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*Allison's P.O.V*

"So can you tell us a bit about yourself?" My mother asks softly.

"Umm sure. What do you want to know?" I question while picking at the food on my plate. I really want to be little but I knew that now was not the time or place to do so.

"Anything really," my father says. Oof this was going to be weird to get used to. I wasn't used to having a family or anything. Outside of like Annabelle and Maxon I guess.

"Okay, my favorite color is blue and purple. Dog's are my favorite animal," I say with a small smile as Annabelle rubs my back, occasionally pressing her knuckles into my back to keep me from slipping. I think it was obvious to her that I want to slip but I knew I couldn't at the moment.

"Hmm just out of curiosity, what's your full name?" Alexendria, my mother's mother, asks.

"Allison Lee Swan," I say as I notice the small frown cross her face.

"At least that bastard kept your middle name," Alexandria says as she sighs softly.

"Mother, do not forget that she is still a child," my mother says, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm far from a child," I say, making my mother glance at me.

"No I suppose you're not. I'm sorry, sometimes I forget that you're not a child anymore," she says.

"It's fine, I do have a childlike innocence," I smile innocently, making Maxon choke on his drink. "Anyways, what was my name before him?" I ask.

"Maya Lee Fional," she says as she smiles bitterly. "At least he gave you a good name," she murmurs.

"He didn't name me," I state as I stab a piece of salad with a fork and eat it.

"Oh. Who did then?" My father asks as he glances at my mother. God it was weird to think of having parents. Like actual, real parents.

"One of his side job's aka one of his whores," I say, making Annabelle choke on her drink. Man, I was really good at making people do that. My mother stares at me incredulously.

"Don't you think that's a bit rude?" Alexendria asks, making me frown.

"Not rude if that's what she called herself. Stuck around longer than most and cared for me so trust me, if it was rude of me to say I wouldn't call her that," I state.

"Well it did sound rude," Elena said. "And most people wouldn't call someone that if they were close to them," she frowns, making me snort.

"See that's where the difference lies. If you're poor then you don't really care but if you're spoiled rich then it wounds your reputation to ever even be thought of as something less than perfect," I state.

"Well I wouldn't say that's true," Alexendria objects. I notice that my mother and her seem nothing alike so I figure my mother's silence comes from her father.

"You don't have to say it, I know it," I smirk slightly, making her raise an eyebrow.

"You were right, I do think you're a brat," Alexendria says, earning a laugh from me.

"Yeah and? Most people prefer brat over bitch," I say as I lean back, feeling Annabelle's hand on my back tense up slightly.

"You have quite a colorful vocabulary," Jacob, Alexendria's partner and my mother's father, says.

"I spent about seven years of my life on the streets though I guess I'll tune it down," I sigh.

"Yes I've been meaning to ask about that. So he was arrested when you were about twelve right?" Maxon asks as he leans forward to look at me. "But a missing poster has been up ever since you were born. How did you go seven years without getting caught?" He questions and I nod since it is a fair question.

"Simple. I never really got out much. Didn't ever leave the house and when I did anyone that knew me afterwards, usually had their own secrets that they didn't want spilled," I say.

"So none of your supposed friends cared about you enough to report you missing? When you just disappeared..." My mother asks as she frowns.

"I didn't have friends. I had acquaintances. The only friend I have is the one who follows me from kingdom to kingdom," I state plainly.

"But you said that you ran into a friend and he told you about your kidnapper getting out," Maxon says with a puzzled look.

"Exactly," I said. "Only friend I have is the one that cares enough to follow me," I smile softly as I cut up a piece of steak and ate it.

"So if he follows you around, don't you think he would see the posters and figure out who you were? Or at least want you to take it down?" Celestria asks.

"It's not that easy," Jasmine aka big, bad queen of Fional says. "She would have had to return to Fional to have that claim dismissed and seeing as she would have been a minor for most of the time she could have returned she would have been placed in an orphanage," she explains.

"Hit the nail right on the head," I shrug. "Besides, the law wasn't exactly on my side after two years of running around and stealing to survive," I state. I notice my family shares a few glances of surprise which makes me roll my eyes.

"Well it wasn't on your side here until you were caught," Maxon points out.

"Yes, how did you get caught here and not in Fional?" Jasmine asks.  "No offense but our guards are much better," she says.

"Maybe they are but in truth both of your country's guards suck compared to me. The guards here were lucky to catch me," I say as Annabelle pulls me closer so that my head is able to rest on her shoulder slightly.

"I think I'm lucky they caught you," she says, making me roll my eyes with a small smile.

"How were the guards lucky? I think you just aren't as good at running off as you like to think?" Maxon dares to suggest.

"Simple. They were lucky because I was too tired and hungry to focus on getting away. Plus I was more focused on getting the food to those who requested it," I state.

"I'm sorry, I know we've seemed to move past this but how did your friend know of his escape? We've only told our guards and family," Draco, my father's father, states.

"My friend tends to keep up with his dad," I say as I take Annabelle's wine glass and take a sip of her champagne, handing it back to the now pissed looking woman.

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