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*Allison's P.O.V*

I sigh as I realize I had drifted off to sleep. My head is resting on Tyler's chest and he has his hand resting on my back, keeping me cuddled against him. I lift my head up and look around hearing footsteps down the hallway. I get up slowly making Tyler stir and look up at me.

I put my finger against my lips and gestured to the door that was barricaded. He stands up, pulling another gun out of his pocket. I was so going to have to ask him where he got these endless supplies of guns from. The door rattles and stops for a second. The door stops for a second before something slams into it and it is forced open. Our barricade was pushed out of the way effortlessly.

Tyler pulls me behind him, raising his gun up. Guards flood the room and guns are pointed at Tyler. "Woah," I say as I step out in front of him.

"Allison," Caspian says, sounding relieved as he stepped into the room. "Lower your weapons," he orders. "You too," he says while looking at Tyler.

"They good?" Tyler asks, making me nod. He lowers his gun and tucks it back into his pocket.

"You come with me," Caspian says as he walks over and grabs my arm tightly. "You come too," he says walking as he looks back at Tyler. A small frown is on his face before he nods. I follow after Caspian with a small frown.

"How screwed am I?" I ask him as I walk behind him, struggling to keep up.

"Fucking screwed," Caspian says. I nod my head as I sigh softly.

"Hey dude, she can't keep up. Can you slow down a little?" Tyler asks as he grabs my other arm and pulls me back.

"No. She fucked up so bad. Her family is worried about her because she decided to run off without permission in to a fucking war zone because she was bored," Caspian says as he stops and turns to look at Tyler.

"Als is that true?" Tyler asks. He looks at me with a concerned look.

"So what? It's not like it matters," I scoff as I roll my eyes.

"Not like it matters?" Caspian repeats as he looks at me. "Your mother had a fucking panic attack worrying about you. Annabelle is crying her eyes out and was doing everything she could to leave that safe room," he states.

"I...why?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"Because you fucking matter. That's why. They love you and you don't seem to give a damn," he says as he shakes me by the shoulders which makes my head snap back.

"Chill out dude," Tyler says as he pulls Caspian's hands off me. I rub my neck, feeling sore from being shaken like a rag doll.

"How was I supposed to know I mattered?" I ask as I stepped behind Tyler, feeling slightly afraid of Caspian now.

"Because your family spent nineteen years looking for you dumbass. Annabelle and Maxon can't function when you aren't around because they love you so much," Caspian says as he scoffs with a frown on his face. He rubs his forehead slightly as he looked at me.

"I can phrase it better," Tyler says as he looks at me. "Sounds like you mean as much to them as Rosey meant to you," he says softly.

"Wha-" I look at Tyler with a small frown on my face. "Really?" I ask softly as tears prick my eyes.

"Really," Tyler says as he looks down at me. "Remember you used to sneak out just to go see her?" He asks with a watery smile.

"Yeah," I nod my head. "She was so happy when she got to see me but she always got on to me for coming over so late. She always said 'Midnight was no time for a young lady to be wandering out and about'," I say with a small chuckle escaping me. It of course didn't help that I had to jump from the roof to get onto the top of her house.

"Of course she did. She always had a reason to baby you little Miss Allison," Tyler chuckles. "Because you could never do anything naughty and obviously you were a little baby who needed her to hold your hand," he smiles softly.

"Yeah," I say with a small smile. I glance at Caspian with a small sigh. "I've been a selfish bitch haven't I?" I ask softly.

"A bit yeah," Caspian nods his head slightly with a small frown on his lips.

"I'm gonna have to apologize a lot aren't I?" I ask.

"Yes. Even if you do earn their forgiveness, your ass is still grass," Caspian says as he nods his head.

"Shit," I sigh as I cover my bottom on instinct with a small frown on my face.

"Now let's go," Caspian states as he took my hand, gently guiding me along. Tyler follows after us making me feel nervous about what was gonna happen. I didn't want to be spanked in front of my only friend. It sounded embarrassing and painful at the same time which left me feeling extremely nervous.

We enter the room again, I hide behind Caspian as the painting swings open. I press against his back, feeling him pull me out from behind him. "Fuck you," I mouth to him.

"Allison! What the hell were you thinking?!" My mother says as she walks over and boxes my ear. I whine and cover my ears slightly with a small huff. "I was fucking worried about you," she says as she grabs my shoulders and shakes me.

"What the fuck is with people shaking me back and forth?" I ask as I grab her arms and stand still. "I know I fucked up, I'm not a god damn rag doll for you to shake though," I say, shoving her hands off of me.

"You've fucked up even more," Annabelle says as she looks at me with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I know okay?" I say as I pull at my hair. "This family is a fucking pain in the ass," I mutter.

"I'm glad I only have my father. Or well had," Tyler says as he frowns slightly.

"Who is this?" Maxon asks with a frown.

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