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The drive to their house was silent and uncomfortable. For both boys. And neither of them knew how to feel.

Jungkook felt as though he had just ruined his whole relationship with Taehyung. He wanted to be mad but he only felt ashamed in himself.

Taehyung didn't know what to think about. He wanted to be brain dead. He wanted to stop thinking, to stop living, and stop loving.

Because even though beautiful things can appear like Jungkook, there's always the scary possibility that beautiful creatures can turn into monsters like Suho.


Finally, the boys arrived home. Once Jungkook had put the car into park and turned it off, not even two seconds went by before Taehyung rushed into their house.

Jungkook didn't notice right away but once he saw Taehyung opening their house door he groaned and hurriedly followed him.

Before Jungkook could follow Taehyung into his room, Taehyung shut the door in his face.

Jungkook sighed sadly. "Taehyung... I..."

Now that he was here at Taehyung's door he didn't know what to say.

Jungkook got a hold of himself, "I... I'm sorry. I did what I did because I was jealous, I felt insecure about your feelings for me. That isn't an excuse of course... I just wanted you to know. I just needed you to know, I didn't do that just because I was impatient or anything."

On the other side of the door, Taehyung was sitting on the edge of his bed, listening to what Jungkook had to say. Every sentence, every word, paying attention to every detail.

He needed to know what type of person Jungkook is.

Jungkook continued, "And... I don't know where our relationship stands right now. It's completely understandable... U-Uhm..." The shaking in his voice was audible.

To a regular person this would seem like a normal situation. When a couple is close to a break up, it's normal to cry. Right?

But Jungkook had broken up 1000 times with 1000 people. And Taehyung knew that.

But the last time Jungkook had cried was after his mom left. And, again, Taehyung knew that.

Jungkook began to finish up with his long speech to Taehyung, "Even if you break up with me... It'll be hard but I won't be mad. I'll be understanding and supportive. Just... Just as long as you let me be there f-for you. A-And be involved at least a little in your life. I'm so s-sorry."

Taehyung could hear Jungkook crying through the door. It broke his heart.

But a small smile cracked onto Taehyung's face. He was relieved. Now he knew for sure, that Jungkook wasn't anything like Suho.

Jungkook was still on the other side of the door crying silently. Or at least what he had thought was quiet.

Taehyung stood up and opened the door to his room. And in front of him was a crying Jungkook who was surprised and a little embarrassed that he was crying in front of Taehyung.

He quickly wiped his tears and tried standing up tall, trying to seem strong. But once Taehyung came out of the room and touched the side of Jungkook's face, Jungkook broke down in tears again.

Taehyung began tearing up too, "Baby, why are you crying?"

Jungkook couldn't control the tears slipping down his face. He softly held onto Taehyung's hand that was on his face, "B-Because... The thought of loosing you kills me." Jungkook was barely able to get the words out of his mouth. It was hard to breathe calmly. But Taehyung found it adorable.

Taehyung closed the small gap in between them. Softly kissing Jungkook's lips.

Jungkook was taken aback but felt a huge wave of relief come over him.

Taehyung braced his loving boyfriend into his arms, "I love you, Jungkook."

Jungkook felt as if he had just reached a state of euphoria. Taehyung had just made it clear he didn't want to break up with Jungkook, not to mention that this was the first time Taehyung had ever said he loved Jungkook back.

Jungkook wrapped his strong muscular arms around Taehyung's waist and buried his face into the crook of Taehyung's neck. He squeezed Taehyung tightly, and Taehyung wasn't bothered by it in the slightest.

Jungkook lifted Taehyung off of the ground and began spinning him around, while giggling. Taehyung began to laugh too.

He kissed every inch of Taehyung's face making Taehyung feel so loved.

Jungkook looked into Taehyung's eyes smiling, "I-I just love you so damn much it's crazy!"

He kept telling Taehyung sweet nothing's making the mood much lighter.

They shared 'I love you's' and took a nap together in Taehyung's room.

To be continued...

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