Beginnings of a war

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*Allison's P.O.V *
Once Annabelle gets tired of trying to pull me away from Grant, she convinces me to go back to the garden. And by convince me, I mean she tells me that we are going back to the garden. She also says that if I disagree then she has no problem going back by herself.

I drag my feet as we walk, making Annabelle raise an eyebrow. "You were scared of him not even an hour ago and now you don't want to leave," she points out, making me pout.

"Like Grant, he's nice. Other ponies are just small, even angrier horses," I murmur around the pacifier in my mouth. I find it oddly soothing to have. It helps me not bite my lip and I could use it as a reason for not wanting to talk to anyone, and I always have wanted a way to avoid that.

"Mhmm sure sweetheart," Annabelle says as she pulls me close and kisses my forehead. I blush, not being used to any affection before two days ago.

"It's true," I pout at the fact that Annabelle doesn't believe me. "You're mean," I say as I push her hand off me with a small huff.

"You don't even know the beginning of mean from me," Annabelle snorts as she picks me up, letting me rest on her hip. "And if I'm so mean, maybe you'd like to sleep in your own bed tonight," she says, making me whine.

"No, you're not mean. Don't make me sleep alone," I beg as my eyes widen, feeling extremely sensitive over her saying that.

"Shh baby, I was just playing. Don't be upset, okay?" She coos while bouncing me and rubbing my back.

"Okay," I nod my head slightly, relieved I wasn't going to be kicked out of their bed and made to sleep somewhere else.

"If I ever say something like that and it upsets you, just let me know," Annabelle says as we arrive at a patio area in the garden. She opens the gate, stepping in to set me down. She shuts the gate behind us, the latch looking complex to undo. She smiles as she looks down at me. "Why don't you explore or find something to play with? If you want me to join you I will," she offers.

"No, I can play by myself. Thanks for offering though," I say as I run off to go explore the patio all on my own.

I look back once I find what I want to play with, some chalk, to see Annabelle sitting in a chair as watches me. I smile before going back to looking at my chalk, slowly sketching out some animals.

I look up occasionally to make sure that Annabelle is still there. She is always there but I just feel the need to make sure.

When I looked up this time, I see Maxon with a bucket in his hands slowly approaching her from behind. He catches my gaze and shakes his head. I keep an eye on him but stop staring directly at him.

Maxon unlocks the gate and sneaks inside, leaving the gate open. He creeps up behind her and raises the bucket up, tilting it over causing a cascade of water to fall onto Annabelle.

Annabelle turned around in her seat and sputtered as she pushed her soaking wet hair out of her face. "Maxon," she says as he slowly backs towards the gate.

"You'll never catch me alive," he says as he bolts out of the patio area, slamming the gate shut behind him before flat out running back to the castle doors and going inside.

"You're so sleeping on the floor tonight," Annabelle shouts after him. She rolls her eyes as she turns around, raising an eyebrow at me. "Did you know he was gonna do that?" She asks, making me shrug.

"Did you see him sneaking up on me?" She asks. I nod simply as I look away. "But you didn't know what he was doing?" She questions me, making me shake my head.

"Didn't know he was gonna dump water on you," I say as I meet her gaze.

"Well then I suppose I can let it go this once since you were unaware of what was happening," Annabelle says. "Next time let me know if he's trying to sneak up on me," she says.

"Okay," I nod. "What are you going to do now?" I ask, looking at her soaked dress.

"First I'm going to go change then I'm going to go tell Elena to keep her son in check before I retaliate," she says with a small smirk.

"Okay," I nod my head. 'She went low, she's telling his mom on him,' I thought, chuckling internally.

"And you're going to help me," she states.

"Wait what?" I ask as my eyes widen.

"You're going to help me. I need someone to distract him while I do the dirty work," she said.

"What if he gets mad at me?" I ask as I frown. I didn't want anyone to be mad at me.

"He won't get mad at you, he'll get mad at me for being smart enough to have you help exact my revenge," she promises. "But if he does, just go to Elena and tell her he's being mean to you," she suggests, making me furrow my eyebrows as I consider the thought.

"Won't she be mad at me for helping you get him back?" I ask as I fiddle with the chalk in my hand.

"No, Maxon and I have prank wars all the time so she'll know I put you up to it," Annbelle says. "I'll even tell her so there's no chance of you getting in trouble," she offers.

"Okay, I'll help you," I murmur, convinced that the queen wouldn't do anything too bad plus I wasn't going to get in trouble for it so it didn't bother me.

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