Chapter- 24

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Who's that person with whom you can share everything..??

Everyone have different answers, right.

For some, its your mother or father. Of course, its true for some, parents are their best friends so sharing anything with them won't be anything awkward or difficult for them.

While, for some, it can be their life partner, some don't even feel any kind of emotion like, hesitation or awkwardness because, according to them, it's the love of their lives, what's the big deal if you shared that particular thing with them..

But then there's one person also in one's life, who can be a best listener and that is, their best friend. A best friend can listen patiently, can advice without any stop, can even scold us and not-so surprisingly, we wouldn't mind it either. After all, it's his/her right to get us to the right point..

Manik Malhotra and Nandini Manik Malhotra also preferred their best friends to share their problems..!!

In Malhotra's Farmhouse..


Staring at him venting all his frustration on the poor punching bag wasn't a new thing at all for Arijit Sinha.

Who better than him can know Manik Malhotra well, after all..?!

Arijit: Should I call your Lilliput..?

This halted everything that Manik was doing. He turned his head towards Arijit with his raging breathe which he ignored and took a towel and threw it to Manik..

Arijit: Wipe your face, you stink..

Manik shot a glare at him which made him chuckled..

Arijit: Trust me, girls won't like stinky boys so I don't think your Lilliput will allow you near her if you stink like a rotten egg..

Manik simply sighed and occupied a seat..

Manik: I don't think she'll allow me near her anymore, even if I smell good..

Seeing Manik's sad face, Arijit settled beside his best friend and passed a water bottle to him..

Arijit: Drink it and spill what's your problem..

Instead of drinking, Manik poured the whole bottle of water on himself, which made him look like he just took a head-bath..

Arijit: What's wrong with you, Buddy..??

Manik: I kissed Lilliput..

Arijit stared at Manik with his bulged out eyes and jaws dropped down in shock..

Arijit ( whispered in shock ): You what...??

Manik turned towards him and closed Arijit's mouth..

Manik ( annoyed ): I kissed Lilliput..Mene apni beewi ko kiss kiya..aur koi language mein chahiye kya..

Arijit got out of his shock and then stared at Manik again..

Arijit: How..??

Manik ( irritated ): Yar, ab mein tujhe ye bhi bathaoon ki kaise kiss karthe hai. You should have watched something matured till now..

Arijit ( glared ): Shut up yar. I was talking about how did it happen..?? Tu kabse usmein interest hone laga..??

Manik, sighed and looked down..

Manik: I don't know how it happened. It just..happened..

Arijit sighed and kept his hand on Manik's left shoulder..

MaNan- Yearning to be lovedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें