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that next Monday...

Hoseok shook his head aggressively when the lunch lady tried to put a scoop-full of kimchi onto his tray.

"Kookie, have you seen Jimin? I haven't seen him all day and I'm... worried..." Taehyung said grabbing the tray that the lunch lady handed him.

Jungkook grabbed his tray too and thought for a moment, "Nah, I haven't seen him today either. You should try texting him he might be sick."

The girl next to them suddenly looked at them weirdly and scoffed.

Jungkook looked at her annoyed, "What?"

She looked at Taehyung smiling at him like he was stupid, "Who calls their brother, "Kookie?" That's something that couples would call each other! You guys are making me cringe."

Taehyung looked down at his tray scared.

Shit. Am I making our real relationship too obviou-

"You know what your problem is, Marcy? You're one of those bitches who can't just mind her own business. At least, Taehyung doesn't call his dad "daddy" like you." Jimin said appearing from behind Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok with his lunch tray.

Marcy furrowed her brows with her mouth open, "Fuck you!"

Jimin laughed, "Fuck no. I would never."

Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung all looked at Jimin confused as hell. Since when did Jimin snap at people, wear shades to school, wear black clothes, AND dye his hair black?!

"You know what, Jimin?! I do call my dad "daddy" but at least my mother isn't a drunk!" Marcy said practically screaming at Jimin.

Everyone in the cafeteria looked over at the scene.

Jimin stayed still with no reaction on his face but then he began smiling.

Marcy looked at him with confusion, "Why the fuck are you smiling?"

Suddenly milk began dripping down Marcy's face and down her body.

Everyone gasped at the sight and Marcy widened her eyes and screamed like a maniac.

Jimin and Hoseok both began laughing their asses off while Jungkook stared amazed.

Taehyung had just poured milk over Marcy's head. He dropped the carton on her head and walked over to his friends.

She stomped away angrily, "GO EAT MY PUSSY YOU FAGS!"

The silence in the room was soon filled by no other than Hoseok, "...Stanky fishy, stanky fishy."

Jimin and Hoseok fell to their knees wheezing at the comment Hoseok had just made.

The four boys couldn't stop laughing and the rest of the cafeteria began laughing too. Soon the laughter died down and everyone began eating like usual.

Jimin and Hoseok stood up still giggling like idiots... clever idiots.

Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other and hugged.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been a good friend to you, Jimin. I'm really sorry." Taehyung said feeling guilty.

"Don't worry about it! You just made me laugh so hard I couldn't stand straight." Jimin said still smiling.

They broke the hug still looking at each other with that healthy friendship loving look.

"Oh! But there is something that I wanted to tell you guys." Jimin said to his friends.

They all stared at him ready to listen.

Jimin bit his lip and swung his body from side to side excited, "I finally got a boyfriend!"

All of his friends gasped smiling at Jimin.

Hoseok clapped, congratulating Jimin, "Holy shit! Who?"

"Min Yoongi..." Jimin said a little quietly.

The three boys went silent.

Hoseok looked at Jimin confused, "How the fuck?"

to be continued...

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