Chapter- 8

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How does it feel to be so careless about life..??

It's like, you feel nothing could go wrong when your life was filled with thorns. You might be in a mess like you really want someone to hold you and caress those wounds but you simply become the person whom world calls " a strong person ".

Every human being needs someone beside them to be their support. Yes, parents could be a support but a support from a person who could make you feel special is something beyond words. You would just wish to be with that person and simply feel that, yes now my life is stable.

But, there are some, who don't have anyone beside them but still, they'll be the one whom world wish to become. A person who looks so carefree, people would even call them a person with stone made heart. But in reality, they are also someone who have a heart, a person who have emotions in them, they simply want someone to love them, to take care of them but will never voice it out. They simply leave everything to destiny..

Nandini Manik Malhotra is also a person who will fit in this category. She, is a carefree girl who might be looking so strong and who cares about nothing. She would be bubbly for the outer world because that's her character but does it mean, she doesn't have any emotions..? No, she too will have some emotions in her but just like it's mentioned above, she simply won't voice it out but will be ready to bring light in other's lives.

And even now, she's doing the same thing. She, herself who wants someone beside her but then she decided to be someone who lightens someone else's life a.k.a Manik Malhotra's life.

In Malhotra Mansion

MaNan's Bedroom

It was time to sleep and Nandini Malhotra was getting ready to do it. That's seriously a tough job for her. Brushing her teeth, using mouth wash, taking a cold shower and wearing some comfy clothes is something hectic for her.

While, Manik was busy working in his laptop, that's the only thing he can do. What actually, a newly wedded man does in his bedroom when he has his wife in their washroom. Aw, how romantic..!! But, the exact opposite is happening with him, how disastrous..!! Because, he simply feels like working 24 hrs..!!

Nandini got out of the washroom while wiping her hair and muttering curses for her hair. It was wet and she simply hates when her hair gets wet. Well, won't your hair get wet when you take a shower, especially a cold shower..??

Hearing her low curses, Manik made an annoyed face and looked above to shout at her but then the moment, his eyes landed on her, he sat frozen..!! Is she planning to seduce him now..??

He gulped hard seeing her semi-nude legs and bare arms. Damn, when did his wife turn hot..?? She was beautiful, he agreed, she speaks non-stop and irritates him, he agreed again, but then he never thought she could even be a ' hot chick ' like how teenage boys call the girls with short clothes..Well, it's not like, he hasn't seen girls with short clothes before but then seeing her, something is happening inside..Er..what do we call it..??

While, Nandini wasn't aware of anything. She was just irritated with her hair, correction, wet hair.

Nandini ( muttered angrily ): Yar, why do we bath with water..!! It would have been so easy if we could bath with gas, my hair wouldn't be getting wet..

Finally, she accomplished her mission, that is getting her hair dry and turned to the other side, only to see Manik looking at her wide opened mouth..She frowned at him..

Nandini: Khana khaana tho pasand hi nahi ho tumhe, phir aise kyu khola hai apne muh, Grumpy Coffee..??

And this brought him out of his trance. He ignored her comment and dug his head in his laptop while rubbing his nape in nervousness..She gave a weird look to him and then ignored him too..She walked to the bed and occupied the other side much to Manik's nervousness.

MaNan- Yearning to be lovedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें