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*Allison's P.O.V*

I only manage to eat about half of my sandwich and a little bit of jello before feeling full. I rest my head on Elena's leg as Celestria hands me my bottle. I nurse from it quietly as I lay there, feeling Elena's fingers comb through my hair.

"You feeling okay? You're kind of quiet," Elena says, making me whine and turnover. I was fine, maybe I feel a little bad but other than that I am perfectly fine. Why was she being so nosey?

"Okay," Elena sighs as she rests her hand on my forehead. "You feel kind of hot, baby," she states, making me sigh as I squirm and roll over with a pout.

"Oh I know, Granny is being mean. Come here to Nanny," Celestria pulls me close and pats my back gently. I hiccup as I feel tears prick my eyes. "Oh what's wrong?" She asks as she picks me up, cradling me slightly.

"Don't know," I whisper as I sniffle softly. "Don't know at all," I state before sneezing softly.

"Oh baby, c'mere. You just must not be feeling well at all," Celestria says as she feels my forehead. "She feels hot Elena, we should go in and see if we can get her to feel cooler," she states as she gets up.

"No. We're supposed to have a picnic," I cry out as I squirm to get down. "And Grant is here too," I whine as tears fall down my cheeks. I don't know why it bothers me so much but it does. I just feel so sensitive and now I feel small.

"Oh poor baby. It's just so unfair," Elena says as she gets up. "Take her in Celestria, I'll clean up," she states, making her nod and carry me inside. I sob and squirm the whole time. It wasn't fair, I want to finish the picnic.

"I want..to finish the picnic," I sob as I kick my legs weakly. "You promised," I hiccup as I slip my thumb into my mouth, sucking on it for comfort.

"Oh I know. We'll do another picnic when you're feeling better," Celestria coos as she carries me into Mommy and Daddy's bedroom. "Don't suck on your thumb baby, it's nasty," she says, pulling my thumb out of my mouth. I let out a louder sob as I cry at something comforting me being taken away.

"Mean," I hiccup as she lays me on the bed. I roll away, trying to get up.

"I know angel, I'm the worst person ever," she says as she sits down and pulls me close, grabbing a pacifier from the nightstand and popping it into my mouth. I suckle on it as I curl up close with a small whimper of sadness and pain.

"She does not sound happy," Elena declares as she enters the bedroom. She sits down on the other side of me. The movement does not please my stomach at all. I sit up and spit my paci out, scrambling to the bathroom. I barely make it to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet.

"Oh darling," Elena says as she follows me and pulls my hair back as I throw up. I sob as I alternate between throwing up and crying. Once I am done, I straighten up.

"Here darling, let's brush your teeth and get you into bed," Celestria says as she and Elena help me up, leading me over to the sink. I brush my teeth but refuse to go lay down.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Elena asks as she bends down to my level.

"Accident," I whisper, looking down.

"What?" She asks as she frowns slightly.

"Had accident," I sniffle as I rub my eyes.

"I'll go get mommy and she can change you alright?" Elena asks, making me nod. "I'll be back as quick as I can," she says, leaving the bathroom quickly.

I stand still, shifting impatiently. I look up when I hear the frantic click of heels.

"My baby," Mommy says as she enters the bathroom, picking me up. "Grammy said you aren't feeling well and had an accident," she cooed, making me nod with a pout.

Mommy carries me to the bed and has me lay down at the end of it. "You can leave," she tells Elena and Celestria who leave quickly, shutting the door behind them.

"Mommy, I feel icky," I say as Mommy quickly but gently changes into me into a fresh pullup. She is quick to go throw away the old one and wash her hands before returning to me.

"Feeling icky huh?" She asks as she lays down with me, rubbing my stomach as I nod. "That's okay, mommy will take care of you," she says as she sends me to sleep with a soft hand rubbing my stomach and humming a lullaby.

When I wake up, I can tell I am still very much regressed. I was also very hungry.

"Mommy milky," I cry, making Mommy sit up startled.

"I'll go make you a bottle," she says, moving to get up.

"No, milk now," I demand as my lower lip trembles. I climb onto her lap defiantly.

"I have to go make a bottle," she says, trying to move me.

"Nowww," I sob out as I let out a wail of unhappiness.

"Fine, fine," Mommy says as she unzips the back of her dress and pulls it down. She pulls one of her breasts out, making me tilt my head. "C'mere," she coos as she pulls me close and rests my mouth on her nipple.

"Milk?" I ask, receiving a nod, before I start to suck, her hand rubbing my back. I squeal happily when milk comes out and keep nursing, drinking the milk happily.

"Oh you're just so happy about your milky," she coos as she pats my bottom. She hums softly while rocking me back and forth slowly.

"Good milky," I coo happily as I keep nursing, closing my eyes in pure bliss as I rest my hand on her breast.

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