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*Allison's P.O.V*
I glance up at Maxon as he walks back to the castle. I look from the left to the right studying the men that were walking with us.

One was the former king Abel, who looks quite a bit like his son. His hair has a salt and pepper look which actually looks pretty good on him. His eyes are a dark hazel and his face has barely any wrinkles which is slightly surprising.

I turn the attention to the left to look at Annabelle's father. From what I know, his name was Sol. He has blondish hair and dark blue eyes. He glances over at me and smiles slightly, making me hide my face into Maxon's chest.

"Sol is not that scary little one," Maxon chuckles softly, making me squirm slightly.

"Or maybe I am," Sol said. I peek out of Maxon's chest to see Sol smiling.

"Yes, maybe you are Sol," Abel says, making me turn to look at him. "Oh have I caught your curiosity now princess?" He asks, making me smile slightly. "Hah I got her to smile. I am better than you Sol," he smirks.

"Oh shut up. It just means that I will be her favorite once she warms up to me," Sol scoffs.

"Where is the scientific evidence on that?" Abel asks.

"Why do I need scientific evidence? I'm obviously stating a fact," Sol rolls his eyes.

I giggle softly, making Maxon smile down at me. "Are they funny?" He asks. I nod my head with a small smile.

"Uh oh here comes the trouble trio," Abel mutters while rolling his eyes. I turn slightly to see Annabelle, Celestria, and Elena walking towards us. It wasn't surprising to see them since we are so close to the castle but I don't really want to face Annabelle after running off.

"My baby," Annabelle says as she gets closer, stopping in front of Maxon, and pulling me into her arms. She holds me close, murmuring softly.I can't hear what she murmurs because she pulls back, smothering my face in kisses. "Do not ever do that to me again," she whispers while hugging me close again.

"I'm sorry," I say softly as I squirm weakly, trying to get her to loosen her grip.

"I'm just glad you're okay darling. You are okay, right?" Annabelle asks as she checks me over.

"Yeah," I nod my head. "I'm fine," I say, with exasperation while squirming slightly.

"I am allowed to fuss over you after what you just pulled. What were you thinking?" Annabelle questions me, making me shrink down.

"Let us talk about that later. You know, in private," Maxon suggests.

"Fine," Annabelle says. "Do not think I will forget about this though," she states while tapping the tip of my nose making me wrinkle it up.

"Worry about that later. I want to hold her now," Celestria says, making Annabelle roll her eyes.

"What is this? A game of pass the grandchild?" Abel asks as Annabelle hands me over to Celestria, very reluctantly.

"Yes," Celestria smiles as she bounces me slightly. I cling tighter to her as I rest my head on her shoulder.

"So who is her favorite grandmother?" Sol asks as he begins the walk back to the castle with everyone else following.

"Do not start that right now," Elena says as she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah. I am obviously the favorite," Celestria smirks slightly while kissing my cheek.

"Do not even start that right now. It will not end up well for you," Elena states.

"Oh I am sure it will end just fine with me. You would lose that fight just like you lost your first husband," Celestria rolls her eyes.

"Oooh you are lucky you are holding that precious child or I would be on you. At least I was not left on the street because of my husband," Elena states.

"Oh wow a low blow," Celestria snorts as she bounces me slightly.

"Give me my grandbaby," Elena orders, pulling me out of Celestria's arms. I squeak and hide my face into the nape of her neck.

"Rude," Celestria murmurs as she crosses her arms.

"I know," Elena smirks as she kisses the top of my head. I giggle softly as I play with a strand of her hair. "Oh you're just so precious," she coos down at me.

We finally arrive back at the castle, making me glad I am back inside. It felt nice to be in a place that had fans to keep it cool. I may have been shaded in the alley but it was quite hot.

Annabelle takes me from Elena earning a protest from the older woman. "She's my baby," Annabelle says as she carries me to the dining hall. "Are you hungry?" She coos down at me.

"Yes," I say as I nod my head. Annabelle enters the kitchen. She opens the refrigerator that was farthest from the door. She grabs a bottle and shakes it up.

"Do you want it warmed up?" Annabelle asks. I shake my head, making her smile. "You sure darling?" She asks. I nod with an impatient whine, realizing how thirsty I am.

Annabelle shifts me so that she is cradling me and pressed the nipple of the bottle to my lips. I start to suck on it with a small smile. Her hand rubs my stomach making me squirm weakly.

"Shh sweetheart, settle down," Annabelle says as she tickles my sides making me giggle and cough slightly, choking on the milk. Annabelle sits me up and pats my back. I whine as I settle back down and start to nurse from the bottle again.

"I'm sorry sweet girl," she murmurs while leaning against the counter with a small sigh. She hums softly, making me close my eyes with a small yawn. "That's it, go to sleep," she murmurs.

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