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*Allison's P.O.V*

"This is Tyler," I say as I smile at him.

"That bastard's son," My father observes, making me roll my eyes.

"He's really nice, he saved my life," I state.

"Good for him. We need to go have a talk," my mother says as she grabs my arm, pulling me out of the room.

"Amanda, don't let anyone murder my friend," I call back, looking back and noticing Annabelle was following us. I have a hard time keeping up with my mother even though we only walked a few doors down. She pulls me into a room, Annabelle shutting the door behind us.

"What the hell were you thinking? Running off when there's a fucking attack going on?" My mother demands to know.

"I wasn't thinking. Or well I was....but only about myself. I didn't realize that I would be hurting anyone if I got hurt," I say. Tyler's comment about Rosey really made me look at what I had done and I realized I was in the wrong for it.

"Good, I'm glad you came to your senses. You are still going to be punished though," Annabelle says, making me nod.

"I know and understand that I have to be punished," I say simply. "What I did was stupid and dangerous and I could have gotten really hurt and even died," I state while looking down.

"I am glad you understand that Allison," my mother says, her eyes still holding some anger.

"Maddison I think it would be better if I handled her punishment seeing as I am her caregiver and she barely knows you," Annabelle states. "You may be her mother but she only met you a few days ago and has a horrible past so I would hate for you to trigger it," she says sternly.

"I understand," my mother nods as she leaves the room, shutting the door lightly behind her.

"Now I think a fair punishment for doing something so dangerous would be a spanking, however you are injured and I do not want to put you in any more pain than you are already in," she states. "However if you can handle it, I think a spanking over your dress while standing would not cause you pain would it?" she questions.

"I can handle a spanking," I whisper as I look down. "As long as I don't have to bend over or anything that would aggravate my wound," I say. "Plus it would be nice if it was just over my dress cause I think my dress would get caught on my stitches if I pulled it up," I inform her.

"Okay," she nods her head. She walks over and I bite my bottom lip, feeling a bit nervous about the fact that I was still getting a spanking. I had never gotten used to the burning feeling that the spankings left behind, even when they were done over my clothes. Her hand connects with my bottom making me gasp as I take a deep breath. "Are you sure you can handle this?" she questions.

"Yes," I nods my head slowly. "It's just a spanking and it's not bothering my wound, just my bottom," I inform her as I bite my bottom lip. She gave a few more hard smacks before rubbing my bottom.

"I'm sorry baby but actions have consequences. This is one of the best ones in your situation," she says, giving me a small hug. "Now what was that about Tyler saving your life earlier?" She asks.

" was gonna...shoot me. He ended up shooting him before....he could shoot me," I say slowly as I took deep shaky breaths, still surprised at how the stinging felt. I was almost positive that Annabelle hadn't held back with this spanking.

"That seems like a lot worse of a punishment than a spanking," Annabelle says. "Now I think a timeout would do you some good, allow you to have time to calm down huh?" she questions.

"Yeah, I think that would be good," I say as I go to the corner, sitting down carefully.

"I'll do the timer for ten minutes so that you have time to think and calm down," she says. I nodded as I bite my bottom lip. I sit there quietly, feeling tears prick my eyes as I realize how stupid my decision was and how I could have died if it wasn't for Tyler. I don't bother moving when the timer goes off, jumping when Annabelle walks over and helps me up.

"I'm sorry," I hiccup as I cling to her, wrapping my arms around her neck. She shushes me while rocking us slowly.

"It's okay baby, I know," she coos as she kisses my forehead. "I know you're sorry," she mumbles as she holds me close.

"I'll never do anything that stupid again," I say, making her smile as she wipes away my tears.

"That's good. That's why disciplining happens, to keep you from repeating bad decisions," she says as she rocks back and forth. She holds me close as she mumbles soothing words. We stay like that for a while before she decides that it was time for us to return. She stands up, setting me down.

"Owie," I wince as I rub my bottom making her frown. "It's fine, it doesn't hurt that bad," I say, making her raise an eyebrow.

"Well I'm glad, I know your wound is probably still very sore," she says as she takes my free hand, squeezing it gently. We walk, me having a bit more of a skip to my step after Annabelle's and I talk. Tyler was talking quietly to Jasmine and the rest of them. I pull my hands out of Annabelle's grip before running and jumping on his back.

"What's up nerd?" I ask as he grabs my legs so that I won't fall back.

"Not much. I didn't realize that they let little shortstacks like you run around free," he says, making me stick my tongue out.

"Didn't realize the crows wanted to let their tree leave," I say, making him laugh.

"Good comeback sweetheart," he rolls his eyes.

"I know what hurts you, don't try me," I say with a small smile on my face as I roll my eyes.

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