Chapter- 35

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Being a father, is it so easy..?

To hear, its so easy. By looking at a man and child, we can say that the man is the father of the child and how adorable they looked.

But, does it mean its so easy for that man to be a father like how a stranger says while looking at him..?

No, its not..

Giving birth to a child isn't difficult for a man compared to a woman. But, taking care of a child is so different from it. He needs to take care of his child's wishes, he needs to make sure that his child is happy by being with him.

Moreover, he needs to give his love to his baby..!!


He needs to get love from his baby..!!

Having such mixed thoughts just when one gets to know that he's gonna be a father, is a common feeling and so Manik Malhotra was going through the same feeling..

In Malhotra Mansion

" Ma...." someone shouted and entered inside the Mansion which shook the entire place. Nyonika, who was sitting on the couch along with Raj, busy in discussing something got alert..

Nyonika: Manik..

She, whispered in shock. He addresses her "Ma" whenever he's too much angry or too happy.

Raj: Manik...

Raj too whispered in shock, when he saw Manik running towards them with tear stained face. They looked at each other in worry and then at front and it didn't take another second for Manik to bang in Nyonika's chest while hugging her closely.

To some people, being a father isn't a big news. It happens in 80% of people's lives but for Manik, it was always a different feeling. Never he shared with anyone, but he has always admired the way his father takes care of them. Raj was his superhero and being loved by him, he too wanted to be a superhero, for his child once he, himself, becomes a father.

Mukti: Bhai, kya hua..

Mukti and Cabir, who were in their own rooms busy in projects, rushed downstairs after hearing Manik's shout, only to see their brother weeping in their mother's arms making them to run towards him..

Nyonika: Manik..hua kya hai..huh..bolo..

Raj: Manik, tum kya choto bachon ki tarah ro rahe ho..? Your Lilliput isn't here to take your tantrums, Malhotra..

Manik, got out of his mother's warmth while staring at his father with a loving smile which confused others..

Manik: I bet, you would cry more than me, after hearing it out..

He said while clearing his face with his hands..

Cabir: Kya bol rahe ho, Bhai..

He was concerned as well as irritated with his brother's mood swings. First, he was crying and now he was smiling like a lunatic..

Manik: I..I met Lilliput..

He whispered while staring at his family..

Mukti ( shocked ): Aur Bhabi ne aapko rulaya..? Aapko..mathlab..really..?

Cabir ( shocked ): I can't believe it..!!

Manik chuckled and having enough of the drama, Nyonika forced Manik to look at her..

MaNan- Yearning to be lovedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें