Chapter- 25

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How does it feel to get a reality check..??

Er..doesn't it sound like you're getting some tests done in a hospital..?? Yeah, I know that, but then this question was also necessary..

Getting a reality check all of a sudden when you were actually living under some shield of falseness is something interesting.

Sometimes, it's painful too, if the truth is so bad..

While, if the truth is so beautiful, then you could go crazy also thinking oh shit, I was sleeping all the time and now finally, I woke up in my dreamland..

This what happens with each and every human being, because, sometimes, you need someone by your side to let you know the difference between right and wrong..

Manik Malhotra is gonna have a reality check by his own Lilliput, Nandini Manik Malhotra..!!

In Malhotra's Farmhouse

The Kitchen


Silence spread all through the Kitchen after such a sound..

Sound of a Punch..!!

Who punched whom..??

Of course, Manik can't hit a woman so its obvious that it was him who got punched by his own wife, Nandini..

Manik ( in a daze ): Seriously..?! Another punch..??

While, Nandini stood there huffing like a bull, with her red cheeks, red eyes, red nose and red fists..

Everything is red with her, by now..!! Hopefully, she doesn't turn into a Vampire because of her dear husband..!!

She turned her heals to move when Manik got alert and he blocked the way making her hell irritated..

Nandini: Don't tell me you really want me to punch you again..!!

Manik covered his face with his hands, except for his eyes, immediately and nodded in No..

Manik: Nope, I don't want another blow..But, an..explanation, right.

She glared at him ferociously..

Nandini: Seriously..?? An explanation..? For what Malhotra..?? For what..??

Manik ( nervous ): F..for..the..punch..

Nandini: Oh wow..?? Do I really need to explain it..??

He nodded meekly and she opened the refrigerator and took one egg and smashed it on his head..

Manik: What the f***..!!

Nandini: Dare you open that shitty mouth of yours..!!

Manik ( irritated ): What the heck did I do now..?!

He spoke while wiping his face and hair which were stinking in egg..!!

And, she got pissed again..!!

Nandini: What you did..?? Like, you really don't know..??

Manik ( shouted ): No..will you speak up about it, now..??

He was rewarded again with a punch making him to yelp in pain. He turned to her to see her huffing again and this time, the nervousness was back in him again. The saying is true, after all..

Never instigate your wife, for anything, you could get screwed, undoubtedly..!!

Manik: Uh..Lilliput..

MaNan- Yearning to be lovedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें