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*Allison's P.O.V*

"Annabelle, this is important," my mother says as she stops walking, still carrying me.

"What is it Maddison?" Mommy asks, sounding surprised.

"Allison is scared of large bodies of water," my mother says. "Isn't that right?" She asks, making me turn and peek out slightly at everyone.

"Sea is scary," I mutter as I frown slightly.

"Damn it," Mommy says. I see her get out of her chair and walk towards us. "Why didn't you tell mommy you were scared before we got on a ship?" She asks.

"I dunno," I shrug as she takes me from my mother.  Annabelle rocks me back and forth as she carries me to the cabin on the ship. Once we get inside and she has shut the door, she looks down at me with a frown.

"I wish you would have told me baby, I wanted you to have fun while we traveled, not be scared," she sighs as she carries me over to the bed and lays me down on it. I stare at her inquisitively until she pulls out a diaper from the case at the foot of the bed.

"I'm a big girl, I don't need a diaper mommy," I whine softly.

"How old are you?" She asks as she pulls my dress up, making me pout.

"I am two, you know this mommy," I say as I kick my legs, huffing when she grabs them.

"Are you sure?" Mommy asks as she rubs my belly. I whine as I start to slip more. "That's what mommy thought," she says as she pulls my pullup off. She lifts my legs up and puts the diaper underneath me, unfolding it before letting my legs go.

I kick my legs slightly making her push them down. She gets some powder out of the case and sprinkles it. She pulls the front of the diaper up and puts the tabs into place.

"Mean," I say as she sits me up, tugging my dress down into place.

"I'm so mean," Mommy says teasingly as she picks me up, patting my bottom with her hand. My eyes narrow slightly as a thought hits me.

"Where's Dusk?" I ask as I look around, looking for my trusty unicorn.

"Who?" Mommy asks, making me turn to glare at her. How dare she forget about Dusk.

"My unicorn," I say as I cross my arms over my chest. "Now find it," I whine softly, making her sigh.

"I will find it, give me a second," she says as she sets me back down on the bed. She pulls a bag out from under the bed, looking through it. She smiles when she pulls it out of the bag. I reach for it frowning when she pulls it away.

"Say please," Mommy says as she frowns when I shake my head. "Allison you can say please or you won't be getting Dusk," she says.

"No," I whine as I flop back on the bed. "Give me Dusk. She's mine," I cry out as tears pricked my eyes.

"And you can have her when you say please," Mommy says as she sits down on the bed beside me. "Now please stop with the fit baby," she coos soothingly.

"No. She's not yours to keep from me. Daddy gave her to me," I say as I kick my legs, hitting my arms against the bed.

"And I am choosing to keep her from you until you stop with this fit," she states while sighing softly.

"It's not fair, Daddy is nicer than you. I likes him more," I state as I stop, tears falling down my face as I lay there.

"That's fine. You can certainly like Daddy more than me but that doesn't change the fact that I'm holding Dusk. All I ask is that you say please if you want her," she states. I huff as tears stream down my face.

"Please," I say finally with a small whine. She hands me Dusk and I hold my unicorn close while glaring at her. "Unplease," I say, making her raise an eyebrow and chuckle.

"Oh is that how that works. You can say unplease after I hand you your toy?" She asks. "Maybe I should take her back then," she states. I glare at her before turning over, holding Dusk close. "Mommy's teasing baby," she says as she patted my bottom.

"Don't tease me," I say as I turn to look at her. I sit up and crawl to her, tugging on her top and waiting for her to do what I want. She sighs and shakes her head as she pulls her top down, undoing her bra. I latch on the moment I can and start nursing. She pulls me onto her lap and lets me continue nursing.

"Wow you've really changed your tune huh?" She asks, making me glance at her as I keep Dusk held close. "I thought you liked daddy more?" She teases, making me whine while kicking my legs slightly.

"Stop teasing," I say, continuing to nurse. I start to slip more, feeling much smaller as each second passes.

"Do I have a little baby on my hands?" She asks as she rubs my back. I babble quietly to her. She nods with a smile on her lips. "Oh yes, of course," she says, making me smile. Obviously she understood me or else she wouldn't have responded.

I unlatch for a moment to catch my breath, whining when she tries to fix her top. I push her hands away, huffing when she tries to fix her top again. I push her shoulders which catches her off guard and makes her fall back onto the bed.

"Allison what are you doing?" She asks as she tries to sit up only for me to lay on her. I latch onto her and start to nurse again. "God you're so clingy," she say with a small smile on her lips.

"Milk mine," I tell her as I keep nursing with a small smile.

"Yes milk is yours," she sighs as she runs her hands through my hair. I sigh contently as I snuggle into her.

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