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They were now one hour away from arriving in Big Bear.

The bus was pretty much silent since everyone was mad at each other.

Jimin and Yoongi were chilling in the bed of the trailer sleeping. Hoseok sat in the front next to the driver's seat icing his balls while Jungkook drove with Taehyung on his lap.

Hoseok groaned because of the pain in his balls. "This hurts so bad."

Taehyung looked over at Hoseok feeling sorry for him. "Uhm... we have chips!"

Hoseok's face instantly brightened up. "You do?! Can I have a bag?"

Taehyung laughed and nodded. He slid his body under Jungkook's arms, trying not to have another incident where everyone dies like the one that happened an hour ago.

He walked to the cabinet of the fancy trailer and saw lot of different types of chips. "What kinds do you want?"

"Doritos Flamas." Hoseok said with his mouth watering. (this was me as i wrote it)

Taehyung nodded and moved chips around till he found the ones that Hoseok wanted. He walked over and handed them to the poor boy with smashed balls.

Hoseok instantly took the bag and chowed down eating his pain.

Taehyung slid under Jungkook's arms and sat back up, laying his head on Jungkook's chest.

"Wait a minute! Where'd you get this huge trailer from? And how did you get all this done without me waking up?" Taehyung asked confused looking up at Jungkook.

Jungkook gulped nervously at his boyfriend's question. "Please, don't get angry with me."

"What? Why would I?" Taehyung asked wrapping his arms around Jungkook, nuzzling his face into his chest happily.

Jungkook released one hand off of the wheel and wrapped his arm around Taehyung's waist. "I uhm... Well the trailer belongs to Auntie Hana. And you've probably never seen it before because she keeps it in the garage. Last night when you fell asleep at her house, I told her the plan and she let me borrow the trailer and also- she gave me a pill to give to you so that you can be out for many hours so that I could get all of this ready."

Taehyung arched his brow. "You drugged me?"

Jungkook was basically sweating, he was so nervous, "I'm- so sorry! I-"

"No, you don't have to apologize Kookie! I was just suprised and... yeah, that is a little overboard but I don't mind it. You show me you love me over and over again when I least expect it so... I don't care." Taehyung looked down smiling to himself.

Jungkook was speechless. He was ready to be scolded or maybe even get the silent treatment for a long time.

He put his hand on Taehyung's forehead and pushed it back till the back of his head hit Jungkook's chest.

Taehyung knew that Jungkook wanted him to cuddle basically so he complied.

He rested his head on Jungkook with his boyfriend kissing his head every few minutes.

Hoseok watched the couple in front of him, "How cute! You guys are sitting there being all lovey-dovey while I'm siting over here with broken balls. Now my future wife can never bare my children!"

Taehyung and Jungkook both turned over to Hoseok confused.

"Are you even straight?" Jungkook asked because he had never seen Hoseok take a liking to girls.

Hoseok looked over at the couple, annoyed, "That's not the point."

Jungkook made a turn they weren't supposed to take, and pulled over to the side of the road at a bus stop.

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