to death. It helped that I just imagined it was Tyler's father that I was stabbing.

The rebel that turned towards me raises a gun as I leave my knife in the dead rebels' back, his bullets just narrowly missing me as I dart towards him. I duck down, my eyes landing on a piece of glass and I grab it in the split second that I have before he fires at me again. I run past him which seems to surprise him but I just move to his other side, using the piece of glass to slit his throat before he can even comprehend how close I am to him. No one ever expects you to run towards them.

"How the fuck did you do that?" One of the guards ask.

"Training," I smile as I tuck the piece of glass into a fold on my dress, going back to get my knife. I have to wrench it out of the dead body with all the strength I can muster and it comes back covered in blood. I hazard a guess that I didn't just hit his spine but rather some of his organs as gross.

'I'd be a great assassin,' I think to myself. 'To bad Annabelle is a stick in the mud,' the thought continues as I continue moving, keeping the knife tight in grasp. I realize that the fighting is towards the middle of the castle and not the outskirts. 'Now why would that be?' I ask myself as I come across another rebel.

He seems to be standing guard in front of an open door. I move slowly, managing to get right beside him as I stand in the shadows and lunge, the knife stabbing into his throat and all he can make are these wheezing noises when I rip it out. "Five points for me," I whisper as I skip into the room, noticing a bunch of rebels gathered around a painting.

"Everyone knows that this is where the royal family hides," a woman says.

"Yeah and? Can't really kill 'em if they're behind a painting that doesn't move," a man replies.

"It needs a code dumbass," the woman snaps.

"Well we don't have it," another man states.

"I have it," I say as I hide the knife in the folds of my dress, right next to the piece of glass. I smile sweetly even as they turn and point guns at me. "I'm very close to the royal family," I say.

''Hey, that's the kid that's always with them," a woman says.

"Why are you willing to betray them?" The first woman asks.

"You let me live if I help you," I say.

"Fair enough," someone murmurs and they all agree. Man these people were idiots. I walk into the circle of people, ignoring the guns still pointed at me.

I turn to look at them as I rest my hand on the picture frame. My free hand was still clutching the knife and hiding it. I look at them, smirking slightly. "So the code is look behind you," I say, making some people turn to look. I roll my eyes smirking at the guards who had guns trained on them. That made a few others turn to train their guns on them.

"It's to late. We found someone who has the code," the first woman says smugly.

"Okay so the code is I'm a liar," I say as I bring my knife out and sink it into her chest as she fires a round. It causes the guards and rebels to fire at each other, wondering who shot first. I fall to the ground with the woman. I grasp her wrist and hold her hand down as I sink the knife into her chest even more.

I lay there, feeling a stinging burn shoot through my side as I use her body as a cover. I lay there, breathing softly as I remember just how much I hate the smell of blood.

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