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*Annabelle's P.O.V*

I stare down at Allison as she nurses from the bottle, watching as she seems to slip further into her regression. When her hand moves down to grab my top right above my breast, I know she has fully slipped into the headspace of a baby.

I shift her so that she is cradled more securely against me. I knew the milk would help her slip, it had just taken a little time and the right moment to make her slip more. When the bottle runs out of milk, Allison makes sure that I know by pushing at my face. She keeps looking around as if she expects more to just magically appear.

"I'll go make her another bottle," my mother says as she gets up, taking the bottle and heading to the kitchen.

"If she keeps drinking at this rate and vigourness, you're going to have to pump more often," Elena jokes as she watches Allison squirm in my arms, babbling quietly to herself. "Did you think she would regress to this little?" She asks.

"No. To be honest I expected her to slip a little more to about two but it seems like she's slipped all the way to infant. Which of course, I don't mind at all," I say honestly as I kiss Allison's forehead.

"I figured you wouldn't. As long as you have a little one to love on, you don't care about how young they regress," Elena chuckles as she reaches over and tickles Allison's side causing her to squeal and squirm with loud giggles.

"I'm going to go get a blanket for you to swaddle her in," Elena says as she gets up.

"Alright, thank you," I smile as I rock Allison, watching her grab onto my top again. My mother comes back and hands me a bottle which immediately gets Allison's attention.

"Is this your baba?" I ask, making her squirm and reach for it.

"Baba," Allison babbles while trying to grab the bottle and drink it. I lower it to her mouth slowly, immediately having her latch onto the bottle. She nurses quickly so I pull it back some so she has to slow down to keep the milk in her mouth.

"Slow down baby," I coo as Elena comes back with a thin but also long blanket. I trade the bottle for the blanket and stand up, laying Allison on the couch. I struggle due to her crying and squirming since she quite clearly wants her bottle back. Once I get her swaddled, I pick her up and take the bottle back, placing it in her mouth.

"My baba," Allison says around the nipple of the bottle as she goes back to drinking, settling down in my arms due to being swaddled.

"Yes your bottle," I coo while rocking her.

"Ooh that reminds me," My mother says as she gets up. "I'll be back," she states as she leaves the room.

"You could have at least told me where you were going," I call out after her, staying quiet for Allison's sake. She seems so peaceful just laying there and drinking her bottle. "I wish you were this quiet everyday," I whisper jokingly while rocking her.

"I'm back," my mother voices as she comes back with a packet. "Alli look, nanny got you some stickers to put your name on your baba," she says. Allison squeals as she reaches for the packet of stickers.

"Look what you did. You better have stickers for her to play with too," I snort as I roll my eyes.

"I did," my mother replies as she peels off a sticker of a pony and hands it to Allison.

"Grant," Allison coos happily as she smiles at the sticker. My mother had placed it on the top of her bottle so that she could look at it. Allison's eyes flutter shut as she smiles while still nursing from her bottle. Once she finishes it is clear that she was still nursing on it in her sleep. I swap the bottle for a pacifier in my pocket.

"There we go," I whisper as she sucks on the pacifier. "Why'd you buy stickers for her bottle? They're just gonna get washed off," I say dryly to my mother.

"So is that make-up you wear. Unlike your make-up though, these stickers are waterproof and resilient," my mother states.

"First of all, at least my breasts are real. Second of all, you wonder why father goes on hunting trips so often," I roll my eyes. My relationship with my mother wasn't normal by any means. We could laugh and tease about anything because we just had such a good relationship. Michelle has a more joking relationship with her than I did but we could always laugh at things like this together.

"Sometimes I'm glad I didn't have a daughter," Elena sighs as she sips her tea.

"I'm sure any daughter you had would be just as bad as you so don't worry. One of you is more than enough," my mother replies as she starts spelling out Allison's name with stickers. Elena rolls her eyes as she smiles softly.

"Thank you. I know I'm a lot," Elena states as she smiles softly. Even though she always joked about having a daughter, she loved Maxon more than anything. She loved to joke about him and be strict with him, but she loved him more than life itself.

I was glad I had gotten lucky enough to have a wonderful mother and father-in-law when I married Maxon. Maxon had talked up his parents, which they rightfully deserved. The one thing I loved about him was how happy and carefree he could be but he was also so loving. Every time I got sick or felt slightly unwell he'd take on everything so I didn't have to deal with anything and could rest. Well except for today, today he had screwed up. I was sure he was still stained from the paint though so I was sure that was punishment enough for him.

"There, done," my mother declares when she is done with the bottle. "Look I'll go prove that they're waterproof," she smirks as she gets up.

"You go do that," I roll my eyes as I lay back, cradling Allison close and closing my eyes.

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