Chapter- 34

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Is Truth always digestible..?

Sometimes, truth that gets revealed in font of us could get indigestible too. All the truths that we get to know can not be so pleasant and beautiful to hear while there are some truths which become so joyful to hear.

Sometimes, truth that we get to hear might be something that we're searching for and could get overwhelmed in hearing it.

Malhotras might also feel the same feeling, for now..!!

In Malhotra Mansion

It wasn't a pleasant night for the Malhotras. Why would it be..? When they, actually got to know about their friends being no more..!!

Raman Murthy and Ishita Murthy were no more and that news wasn't so pleasant to hear, in fact, it was sorrowful. They couldn't believe their own ears when they got to know that their friends who used to be like siblings for them is no more.

Its true, tongue is much sharper than a sword which is why, they lost such a pure friendship..!!

Manik: Dad, let it go. You're keeping a lot in your heart for now and Mom, you should stop weeping..

Manik spoke softly while hugging his Mom and by looking at his Dad. Though, he doesn't remember much about their parents' friends, he sure have heard a lot about them. They were kids when this olden relationship was broken. Mukti wasn't even born..

Raj: We were so happy, Manik. It was me who broke our friendship, then how can you expect me to be calm..?

Cabir: Dad, we know its not a good news to hear but then, its past. Uncle Mohnish said that its been years since they left this world. Their younger daughter was just 10, when Raman uncle passed away, who is probably 18 for now. It means, its been 8 years. So, you have to let go off this sorrow.

Nyonika: That doesn't wipe the mistakes away, that we did..

Mukti: Mom, usmein aapki kya galathi hai..? You both were tricked by some Khuranna..

Manik: Exatly, Mom. Haa, ye galath hai ki aap Raman uncle pe chillaya but then, it was unintentional. Everyone knows how possessive Dad is for you, Mom, even Raman uncle would be knowing it. In fact, no husband would be able to see any man having something dirty for his wife..

Cabir: Wahi tho. Ab Manik Bhai ko hi dekhlo na, uski Lilliput ke aas paas, ek male machar ko bhi aane nahi dethe..

Manik glared at him for his pathetic pjs but that didn't stop him from doing so, while others chuckled including Raj and Nyonika which made the kids to smile..

Sometimes, Cabir's pjs too work..!!

Raj: But, I shouldn't have spoken like that with him..

Mukti: Acha Dad, aap ye bathao ki aap sab kaise mile..College mein..?

Raj ( smiled ): Nahi. School mein. We were buddies since childhood. Raman and I had same problems, anger issues, Mohnish was our common friend through whom we both met. While Nyo and Inshu were already friends due to their parents' friendship. Nyo was Dad's friend's daughter too so it wasn't difficult for us to be friends. We 5 met in school and became friends gradually. Vivek, Raman ke chota Bhai joined the next year as he was one year younger to me, Raman and Mohnish, but elder to Nyo and Ishu, he became our baby brother while the girls considered him as another brother but never called him Bhai because they were much mature compared to him. We did our bachelors and masters too in same college. Ek saath business bhi tha, everything was beautiful. But, one fine day, Raman introduced his childhood friend Mohan Khuranna to me and Mohnish. He seemed to be the sweetest person I came across off. We too bonded well. He got included in our business too. Later on, he started to behave oddly. Once, I confronted him and he said something that shocked me to the core..

MaNan- Yearning to be lovedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें