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*Allison's P.O.V*

I was bored. So bored. Like you can't even imagine how bored I was. To make matters worse, the king and queen wouldn't let me have a drink to spice up my life. Being underage around them really meant being underage here. It doesn't help that I had been out of littlespace since the night before last.

"Are you seriously going to be mad about us not letting you go to a bar?" Annabelle asks as she stares at me from her seat on the bed.

"Yes," I say as I turn away to look out the window. "I'm going crazy here," I murmur. "Besides you're the important people, no one will go after me because I'm not important," I try to argue since one of her points was that someone would kidnap me.

"You're not going to the bar," she replies. "To make sure you don't, Caspian will keep an eye on you while I'm at a meeting with Fional family," she says. Apparently they have to talk even more after my blood was taken, just because they were allies and it was serious business.

"Whatever. I'm still pissed about the DNA thing. You never mentioned needles," I murmur softly.

"Oh poor baby," Annabelle chuckles, making me stick my tongue out. "Behave for Caspian and I'm serious. The last thing I want to do is have to blister your bottom so soon to getting the DNA results back," she warns.

"Blister my bottom? Sweetheart you can't even touch this," I smirk, making her roll her eyes.

"Brat," she says, making me laugh as I lay back on the window sill watching her leave and Caspian come in.

"So Caspian," I say after a few moments have passed. He raises an eyebrow as I smile innocently. "Where's the whiskey at in this place?" I ask.

"Annabelle would kill me," Caspian states as he frowns.

"Let me say this in a way you'll understand. Little me is a nightmare without milk. Big me is a nightmare without alcohol so where the hell is it?" I ask as I sit up, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"You can have one shot," Caspian says. "That's all," he states, making me grin.

"One's all I need baby," I say as I stand up.

"You're a real brat now that you've been out of littlespace for over two days," Caspian says as I follow him to the treasure trove aka the liquor cabinet.

"I'm not a brat. I'm a bitch," I correct. "And I'm not on my period so don't even say it," I mutter.

"Wasn't even dreaming of it, I have two older sisters. They'd kill me if I said that," he murmurs as he opens the liquor cabinet.

I wasn't going to lie, the one shot he had let me have had hit me hard and fast. I may have also snagged a bottle and chugged some of it before he could take it away. My throat still burns from it in fact.

It has been about thirty minutes since I had downed it and now I had to go see Annabelle and her guests. I stumble after Caspian as he shakes his head. "This is as far as I'm going," he mutters as he stops a few feet away from the door. "You are on your own kiddo," he states as he pats my back before pushing me to the door.

I open the door and peek in, noticing that everyone is quietly talking. I try to straighten up and act sober as I open the door a lot more and enter the room. Annabelle looks at me and narrows her eyes.

"You're drunk," she says, sounding none too pleased with me. Everyone else stops talking and looks at me, the Fional family looking back to each other and whispering. "You're underage, I told you not to go to a bar," she says as I walk over to her.

"I didn't go to a bar sweetheart, I was taken to your own personal liquor cabinet," I roll my eyes.

"How much did you drink?" Annabelle asks as she grabs my arm and pulls me close.

"Just a little over one shot which is exactly what Caspian said I could have," I smirk at her as she stares me in the eyes. She would never find out the truth, Caspian would never betray me.

"What kind of shot did you have?" she asks sternly, clearly not believing me.

"Whiskey, the best kind," I smile as I sit down on her lap. "I'm a bit of a lightweight," I say while leaning back against her.

"What the hell was that boy thinking?" a woman says, sounding upset. I turn to look at her, noticing her blonde and silver hair. She has dark gray eyes that seem to have thunder clouds in them.

"Probably how much quieter I am when I'm drunk," I say as I stretch out, feeling the queen's arms wrap around my stomach and hold me close. "This is your fault you know," I say, looking back at Annabelle.

"How is it my fault?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

"You haven't helped me slip for the past two days, I've been so lonely being big," I whine as I pout at her. She leans forward and kisses my nose, making me smile.

"You are in so much trouble when we get back to the bedroom," she whispers, which does not make me smile.

"Kinky," I murmur, making the king laugh as she blinks in shock. I turn my head back to the Fional family and study them. Two people stick out in particular. One is a woman with blonde hair so blonde that it puts Michelle's hair to shame and she has the same stormy gray eyes as the lady that had talked before. I notice we have a similar facial structure and lips. The other is a man sitting next to her with light brown hair and brown eyes that matches my own. I smile at them as the door opens and Michelle comes in.

"I brought the results," Michelle states as she carries a piece of paper to the woman who took it tentatively. "I might have peeked at it too," she says, her face completely neutral.

"Okay," the woman says as she tries to study Michelle's face for a reaction before unfolding the piece of paper. She reads over it and swallows as she seems close to tears. "Are you okay darling?" he asks as he takes the paper from her shaking hands and looks at it. He pauses as he takes a small breath and squeezes the woman's hand.

"I'm sorry," Michelle says, making the rest of the people frown, " for Allison. She has such a crazy family," she finishes saying which makes them perk up.

"Maddison, is it positive? Is she your daughter?" the woman with a crown on her head asks as she eyes the previous woman, Maddison, who simply nods.

"Yes," Maddison says as she wipes her eyes while staring at me. I stare back at her and raise an eyebrow.

"I'm lost as to what's happening, I'm drunk," I state, making her laugh softly.

"You're my daughter," Maddison says softly, which reminds me of why I had my blood taken in the first place.

"Our daughter," the man next to her corrects gently.

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