Chapter- 14

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Is it possible to get hurt without getting hurt physically ??

Well, that question might look a bit confusing.

What I mean is, a human being get hurt when they are wounded physically. Maybe, a cut or when you get hurt by falling somewhere or even worse, like getting shot.

But, is it possible for a human being to get hurt without getting wounded. Without having even a scratch on your body..??

Is it possible..??

Well, according to me, yes, it's possible. It's possible because one doesn't need to go through any physical assaults to get hurt. The main reason is our heart.

When your heart is in pain, you're hurt. Physical pain would be nothing in front of one's mental pain. But, it's also possible to get hurt when you see someone close to your heart, in pain.

When you see your loved ones suffering from something, your heart immediately melts and it will try anything that it could do to reduce their pain. Because, it simply can't be a part of that pain.

Manik Malhotra is going to understand that feeling too, after all Nandini Manik Malhotra didn't walk into his life just to walk out of it without creating any changes in his perspectives towards life..

In Healthy Life Hospital

Frown. Frowning. Frowned.

Anger. Angering. Angered.

Control. Controlling. Lost Control.

And finally, Manik Malhotra was out of his car marching towards his wife who was practically staring at someone with widened eyes. Oh the reason, you're unaware of it.

Isn't it obvious that a husband won't be able to stand a scene where a guy who just grabbed his wife's hand and planning not to leave it, especially when that guy turned out to be someone who has a deep crush on his wife..

Why the hell is he holding my wife, dude..

Aadit: Thank God, Nandini. Where were you, do you know how much worried I was.? You weren't picking my calls when you took leave for a whole day. What happened to you..Are you alright..??

While Nandini simply looked at him in shock. He always maintained a safe distance between them, though he had crush on her. It's not like, she never got close with guys but with Aadit, she always maintained distance because, she knew he would take it in some other way. But, now, he'd held her hand in his firm grip that she couldn't even hear what he said. While, for Manik, he knew what should have been done..

And just like how a husband would have done in such a situation, Manik too did the same. He moved towards Nandini and pulled her by her waist startling both Aadit and Nandini.

Poor Nandini, two shocks at a time is really injurious for health..!!

Manik ( ever sweetly ): Baby, why didn't you say a proper " good bye "..You know right, I need "that" from you whenever you leave me for at least a minute..

Nandini gaped at him with widened eyes while Aadit, was boiling in anger. Why can't he leave his ( Aadit ) crush at least during her working hours..

Aadit faked a cough and Manik looked at him with an annoyed look on his face..

Manik ( firmly ): Yes, Mr..

Aadit ( sarcastic grin ): If you're done with your baby talks, then please leave her..

Manik ( glared ): And, may I know who are you to interfere between me and my wife..

MaNan- Yearning to be lovedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें