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*Allison's P.O.V*

I got to stay in littlespace for a while longer before Annabelle asks for me to be big. I don't understand why since I was having so much fun being little but I agree to be big. I sigh as it takes me a minute to make sure I was big before I nod at Annabelle to speak.

"Tyler said you've known you that you were a little since you were twelve," she says, making me suck in a deep breath and nod slightly. Why did he have to go and ruin my big secret?

"I have indeed known that I've been a little since I was twelve," I admit. It felt good admitting it but I also felt kind of bad that I had been lying for so long. "I just couldn't ever be little because of the positions I was put into," I sigh.

"But why wouldn't you just tell us that?" Maxon asks, making me groan softly. Of course he had to ask that question.

"Because I don't know why, honestly. I just didn't bring it up and you guys seemed so happy to be introducing me into things. I had never gotten anything like that in the seven years that I've known that I was a little and I didn't want to risk ruining it," I say as I get up.

"Where are you going Allison?" Annabelle asks as she reaches for my hand. I pull it away and walk to the ladder up to the crow's nest thingy.

"Up," I say simply as I dig my hands into the wood ladder and start to pull myself up it. I feel a hand grab my ankle and stop me from going farther up.

"No, you're staying down here," Maxon says as he tries to pull me from the ladder.

"Let me go," I whine as I let go and let him put me on the deck of the ship.

"No way. You hate large bodies of water and going up there is only going to mean you're going to see more water and the last thing anyone needs is for you to work yourself into a panic and get stuck up there," he states. I meet his gaze before sighing and nodding my head in understanding.

"Nothing to do on this entire ship," I groan as I flop down onto the deck, ignoring the splinters that dig into me. I needed to get a thicker dress to survive all the stupid splinters.

"There is a pool and a game room. You just need to ask," he says.

"Take me to the game room," I say as I hold my arms up at him.

"Ask politely," he says, making me huff and give him puppy dog eyes as I make my lower lip tremble and make my eyes wide and innocent. "Ask," he repeats.

"Take me to the game room...please," I add reluctantly, making him laugh as he bends down and picks me up, letting me cling to him with a small smile. "Thank you," I say while sticking my tongue out at Annabelle. I was being carried and she wasn't so clearly I had won.

"You're welcome," he replies as he walks and enters a side door, going downstairs and stepping in a room with a giant pool table. There were also board games and other things. I look back and realize everyone has followed us down here.

"I bet I could beat you in a game of pool," I tell Maxon making him set me down with a smirk.

"Confident on that?" he asks, making me nod. "Alright let's make a bet then. If I win then you can't nurse from Annabelle for a day and if you win then I'll give you a shot of whiskey," he bargains. I narrow my eyes and study him.

"Deal," I agree after a moment and stick my hand out, him shaking it. I smile as I get my pool cue and put chalk on the end as he sets up the balls. I smirk at him and stick my tongue out, knowing that he didn't have a chance.

Eight games later and I was right, he hadn't won once which was great because it meant that I could nurse. "I think you owe me eight shots of whiskey but I'll settle for you sleeping on the floor tonight," I state as I put my cue up and skip to Annabelle, sitting on her lap.

"You did good baby," she says as she rubs my back while holding me close. I smile and kiss her cheek, leaning my head against her chest as I watch the board game that she was playing. They, meaning everyone except me, Maxon, my father, and my uncle, so the boring people, were playing Monopoly and I was glad to say that Annabelle was winning. I couldn't be with a loser of such a serious game and feared our relationship would crumble.

I look at her when she ends up losing the game to my mother. "I want a divorce," I tell Annabelle making her look at me.

"First of all why and second of all we're not married," she states as she pops a handful of candy into her mouth.

"Because I can't be with a loser of such a serious game. It would ruin the good reputation I have built of always winning the games I play," I say as I lean back, resting my head on my aunt's lap. "Hi," I smiled slightly.

"Hello," she says as she strokes my hair, making me sigh softly and close my eyes.

"Everyone needs to stop finding ways to make me feel sleepy and comfortable or else I'll just have to sleep forever," I state dramatically as I yawn softly earning a laugh from her.

"Poor girl, you just are forced to be comfortable all the time," she teases me, making me pout and curl into Annabelle. Everyone was so mean to me, it just wasn't fair.

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