Chapter- 15

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Where do you find happiness..??

Happiness is a very tough word. It's just a 9-letters word but then the definition of it hold a lot of importance in one's life. One, always run behind his happiness because that's the only way to remain a saint person.

When you're not happy, you simply can't understand what exactly happens with you. You tend to forget even your surroundings. But, when you're happy, you're energetic, in fact, you're extra bubbly and you don't wanna let go off it.

But, there are some, in our world, who simply waits for their happiness. Because, they don't know how to find it. They don't know from where can they get their happiness. All they do is, believing in their destiny thinking that one day, even they'll be happy.

Though, it doesn't mean they live a life of a depressed soul. They just become someone else until they get to be with their happiness.

Manik Malhotra and Nandini Manik Malhotra are yet to find their happiness. Maybe, they too will find it, soon, very soon.

In Malhotra Mansion


That's the only word could be used to define the great Malhotra's condition. Not just one person, from the senior to junior Malhotra is looking extremely gloomy with silence all over their surroundings.

Raj Malhotra, who was on a leave today as he has seen his daughter-in-law weak, regretted for it. After all, what's the use in taking a leave when the person whom he wants to take care of, isn't present in his mansion. Her bickering, her fights with his son, her delicious dishes, moreover, the way she calls him Grand-pa, everything, is being missed by him.

Nyonika Malhotra, who always found her time best when she's in her kitchen, left that place and preferred to watch something on television thinking that would help her in not to miss Nandini. Alas, that was of no use.

Cabir Malhotra, who tries his best to annoy his little sister and his parents, was sitting like a person who has got nothing to do except for zoning out. He was simply watching the pictures of wild animals that he had taken in his camera to push the time.

Mukti Malhotra, was doing only one thing, studying. She took a pile of books and kept it on her bed and started studying. She believes that no matter what, studying can distract her mind, even if she's happy or unhappy.

While for the main person of Nandini Manik Malhotra's life, was at his office, doing something that he has never done in his life.

In Pace Motors

Manik's Cabin

Manik was sitting on his chair with closed eyes and all he could see was HER. NANDINI. And surprisingly, he had a small smile on his lips.

" Knock " " Knock "

Manik ( annoyed ): Come in...

A person entered inside and stood in front of Manik, making him open his eyes.

Manik ( sternly ): What is it that you wanted to disturb me even after I asked you people to leave..??

Employee ( trembling ): S..sir, Uh, actually..

Manik ( shouted ): What the h...

And he remembered how much she disliked it. He composed himself and managed to glare at the person.

Manik: Varun, you better speak something without stammering..

Varun ( with fear ): Sir, you have a meeting with our foreign dealers.

MaNan- Yearning to be lovedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें